Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - another grey day. Today it's 11 deg and 12 forecast for tomorrow!

6.6 with a flat overnight line at 08:30 after a decent night's sleep.

Had a good laugh with our friends yesterday afternoon and when we came out of the pub we walked into a Lantern Parade which was lovely and very Christmassy, so we walked the long way through the town centre to the bus station following them. Apparently it was to celebrate Humphry Davies birthday. It must be something new. There is a similar parade next Thursday to celebrate Montol (Winter Solstice) though whether we'll bother going into town for that I don't know. On that night there are usually fireworks and bands and the "obby oss" and every pub is packed. Lots going on in the area over Xmas, in particular the Mousehole lights - they are fabulous and there's lots of live performances by different choirs. We haven't been for a few years, but might make it this year.

Having a video call this afternoon with a friend who lives close to Bordeaux, so that will be nice. Apart from that I have 2 new pairs of trousers to shorten for J and cook a roast.

@Eternal422 I completely agree with you regarding Christmas cards. We stopped last year. I query the value in exchanging cards with cousins I haven't seen for 62 years (I just took that chore over when Mum passed away) or the couple we met on holiday in Kenya circa 1992. So this year I have emailed our card and received lots of lovely comments in return. It is very amusing! I've only given cards to people I can hand them to.

Lovely photos @eggyg! You two are such star grandparents!

I'm sure someone got a 5.2 this morning, but my memory is shot! So congrats whoever it was!

Happy Sunday.
Good morning all

It's a 5.7 for me today and the sun is shining intermittently through breaks in the heavy cloud.

Had my porridge and I'm now ready for a windy bike ride....
Morning all. A JB fuelled 6.1 this morning. Its freezing out!! The weather said its supposed to be mild. Feeling a bit rough this morning, headache and wheezy. I actually needed my blue inhaler yesterday which i haven't needed for a long while. I'm just hoping whatever it is will clear up next week in time for Christmas.

@eggyg your grandaughters are lovely.

@Bloden i'm very jealous you finish on Tuesday. We have the whole week to work.

@Martin.A the quiche sounds gorgeous.

@Grannylorraine you must love making your cakes to do so many. I hope you get a rest today as well.

@zippyjojo its a good job you don't work in a primary school. At this time of year the glitter comes out.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
08:28 BS 5.6 🙂 Yay! BUT, with DP before breakfast 11:06 BS 8.4 A half 🙂 But, I can’t really do anything about not wanting to eat breakfast right away & prebolusing against DP as I go even higher if I do so, it’s the best I can do & it’s still better than the last few days! 🙄

JUST a little too late, as it turned bang on the nose 12:00 as I started to type, for a morning greeting & have to go Australian: A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Went to bed too early to wait for last night’s Strictly videos on YouTube & just started to watch them this morning. Knew who WOULD win it: ALL down to the public in the final; a popularity contest & whoever’s not been in a dance-off, or in the least number of them, wins! Couldn’t help but, check the BBC website first & it was indeed the case! 🙄 My favourite has been Layton & Nikita throughout the competition except the week that Angela Scanlon & Carlos Gu did The Charleston. Also, of the two exceptionally different Argentine Tangos this year, on two different weeks, I liked Angela Scanlon & Carlos Gu over Layton & Nikita although, I think it’s still better than John & Johannes, the previous all male AT, as they danced it equally as well as opposed to Johannes out-dancing John! 😛 Last year, unusually, I enjoyed The Tangos more than The Argentine Tangos &, normality has resumed, this year I enjoyed the ATs more! 😎😛
Afternoon 6.8 today (@9:30) it’s been another lazy morning for me
but need to get moving do some shopping, clean car & ironing to catch up with this afternoon

TC everybody 😎
Went to bed mid 6s, needed a single JB for a minor trip into the red around 4am and then woke to an 8.0 when the alarm went off. Jabbed Levemir and 9 units of Fiasp and went back to sleep and woke up 75 mins later on 4.5, just in time to have breakfast before I hit the red again. Probably shouldn't fly by the seat of my pants quite so much! 🙄

Had a lovely drive out with the horses yesterday in preparation for our Santa run next Saturday. We hadn't driven them for a couple of months as they are into hunting mode now, but they went really nicely and we did about 10 miles at a steady trot, without them getting hot and sweaty and no flies like in the summer and not too cold for us although we were well wrapped up and it was certainly breezy at times. Quite a few people were out for a winter walk around the country lanes and seemed to enjoy the spectacle of us driving past them, judging by the comments and photos they took. We were going to take them out again today but it is gale force winds and forecast to rain this afternoon as well, so not worth the risk of going out in a storm and certainly no pleasure in it.
Morning all. A JB fuelled 6.1 this morning. Its freezing out!! The weather said its supposed to be mild. Feeling a bit rough this morning, headache and wheezy. I actually needed my blue inhaler yesterday which i haven't needed for a long while. I'm just hoping whatever it is will clear up next week in time for Christmas.

@eggyg your grandaughters are lovely.

@Bloden i'm very jealous you finish on Tuesday. We have the whole week to work.

@Martin.A the quiche sounds gorgeous.

@Grannylorraine you must love making your cakes to do so many. I hope you get a rest today as well.

@zippyjojo its a good job you don't work in a primary school. At this time of year the glitter comes out.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
I do like baking and cake decorating but I wouldn’t want to do it as a job.

one of my granddaughters finishes school on Tuesday lunchtime, older sister who is at secondary school finishes Wednesday lunchtime, daughter who works at a junior school in a different borough finishes end of the day Wednesday, thank fully usual childminder will have the little one Tuesday from lunchtime until daughter picker her up and her mum in law will have her on the Wednesday.
I do like baking and cake decorating but I wouldn’t want to do it as a job.

one of my granddaughters finishes school on Tuesday lunchtime, older sister who is at secondary school finishes Wednesday lunchtime, daughter who works at a junior school in a different borough finishes end of the day Wednesday, thank fully usual childminder will have the little one Tuesday from lunchtime until daughter picker her up and her mum in law will have her on the Wednesday.
My two finish Tuesday lunch too. Luckily mum doesn’t work Tuesdays.
@freesia when do you go back? Ours are back 3rd January.
Thank you. I must admit I love making pastry, but sometimes lfe is too short to worry about making it.

i keep forgetting to comment about you being a fellow West Ham fan.
My wife was pushed for time on Friday so opted for ready rolled pastry for this one, otherwise she would have made her own.

Good to see Hammers bounce back from last week's thumping at Fulham by making the KO stage of the Europa League as Group winners and then seeing off Wolves 3-0 this afternoon.
One Happy Hammer here!
8.5 for me. I am still waiting for my 3 monthly blood glucose test result. It was taken on the 12th Dec so I suppose I'd better give it at least a week.
Doesn't usually take that long. Are you able to check Patient Access? I'd be surprised if it's not there already.
My wife was pushed for time on Friday so opted for ready rolled pastry for this one, otherwise she would have made her own.

Good to see Hammers bounce back from last week's thumping at Fulham by making the KO stage of the Europa League as Group winners and then seeing off Wolves 3-0 this afternoon.
One Happy Hammer here!
Nice to see another happy Hammers fan. My husband is feeling the joy of being a life time fan. He used to live at Upton Park in a block of flats over looking the Boleyn Ground so got to watch them for free.
My two finish Tuesday lunch too. Luckily mum doesn’t work Tuesdays.
@freesia when do you go back? Ours are back 3rd January.
We go back on 8th January which will be nice but it is a rush finishing so late. I'm planning to get up early Saturday morning to get the fresh bits then thats it, i'm not going back out.