Group 7-day waking average?

good . morning
I am not going to be around for some time. nasty hypo crashed t the floor and broke my right shoulder so going to be in hospital for some time

i Hope you do get a sesonor as it does sound like you need 1
I didn't post my my waking level this morning I think it was around 7 something. I've all of a sudden got worried about something on the back of foot today thinking what's if it's an ucler" herperps o should go to a pharmacist tomorrow and ask" I get worried anything to do with feet now. It was caused by a gp nurse saying last year "uclers very very bad for diabetics".
Morning yawning. 5.6 after a beige buffet last night. I did inject 10 units of insulin, which is more than I inject for fish and chips!

Been awake since 4.30 listening out for Zara who wakes early. I was just dozing off when I heard her nattering to nearly 6 year old Sadie at 6am! Poor Sadie isn’t going to get a much of lie in today. Zara is currently eating chocolate from her advent calendar! o_O Don’t know what time the other two will get up but if it’s not within the hour I’m cracking on with the breakfast without them, I’m starving already.

We had a lovely day yesterday with the girls, they play so well together and Poppy, who is 11, is so good with the younger two. We baked chocolate crispy cakes, had lots of Christmas stories and attempted to watch Chicken Run in readiness for the new one which came onto Netflix on Friday. But too old for Zara I think. Then we had our Christmas party tea at 5.30. Was enjoyed by all, especially the GFC ( Grandma’s Fried Chicken). Watched the Snowman, a family favourite, more stories and bed at 7.30 for the little ones, and I was at last able to watch Strictly, no spoilers, but my favourite from the very beginning won, so I was very happy. Another busy day today no doubt, they want to do craft apparently. 😱 Cue glitter everywhere!

Have a super Sunday all.


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It was 7.4 I think on it's why up now though
Morning folks. :D 7.0 on the dot for me.

Got work and life admin to do today, but it shouldn’t take too long (famous last words!). Cards sent, tick. Presents wrapped, tick. And my Xmas break starts on Tuesday at around 2pm. Got a long list of cleaning jobs to do, groan, but I’ll slap the headphones on and do them to music - forget Kitchen Disco, hello Grubby Grooving...😉😛

@eggyg you’re such a fab nana. 🙂 Craft pics, plz. Can’t wait to see what the girls make!

Everyone gets a second chance @RichardsUsername - well done you for not giving up.
Good morning from Boris and me! An 8.1 but happy as had a decent seven plus hours sleep after being awake with phantom pain till 5:30 am yesterday. Felt like a zombie all day! :(

No plans! Dubious about going downstairs as one lift out-of-order (they are utterly unreliable yet only about four years old) and don't want to be trapped downstairs at the weekend.
5.9 for me on a rather grey Berkshire morning.

My wife made a Stilton, Walnut & Leek Quiche as the veggie option for her Xmas get-together on Friday and she brought home the two portions that were left over, so we had them with a salad yesterday evening. It was delicious, and as I'd never had that before I did a post-prandial. Pleasantly surprised to see 5.8 pop up on the meter, although I guess that apart from the pastry there wasn't much in the way of carbs in there. Can add that to my list of meal options then.

We have a couple of things left on our Xmas shopping list for our two boys so will be heading over to nearby Camberley later, but will be back in time for a football feast on Sky - West Ham (my team) v Wolves and then the jewel in the crown of this weekend's games - Liverpool v Man U.

Lovely pics @eggyg - I bet they're a joy to have around.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your Sunday everyone.
Morning all

4.4 today, for some reason woke up at 5.15 feeling ravenous, checked blood sugar and 4 on the dot, so didn’t bother getting up to have anything. Off for a walk this morning with my friends then a day of putting marzipan and decorating Christmas cakes, only another 12 to go, some are already covered in marzipan. 1/2 the Christmas presents wrapped, but now realised I don’t have enough gift tags, why is it no matter how many packs of gift tags I buy i always run out.

@eggyg - lovely photos, looks like a good time was had, don’t like the sound of being up that early in a Sunday.

@Martin.A - quiche sounds lovely, I always end up with Stilton left after Christmas as only a couple of people eat it, so I think I will give that a try, if you can get the recipe for me, if not don’t worry I’ll google and see how many options I get.

have a lovely Sunday everyon.
@Martin.A - quiche sounds lovely, I always end up with Stilton left after Christmas as only a couple of people eat it, so I think I will give that a try, if you can get the recipe for me, if not don’t worry I’ll google and see how many options I get.
This is the one my wife used:-

A 6.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning all, 6.7 for me today, the last reading on my sensor as it’s sensor change day today.

All this talk of Christmas cards, need to get ours written and posted today. Hate this annual chore as it is starting to really feel a pointless exercise, maybe others feel the same given that there are way less cards in shops now than there used to be.

Visiting our friend who is in a care home today, other than that trying to not spend all our time rushing here there and everywhere!

Have a good Sunday everyone!
Morning everyone. 7.9 on my sensor but 9.2 on with a FP. I had a late night snack bowl which didn't do anything while I was still awake but obviously came back to haunt me while I was asleep. Must try to have the snack bowl without the crisps - old habits die hard. Left London a couple of hours early but because of a missed connection only back in Penrith 1 hour earlier, but glad I did it as needed to go food shopping on way home. Really enjoyed my little (very) mini break and nice to know I can do it so easily and not completely lose touch with the children! Luckily they love coming up here but it is a slog - they're all coming home for Christmas, one with wife (!) and one with boyfriend so that will be lovely. Very windy up here last night and today. We've got brother-in-law and family coming this evening for their Christmas visit with their two dogs - hope Wilbur behaves as he can be funny with other dogs and even though he's met them before, not in his new home and it's a shame they're arriving in the dark as it's better to re-introduce them out on a walk. Oh well - that can be my husband's department while I cook! @eggyg my blood ran cold at the thought of all that glitter - I even get anxious when I open a Christmas card and can see the tell-tale sign of glitter on the card inside. @Grannylorraine I'm taking our Christmas cake (that my son made in early October and I've been feeding) over to my Mum's today for her to ice - I can't believe how many you do! @Martin.A that quiche does sound yummy - thanks for the recipe. Have a great day everyone xxx


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Good morning - 8.3

Off to the church today for my schools Christmas service - should be quite good.

Have a great day everyone
my blood ran cold at the thought of all that glitter
I’m actually allergic to glitter. It took a while to realise this. I never buy glittery cards anymore as I found after the writing them out session, my face would itch, go bright red and my lips would tingle like mad. Mr Eggy will be supervising them today. I’ve been ordered to rest as my back isn’t good today after being on the go for nigh on 15 hours yesterday. I’m happy to oblige. 😉