Group 7-day waking average?

Thinking of declaring an "I really can't be bu£g"r%d week" over Christmas. Trial mince peis with cognac in oven. I'll report in the morning...

Had a lovely day catching up with seaside mates - barely made it back to the animals before loud complaints. A lot of laughter but also quite a bit of concern that your Grandkids face an uncertain future. I recall the Cuban missile crisis when I was 16 - prayers in church and a lot of stress. We do not as a species seem to have learned much in 60 years.

Tesco was hosting the Guide Dogs Appeal - slipped the very well behaved GSD a gravey bone as I chucked in my change. A lovely dog - but if I lost my sight I am not sure I would trust Wolf to lead me anywhere except a nice bitch, a bowl of food,or a cat.

Hope everyone has had a good day.
Thinking of declaring an "I really can't be bu£g"r%d week" over Christmas. Trial mince peis with cognac in oven. I'll report in the morning...

Had a lovely day catching up with seaside mates - barely made it back to the animals before loud complaints. A lot of laughter but also quite a bit of concern that your Grandkids face an uncertain future. I recall the Cuban missile crisis when I was 16 - prayers in church and a lot of stress. We do not as a species seem to have learned much in 60 years.

Tesco was hosting the Guide Dogs Appeal - slipped the very well behaved GSD a gravey bone as I chucked in my change. A lovely dog - but if I lost my sight I am not sure I would trust Wolf to lead me anywhere except a nice bitch, a bowl of food,or a cat.

Hope everyone has had a good day.
Guide dogs are amazing, we had a student who was partially sighted and brought her guide dog into the lab.
Writing Christmas cards I realised my ex sister in law lives in your neck of the woods in Taliaris.
For me Christmas cards were not a tradition growing up. I've done it just twice since living in England: Xmas 2021 and this one. For me it was a festive activity and a way to give a little surprise to friends and family, rather than a chore. I don't plan on doing the whole list every year though, I spent almost £40 😱! Don't think I'm here buying the fanciest cards. I sent 17 of them and the stamps were 2,20 a piece. Now that I think about it, for a bit more money I could get a Ryanair ticket and deliver those cards myself...:rofl:

I do like sending cards but probably from now on will be just the grandparents, my parents and one particular aunt who also writes them and it seems important for her.

PS: I like the video with your virtual card @Pattidevans 🙂
Gosh, I’m first up. A nice round 6 on this very mild ( 12c) morning. No where to go and no one to see today, yet here I am. :(

Glad when they kids were picked up yesterday at 4pm. It’s been lovely having them but it’s even lovelier when they go home. We were absolutely shattered. Luckily, no craft was done they were too busy just playing together. So I avoided the glitter cloud, no tingly lips or itchy faces. Phew!
Today is going to be a wee bit more subdued. I’m going to wrap the presents and watch crap on the telly. Bliss. I may have a festive Diet Coke and some chocolate at the same time. TBF I have that everyday of the year!

I’ll take some time out for some reflection today as it’s 16 years to the day that my life changed for ever. It’s the day I had my operation. There, I’ve reflected, back to the present day.😉

Have a Happy Monday y’all. Seven more sleeps.
Good morning - 6.3

Have a great day everyone
Good morning 7.1 today
I'm working through until Friday (not that I think this week will be a productive week)
happy Monday everybody 😎
Good morning from Boris and me! Strange one today. Woke at 9 2 but now 7.8 and still in bed - Foot Off Floor maybe?

Today - need to chase Wheelchair Services again. Last week they.had no standard 26" tyres and inner tubes in stock. This ongoing saga with a slow puncture is getting beyond annoying! When they come with the parts it will be the third visit. It's also dangerous as the brake ceases working! Also have an issue of supermarket delivery (planned in October) clashes with new Foot Clinic appointment. Have to go to Foot Clinic as had no podiatry last week and none planned till 29th. Supermarket say no other slots and not cancellable!
Morning all, 4.7 here, even with reduced basal last night. A combo of a glass of wine with evening meal, and a stint of pruning yesterday afternoon.
Off to the surgery for stage one of my annual review later. Blood tests, toe tickling, BP, weigh and measure, and all those tedious questions about alcohol and smoking that I answer the same every year. Then I'll get an appointment some time after Christmas with the nurse to discuss the results,

5.1 today after a really low carb day yesterday, I managed to get 4 Christmas cakes iced and decorated yesterday, and another 6 covered in marzipan so hoping to gat at least 5 of them iced and decorated today. I had got 3 decorated on Saturday and one had already been delivered for my mums Christmas party last week, 2 to marzipan today as well. Thankfully 3 of the cakes will be given on Christmas Day, 1 when I see my friend for a walk Christmas eve and 1 for a friend I am seeing between Christmas and New Year, so still have time on those ones.

Thought I had wrapped up all the presents, but suddenly remembered some chocolates that I had put in the Christmas treat box, so just 1 present still to wrap and the grandkids Christmas Eve boxes to fill which will only take minutes.

Other than the doing cakes and finishing wrapping I will be running today s although still slightly tight, a big improvement in my chest.
Morning All. 7.3 for me this morning. I made macaroni & cauliflower cheese last night which we had with a Cumberland sausage twirl each & veg and was expecting my BG to shoot up, but weirdly it didn't, not even through the night, and I had a huge portion. Is macaroni different to other pasta? The carb value on the label was enormous (70g per 100g). My hubby's brother, wife and two of their children (14 & 16) arrived last night and our dogs got on really well. Wilbur is a bit unpredictable but actually with every single dog that has been here since we moved in he's been brilliant and just really easy-going - maybe it's just out on walks when he's on a lead (which he always is as can get from 0-60 in 3 seconds). So that was a huge relief. These two are boys and the others have all been girls so that was my worry. The Herdys (Herdwick Sheep) arrived back yesterday for the winter - they live in Thirlmere but come over here for winter grazing and so our garden is surrounded by 265 of them. They're gorgeous but we need to keep a check on the dogs not getting two interested over the wall - we have a LOT of sheep fencing in place. I hope you all have a lovely day - I've somehow got to escape to go shopping even though we have visitors. My brain can only seem to handle shopping two days in advance at the moment, but I suppose I had got back from London and went straight from the station. @Pattidevans I absolutely LOVED your card!! @eggyg take it easy and actually have a day of rest @MikeyBikey hope you get your appointment and delivery sorted @Grannylorraine you deserve a rest too after all those cakes!
A 6.1 for me today. 🙂

Good morning everyone,

BG 5.1

It's been a busy morning already...

Been to the church and fixed a problem with the sound desk at 8am. Been to M&S to get some stuff. Started serious practice in my head (it actually kept me awake last night, however I got up, had a couple of slices of home made bread, a cup of coffee and slept soundly a while later) was a 'silent night' after that.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
It was 9.9 this morning
Morning all. Same same weather - grey, but it's mild.

4.6 first thing. Risen to 5.7 now (an hour and a half later).

Only got one pair of trousers shortened yesterday, so the 2nd pair to do today. A couple of pressies to wrap - hopefully some stuff that I ordered online will turn up before Xmas. Then a fun afternoon having a steroid injection in the arthritic knee. Not looking forward to that.

@MikeyBikey so sorry to hear about your predicament. Are there no other slots available before Xmas. Or is there a friend/neighbour who could do some shopping for you? I would if you were anywhere nearby. Otherwise is there a local Facebook site where you could ask for help?

Have a good day all!