Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning.- 6.0

I did rather well on my mocks. English lit low C. Spanish,Maths and RS high C. English lang,Computer Science,Biology and Chemistry B. Physics A. History A*.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning 6.1 today

At work Christmas meal tonight (down in Reading)
we’ve met down there for last few years
as it’s supposedly convenient for everyone in the team

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 7.2. Got up at silly o’clock to catch 05.59 to London only to find it was delayed until 06.52 so I made the most of the time by redecorating one of the Christmas trees that Mark had put the wrong baubles on (and missed off a set of lights). Dogs a bit confused and back in their beds now. I’m now safely on the train and I’ve done the £25 upgrade so feeling very posh. Have a great day everyone. Oh and last night I did a yoga deep relaxation evening and spent two blissful hours cocooned in a hammock suspended from the ceiling at the yoga barn - highly recommend.


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I’m home!

Krakow was fun and my mind is already turning to planning the next visit!

Didn’t really check bloods at all whilst I was away but given I was walking 16-20k steps a day and eating quite sensibly I’m assuming they were fine.

Not read all the posts I’ve missed so congrats to those with HS’s and hugs for all those who’ve had a tough time for whatever reason.

Therapy this morning as usual but it’s the final one before a three month hiatus (one session in March next year then another three months until we pick up the baton and get back to weekly sessions) so it’ll be interesting.

Seeing the folks this evening and spending most of the afternoon writing emails to the police complaints team about how they’ve now created a situation where the complaint they’ve had since August and still haven’t started to investigate; the complaint files that apparently haven’t been “mislaid” as I described them but rather “are not, as you state, mislead but simply cannot be found where they would be saved or that there is no trace of in the system” as the police stated yesterday; and their clear annoyance that I feel entitled to chip in with emails describing my frustration (they asked for a single point of contact and suggested that they would only correspond with one person going forward; ALL needs to be added to the complaint.
So now the complaint is going to include a complaint about the complaint team handling the complaint where I’ve complained about the conduct of the same complaint team.

Anyway… Lufthansa got me and my luggage to and from Kraków with relative ease, delays both ways notwithstanding. Hotel was great. Seeing Max again was lovely. Meeting new people was fun and I’m thinking I’m head back again in spring. I also want to plan a multi centre touring holiday that goes from Gdańsk in the north and wends south via seats forests and Warsaw down to Kraków. It might need to be split into two but it’s a plan.

Taken lots of photos even though the snow melted. I’ll go through them, crop and edit etc as necessary and then post some in here. @Gwynn there’s even a few pictures of a massive organ for you!

Catch you all later!

Oh and 6.0
Morning all, 5.9 here.
Daughter and I were hugely disappointed in the Oxford Christmas market yesterday. We can’t say we weren’t warned, just as I was having breakfast yesterday I was reading an article about it on the BBC local news page. It’s under new management because the previous organiser pulled out when they were told they wouldn’t be allowed the traditional wooden chalets or a Christmas tree, because it would impinge on the new cycle route, so it was all under gazebos, and it wasn’t Christmassy at all, more like a farmers market but without the veg. I’m sure there’d have been room for the cycle lane, Broad street is very, well, broad!
So we repaired to the Ashmolean for coffee and a wander round some of the art that we haven't looked at for ages. Oh, and I have officially turned into an Old Person, we went to the shops after, and I bought a pair of slippers and a baggy cardigan. At least they weren’t beige.
Morning all, 5.9 here.
Daughter and I were hugely disappointed in the Oxford Christmas market yesterday. We can’t say we weren’t warned, just as I was having breakfast yesterday I was reading an article about it on the BBC local news page. It’s under new management because the previous organiser pulled out when they were told they wouldn’t be allowed the traditional wooden chalets or a Christmas tree, because it would impinge on the new cycle route, so it was all under gazebos, and it wasn’t Christmassy at all, more like a farmers market but without the veg. I’m sure there’d have been room for the cycle lane, Broad street is very, well, broad!
So we repaired to the Ashmolean for coffee and a wander round some of the art that we haven't looked at for ages. Oh, and I have officially turned into an Old Person, we went to the shops after, and I bought a pair of slippers and a baggy cardigan. At least they weren’t beige.
How ridiculous! I can imagine your disappointment. The Christmas market in Broad Street always looked and felt lovely - very in keeping. I used to be a Marshall on the Santa’s run for Helen & Douglas House starting from there - nice to be kept in touch with Oxford via you 🙂
So now the complaint is going to include a complaint about the complaint team handling the complaint where I’ve complained about the conduct of the same complaint team.
Oh no! If it wasn’t so annoying, frustrating and upsetting it would be funny. This sounds like something out of Orwell’s 1984!
5.6 this morning (but please don’t ask me about the high amount of carbs and insulin needed for this).

