Group 7-day waking average?

Pleased to see a 5.7 pop up on the meter this morning, which is also where I was post-prandial yesterday evening. Decided not to duck out of cooking for one by popping up to the local Chef & Brewer and instead opted for my regular Friday salmon steak with celeriac chips and veg.

Final online order arrived yesterday so pleased to have completed my Xmas shopping with over a week to spare. Can relax now and enjoy the countdown.

My wife rolled in just after midnight from her annual "Playground Mums" Xmas get-together. Fortunately the friend that hosts is just down the road, literally a minute's walk. By all accounts everyone enjoyed the evening and the meal (Beef Wellington) was delicious.

Nothing on the cards for today so far other than to catch up on the washing and watch the football, but I expect that'll change once everyone's up.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your Saturday.
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A 5.1 for me today. 🙂

Pleased to see a 5.7 pop up on the meter this morning, which is also where I was post-prandial yesterday evening. Decided not to duck out of cooking for one by popping up to the local Chef & Brewer and instead opted for my regular Friday salmon steak with celeriac chips and veg.

Final online order arrived yesterday so pleased to have completed my Xmas shopping with over a week to spare. Can relax now and enjoy the countdown.

My wife rolled in just after midnight from her annual "Playground Mum's" Xmas get-together. Fortunately the friend that hosts is just down the road, literally a minute's walk. By all accounts everyone enjoyed the evening and the meal (Beef Wellington) was delicious.

Nothing on the cards for today so far other than to catch up on the washing and watch the football, but I expect that'll change once everyone's up.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your Saturday.
We had our lunch at a Chef & Brewer pub, hadn’t been in one for ages, was quite impressed.

i have also almost finished Christmas shopping, just 2 bath fizzes to get as they didn’t have anything suitable for boys in Tesco yesterday. Also as I use a frozen turkey crown, only need all veg and cream for Christmas dinner, then it is only broccolI, carrots and Brussels, as hubby prefers Aunt Bessie roast potatoes to mine and hey ho they make things a bit easier.

Going to do the wrapping while watching Strictly tonight.
Good morning. 5.6

Nasty grey morning but barn looks great after my huge efforts yesterday. All swept out, rubbish burnt, bins cleaned out, fresh hay and shavings brought in and stacked. Even managed to do the laundry and scrub my trainers....

Not quite sure what is happening but my breathing has cleared amazingly - lungs seem up round 90% efficient and wheezing/coughing/sputum producution massively reduced. I keep wondering if that last chest infection, followed by the 2 vaccine injections, has given my immune system a kick up the behind and it has decided to clear up a 6 year old infection? Whatever the reason long may it continue.

@rebrascora Large hugs, hang in there.
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Now how to tame that evening spike without causing a crash in the early hours. Need to get my thinking head on.

Looks like we may have a new rehearsal studio sorted and it's literally down the corridor from the present one. All mod cons a ceiling and unbroken windows. There never was such luxury.

To everyone that is struggling at the moment the short days don't help. We are nearly at the turning point. Hang on in there.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone from my hotel room in London. I didn’t wake up till 09.43 as no dogs demanding my attention. I had such a lovely day with my daughter yesterday. Lots of delicious food, moseying around Peckham seeing her new house, Christmas lights galore and finishing with an extremely touching and uplifting musical written by someone she did drama with at uni and showing in lovely theatre on Tottenham Court Road - Little Big Things. Was going to meet up with @ColinUK but sadly his throat is suffering so an excuse to come down again (as well as two of my children living here!). Only a few messages from hubby not knowing where something is at home - not bad for 24 hours away! Have a good day everyone and sending love to anyone feeling ropey xxx Oh and BG 6.7 🙂


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Morning everyone

Another grey miserable day here but with a happy 5.3 I'm keeping up my waking numbers in the 5s range.

Have a good day all and stay safe.... 🙂
Morning all - just grey, but at least it's not raining!

7.2 this morning, which is a huge relief since BG just kept climbing and climbing yesterday despite multiple corrections, In the end I changed the pod at half past midnight. It had only been on since Thursday morning but patently hadn't been delivering properly since some time on Thurs afternoon. Now have to ring Insulet and undergo the 3rd degree! Grrr... if it was any other manufacturer you'd just change the cannula and not think about it!

