Group 7-day waking average?

I think it was about 9 this morning did happened to wake at 4am where it was 6.3. dawn phermon tends to kick in but I was still tecinally I. Range so it's okay🙂
Another grey gloomy morning here and a happy 5.1 for me.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Morning all - it was lovely this morning, but there's now a thin cloud cover.

9.8 this morning - without doubt last night's dinner of Chicken Arrabiata with dumplings that I froze last week. Lesson learned, the dumplings had doubled in size and become carby mush! Do not freeze dumplings!

Only 45% in range for the last 24 hours - ironic really as I was able to show excellent TIR at my diabetes review yesterday. The bottom line of the review was "your control is excellent and you won't gain much, if anything, from a HCL. Plus anyway we haven't got the funding, decisions to come down from the CCC presently and then those people with poor control will get it." The nurse did say that if I wanted to self-fund a Dexcom she'd make sure I get the Omnipod 5. I somehow can't see that happening as I don't think I can afford to self-fund.

Well, I started this in the morning, but we took a video call from Julian's brother in Australia and I went downstairs to chat to him. I have left the boys chatting but it's now afternoon!

@ColinUK the complaints procedure sounds like a real farce. So sorry you are having to deal with this. However, good to hear you had a nice time in Krakow.

Best wishes to @Michael12421 for a speedy recovery. Who is looking after Missy?

@eggyg good luck with all that washing

@Lily123 great results!
Hi guys! Apologies for absence and thanks for the concern.
Struggling again both mentally and with BG. Waking readings the last 4 days have been 5.2, 2.9, 11.4 and 6.8 today. The 11.4 was after a Levemir increase of 2u contrary to what the 2.9 the previous night suggested, so it clearly isn't playing ball. I stopped the Amitriptyline because I had 8 nights on the trot averaging 2 hypos a night, despite no evening Levemir for most of those and I wasn't prepared to increase it any further until I knew if the medication was causing the problem. Unfortunately my mental health has slumped since I stopped them so they were clearly having some benefit even if it was placebo effect but I am also dealing with erratic BG levels presumably as a result of stopping, which makes mental health worse. I am also struggling to motivate myself to exercise, which of course also has an impact, so probably going to start them again, but not got enough to see me through the weekend and don't want to stop and start and have to stop again. Need to go through the eConsult to speak to the Dr again and I can't psych myself up to tackle it as it is such a rigmarole.

@Michael12421 Really sorry to hear you have had another very bad hypo soon after the last one and I really hope they fix you up with Libre whilst you are in hospital. Is there someone local who knows her who will look after Missy for you. It is such a worry when you have animals and become ill or injured.
Hi guys! Apologies for absence and thanks for the concern.
Struggling again both mentally and with BG. Waking readings the last 4 days have been 5.2, 2.9, 11.4 and 6.8 today. The 11.4 was after a Levemir increase of 2u contrary to what the 2.9 the previous night suggested, so it clearly isn't playing ball. I stopped the Amitriptyline because I had 8 nights on the trot averaging 2 hypos a night, despite no evening Levemir for most of those and I wasn't prepared to increase it any further until I knew if the medication was causing the problem. Unfortunately my mental health has slumped since I stopped them so they were clearly having some benefit even if it was placebo effect but I am also dealing with erratic BG levels presumably as a result of stopping, which makes mental health worse. I am also struggling to motivate myself to exercise, which of course also has an impact, so probably going to start them again, but not got enough to see me through the weekend and don't want to stop and start and have to stop again. Need to go through the eConsult to speak to the Dr again and I can't psych myself up to tackle it as it is such a rigmarole.

@Michael12421 Really sorry to hear you have had another very bad hypo soon after the last one and I really hope they fix you up with Libre whilst you are in hospital. Is there someone local who knows her who will look after Missy for you. It is such a worry when you have animals and become ill or injured.
It's seems to be a common thing chuck . I'm still trying to get the right dosage Had it spot on for the summer months 1 unit to 10 carbs Not as active now so it is somewhere between 1and a half and sometimes nearly 3 Gonna up my tresiba in the morning and wait and see what happens. It's a seasonal change thing seems to vary the older I get . Hang on in there you will crack it
@rebrascora - sorry to hear you’re struggling. Hope you get your econsult soon to sort it, maybe one of the SSRIs may be a better fit? However I couldn’t tell you if they have an effect on BG or not, when I was on Effexor/Venlafaxine I had not been diagnosed with D, so totally unaware of BG levels back then! I think you’re right in waiting for your GP rather than stopping and starting. Sending you virtual hugs and positive thoughts.
Evening all. i thought i'd posted this morning but obviously not. Anyway it was 6 something i think. Its been a really long, very busy week at work so i'm very glad its Friday and i only have 5 more get ups.

@ColinUK so glad you enjoyed your trip. Looking forward to seeing the photos. The complaint sounds like a nightmare, i hope its sorted soon.

@Grannylorraine i hope your christmas lunch went well and wasn't spoiled by the 3 or 4 people who make your work hard going.

@Lily123 great results, well done!

@Michael12421 i hope you are feeling better and home soon.