My wife is off today so that means I can use the car at lunchtime to collect my meds from the pharmacy - let’s hope they have everything, after placing my order I saw the GP had rejected the 20mg Atorvastatin (but had approved the 10mg - odd as I take 30md per day so need both the 10mg and 20mg tablets!). After calling the Clinical Pharmacist at the surgery, she assured me it was ok and the two tablets were on my repeat order. Let’s see.

@ColinUK - glad you enjoyed Krakow, looking forward to seeing the pictures.

@Gwynn - glad your arm and yourself are feeling better now after the vaccination effects.

Have a good day everyone!
Still stuck in the damned 6s with a 6.3 this morning. Congratulations @Barrowman on your HS yesterday. What I'd give for one of those. At least my weekly BP check is OK at 98/71.

Highlight of the day is a trip to the recycling centre to get rid of our stack of cardboard boxes that have been arriving daily for the past couple of weeks, with four us placing orders online for Xmas pressies, and some of the debris from when we had our downstairs cloakroom done. Also Big Shop day.

On me tod this evening as my wife has her annual Xmas get-together with the group she calls the Playground Mums, as they all met and became friends when our kids and theirs were at the same primary school. Our eldest is at his girlfriend's in London and our youngest has a shift at Sainsbury's. What to do for tea? Tempted to pop up to our local Chef & Brewer rather than cook for one. They do a mean Smothered Chicken (aka Hunter's Chicken, my favourite chicken recipe). I'll have a think about it.

@Pattidevans & @Grannylorraine - Barbara has been active on other threads, just not posting here

Well done @Lily123 on your mock results.

Have a good Poets' Day all.
🙂 Morning all.😛 7.4 here, but no low alarm at 3am, so happy with that.

House admin today. Not anyone’s favourite, but I’m focusing on how I’ll feel afterwards... temporarily free of house admin! :D

Well done @Lily123 on the great results. :D
Oh @Michael12421 sorry to hear that. Get better soon.
Another 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

Lovely to hear a little about your trip @ColinUK the complaint complaining about the complaints sounds exhausting! (((hugs)))

A 5.5 for me today.

4.5 today after an awful day at work yesterday, but that is behind me now, I am off work now u til next Wednesday, then 3 days work then off u til Jan. Got my work Christmas lunch today which I was really looking forward to until yesterday, but decided I will still go as some people who no longer work with us will be there and out of 20 people it is only 3 or 4 who make my work difficult, so I will just be civil with them and hope I am not sat next to any of them. Chest seems tighter today, but hoping it clears.

@ColinUK - pleased you had a lovely break, your plans for the spring sound wonderful,sorry that you are having to do a complaint about how your complaint is being handled.

@Michael12421 - so sorry to hear you are in hospital, wishing you a speedy recovery.

@Lily123 - well done on your mock results.

@Barrowman - congratulations on your HS yesterday.

@eggyg - good luck with all the washing

@Robin - that is very disappointing about the Christmas market, my friend had a stall at one near us and said it wasn’t really a Christmas market, more of a general market with a band playing Christmas songs, not at all how it had been previously.
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Oh no! If it wasn’t so annoying, frustrating and upsetting it would be funny. This sounds like something out of Orwell’s 1984!
I have to laugh about it in all of its Kafkaesque magnificence!
Good morning. 5.4 - nice to be back in the 5s.

Broken cloud, dry with still air here. Barn tidying and animal feed collection today. Not buying any presents for the animals - seems a daft idea to me - but will drop into the stable at midnight on Christmas Eve to see if Peachy wants a chat. I fear it is a myth that the animals can talk then in memory of Christ being born in the stable as after 77 years I have yet to observe it. Perhaps my animals are natural Trappists?

@Michael12421 Hope you soon heal up.

Have a happy Friday everyone.