Managed to wrap all the presents I've bought so far yesterday afternoon, but am still waiting for some to be delivered. All wrapped in plain brown paper with coloured string and little (reusable) Xmas decorations on them. Also made enough Cottage pie for 6 portions, 2 we ate last night and 2 lots for the freezer. Going into town this afternoon to meet friends as usual on a Saturday. Need to pick up a few bits of shopping on the way. Home for prawn stir fry.

Lovely to read everyone's updates today. Glad @TinaD's lungs have cleared somewhat and @khskel had hopefully found a new rehearsal room. Sorry @ColinUK has lost his voice..... he'll be lost without it!

@zippyjojo what a super picture, love the Xmassy decorations.

@eggyg - ditto the art installation!

Oh look... the sky is clearing.... have a good day all!
3.9 for me this morning.
Good morning - 6.4 at 8:00

Sending you virtual ((((HUGS)))) @rebrascora

Have a great day everyone
01:59 BS 8.3. Forgot to post yesterday & it was about 09:50 ish BS 9.3. So, it’s getting better on the first week of basal reduction! 🙂 I actually woke twice today & the second was a bit higher 11:20 BS 9.3.

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS: I accidentally posted this onto another thread about a survey earlier & only noticed now so, late in posting today made EVEN later! 😳🙄:rofl:😉 I’m losing my marbles in mid life! :D
Good morning today 6.9
OK it’s afternoon now, but I did get up this morning honestly, and was pleasantly surprised with a 69
yesterday evening was work Christmas meal (just a team thing)
it was cert not the place I would’ve chosen, as it was in a busy party bar down in Reading
I enjoyed it apart from not really hearing what was being talked about with the music pumping.
when I’m in noisy environments makes me think I need a hearing test because I don't hear people talk over the music, my wife tells me I don't hear her, but that’s a different story :confused:

In going to the venue I walked way to far, in-fact thanks to google ending me the wrong way, and then me not looking where I was until I had walked to where I thought google was sending me (in totally the wrong direction) it turns out

now today I find I have a blister on my big toe, yesterday was actually the first time I wore shoes
I’ve been living in training shoes due to it feet and ankle, just shows were never to old to be stupid,

I realise the importance of looking after a blister for us, thinking Inmight even refer myself to Diabetic foot clinic, not sure if they do walk-ins (excuse the pun) 🙄

It’s great to see you back on here after a few days AWOL @rebrascora
sending some ((sending care & hugs your way)) and to anyone else struggling
@ColinUK good to see your enjoyed your visit to Krakow,
you will have to go back soon to again sample the sauerkraut and was it cucumber juice
@eggyg love the art installation

HAGW everybody 😎
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@goodybags I was told in my last hearing test, in about 2015 when I was 43 I think, that I no longer have perfect hearing but, it was just normal aging when you don’t hear the lower registers! That’s one of my pet hates now that’s becoming more noticeable as I’m older now, almost a decade later, that soundtracks tend to drown out dialogue on tv shows especially, American shows! 🙄:confused:
Good afternoon everyone! A lovely 5'2. Looks like long lie ins are good for BG 😉

Like @goodybags, I didn't just wake up...but even if I had posted when I actually got up from bed, it would be already afternoon. It was around 12:10. No, I wasn't partying all night or reliving my teenage years, when I was willing and able of sleeping until lunchtime on non-school days. I clocked out from work at 2:45 am after a busy evening of Christmas parties, then walked home and admittedly, I wasted some time on my phone. At least they had the common sense not to schedule me to work breakfast!

Yesterday morning I was off as well and I feel I was quite productive. Did some laundry, prepared mix for meatballs, washed my hair and started writing my Christmas cards. I feel I left it a bit too long, considering I had the cards since November and the stamps since early December. It's less than 10 days until Christmas , which is not terrible but mine are all international cards so the recommended posting date was earlier. Oh well! Didn't want them to get there 10 days early either! Might arrive somewhere between the 25th and New year's Day, which would be a sweet spot 😎

I have 17 cards to send and got 12 done yesterday. Today I've put the address in all the envelopes, just need to write the other 5 cards and stick the stamps in the lot of them. I'm not sure if is worth it dropping them in the postbox or I should wait until Monday, as they probably won't collect them before, but I will feel the task is completed once they are there...
Not talking about anyone on here. But it's funny how nothing is good enough for some people. They'll tell you to lose weight then when you actively do something about it, they will say don't do too much. Which might seem fair enough. To me it's a bit annoying. Which is probably the point. And is why you need to focus. Just a thought.