@rebrascora sorry to hear you're having a tough time atm. I hope things sort themselves for you soon.

Happy Friday everyone. Its the weekend! Woohoo!!
@freesia - meal went well, turned out only 9 of us turned up, the lady that organised it said she spent most of the morning ringing the pub to change the numbers and cancel meals. I was sat next to one of the people who had left and a couple of the really nice members of the team, so was nice.

@rebrascora - sorry to hear you are struggling with your mental health, having hypos and the erratic waking numbers. I agree exercise helps with mental health but when you feel low it is hard to motivate yourself, I am the same. I take Citalopram but I needed a higher dose when things got really bad for me last year. I am always here if you want to rant or if you want to message me and take my phone number for a chat.
@rebrascora - so sorry you are feeling rubbish again. I've never had to have anti-depressants but I know some dear friends who suffer and it's absolutely awful and very hard to exercise or do anything other than the bare minimum when you feel so down. Sending big hugs. I can't suggest much regarding dosing... though I'd normally suggest a basal test. Hope the GP can help you soon.
Haven't slept in 22 hours. Phantom pain cut in about 10:00pm and instead of ~9.0 being my peak BG it steadily rose! Went to bed about 12:30 but got up about 3:00 having had no sleep. Current BG about 12.5 and pain has varied between bad to severe for six hours despite multiple pain killers. :( Thoroughly pee'd off. New pain management regime to try today but TBH bl**dy dubious!
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Morning all. 5.4 at 5am. Got up after tossing and turning since 4ish. Is it 2024 yet? Bah humbug! 😉

Back feeling quite good this morning, hence why I got up, I didn’t want to tempt providence by lying in and aggravating it.

Yesterday didn’t go as we had planned. The potted tree from the garden is still in the garden, we decided it was a bit “tired” looking, ie bald! So Mr Eggy has made an “art installation” with the baubles and lights! Also, he didn’t feel 100%, which is very unlike him, so the outside lights didn’t get put up. He felt dizzy and nauseous, of course I always think it’s his heart but he assured me his BP and heart rate was all fine, he’s thinking vertigo or labyrinthitis. Hope he fells better today, we’ve three excited little girls arriving this morning.

Seems like there’s a few of you in the wars/ felling meh at the moment.
@Michael12421 oh dear, I hope you get sorted soon. Big hugs.
@rebrascora sorry you’re having a rough time, hope things get better ASAP. Xx
@MikeyBikey it must be awful having so much pain, I hope the new med regime helps a wee bit, at least.
@ColinUK glad you enjoyed Krakow again, but sorry about the farce you’re having to deal with at the moment. Xx
And now the good news, @Lily123 what amazing results, I think I can say on behalf of all of us how proud we are of you.

Have a super Saturday all, I’m having a bit of calm before the storm.

Just taken this photo of the “art installation”. The lights are blue, to match the dining room, of course, and it’s dark! :rofl:


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Good morning everyone

BG 5.6

Not much planned for office to pick up the return Amazon stuff, making Beef stew, carols practice, exercise... that's about it.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all, 5.9 here.
Suddenly realised I’m not at all organised for Christmas. Well, I am, but the mincemeat I made back in October and the cake I made a couple of weeks ago aren’t going to make themselves into mince pies or ice themselves, so, load of pastry made last night, and will spend the morning making mince pies, and almond icing the cake. Might even put a CD of Christmas music on, as whenever I’ve had Classic FM on recently, they seem to be playing the same three carols. I mean, Bryn Terfel singing Stille, Stille is very nice the first couple of times, but after that..
Morning all. 5.3 and a unicorn day yesterday! First in a long time.

Today i am having my hair cut and coloured this morning then i'm going to get all the wrapping gifts and writing cards done. I'd better get moving, my appointment has been changed to 8.45. Catch up with you all later.
Morning folks. 8.6 here. Looks like Dawn’s decided to visit for Xmas. I’d best up my activity levels...that usually sends her packing.

@Michael12421 - poor you, how dreadful. I hope you have a speedy recovery. As Barbara says, once you’re up and running with the Libre you’ll be able to spot those pesky lows before they get serious. (((Gentle hugs)))

Also sending (((hugs))) your way @rebrascora - good for you, being open about your mental health. Keep posting, we’re all here for you.

Well, my new shiny (Dexcom compatible) toy arrived yesterday. It’s massive! I need a new handbag to lug it around. Santa... :D😛

I love the moody-blue @eggyg - ever so sophis!

A very underserved 4.1 today, although I expected the mash from my lunch yesterday to cause a spike, I didn’t test afterwards to find out just how badly as I went straight from the meal to the supermarket, normally I wouldn’t go anywhere near mash, only eat potatoes of any kind occasionally,. I made am M&M cookie bar to take to knit & natter today as it is the last one before Christmas so we are all bringing something along, but just before I went to bed I decided I needed to sample a bit, no idea why, can only think as I hadn’t been hungry after the lunch and had only eaten a handful of peanuts since, the munchies got in the way.

@MikeyBikey - sorry to hear you can’t sleep due to the pain.

@eggyg - love the ar installation, hope mr eggyg feels better soon.