Group 7-day waking average?

@Robin Thanks. The doctor was insistent that increasing levothyroxine would lower TSH levels further.

I will look into it further.

I did scour the internet but could not find a definitive clear answer
Gwynn, both Robin and your doctor are absolutely correct! Levothyroxine is artificial thyroid hormone, given to you because your thyroid hormone level was low. TSH is a thyroid stimulating hormone that is produced by the Hypothalamus gland at the base of the brain and it's function is to stimulate your thyroid gland to produce more of the thyroid hormone when it detects that you need more of it. If your TSH is low then it indicates that you have sufficient thyroid hormone in your body and therefore do not need more. Ergo you do not need to increase your levels of thyroid hormone i.e. Levothyroxine.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism are generally tiredness, a tendency to gain weight etc. Conversely having too much thyroid hormone (Hyperthyroidism) can be equally dangerous (see the NHS website) which is why your Doctor is reluctant to give you more Levothyroxine.
Morning all - another mixed day, who knows what will ensue? Rain? Sunshine? Raving gales?

5.5 this morning with a flat line - Perfect! Just where I like to be!

Last night's dinner could have been a total disaster as it was leftovers fried up all together - some mixed grain rice, 3 small roasties sliced and fried with the carrots, some fennel left from Sunday and half a courgette diced up, along with several thin slices of roast pork. It added up to quite a plate full each. I didn't indulge in the leftover lemon pud, but perhaps tonight!

Still on the subject of food and thinking of the earlier conversation here... when did Turkey become de riguer for Christmas? It certainly was not traditional when I was a child. A chicken was luxurious then, but we more often had roast pork (mind you, that might have been due to grandfather and an uncle who both kept pigs). I gave up on both Duck and Goose due to lack of meat on them and a disgustingly greasy oven after the goose. We like to have a roast fillet of beef with a port and roquefort sauce (an ancient Good Housekeeping recipe) or this year we will have a haunch of Venison, boned and rolled.

Just got a phone call from the Diabetes clinic offering me a consultant appointment tomorrow afternoon. I snatched it as it's only 3 months overdue. At this rate I'll never get the Xmas cards done!

@Elenka_HM I'm not that keen on carveries as the veg are always overdone, but hope you enjoyed it.

@Paul Gibbins congratulations on your HS.

Have a good one all!
Afternoon all

It was a 4.9 for me on waking on this another dull, drab, dismal and depressing day.

Have a good rest of the day everyone.
We like to have a roast fillet of beef
We bought this on our way home from Coniston last week. It’s from a fabulous butchers in Ambleside. We’ve cut some fillets off for us and saved a decent bit for our New Years Day buffet. They’re not getting it all it, it cost £98! 😱


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We bought this on our way home from Coniston last week. It’s from a fabulous butchers in Ambleside. We’ve cut some fillets off for us and saved a decent bit for our New Years Day buffet. They’re not getting it all it, it cost £98! 😱
That looks beautiful Elaine. Gosh! £98!!! I think the last one we got, about 3 christmases ago was about £40, but it wasn't a whole fillet. Morrisons used to do a Picanha roast that was as tender as fillet and cost a fraction of the price, but I've not seen any in store for months now.
That looks beautiful Elaine. Gosh! £98!!! I think the last one we got, about 3 christmases ago was about £40, but it wasn't a whole fillet. Morrisons used to do a Picanha roast that was as tender as fillet and cost a fraction of the price, but I've not seen any in store for months now.
M&S do picanha individual steaks, very tasty and very reasonably priced too but never saw any roasts. Ours is almost 2kgs, the way we looked at it if we had a fillet steak in a restaurant it would cost about £35/40 each. We got eight fillets out of it and a piece to roast, it was still a shock when he said the price though! Mr Eggy visibly flinched!
The Picanha roasts used to fly off the shelf, so I don't know why they aren't doing them any more, they came complete with two pats of garlic butter in the pack. My mouth is watering at the thought of your fillet!
Morning all - ashamed to report 11.3 this morning. I fell asleep on the sofa last night and when I woke up at 12.50am for some reason I scoffed two border biscuits and three digestives 😱 Maybe I thought I was dreaming. Anyway - today is a new day. Hubby back yesterday and had the journey from hell once he arrived back in the UK.Nearly missed his connection at Heathrow due to medical emergency on his plane and then once he got to Edinburgh and to the station there were no trains going south due to a broken down train somewhere on the line. So he hopped on a train to Newcastle and then went cross country to Carlisle. I drove up and picked him up from Wetheral @eggyg what a sweet little station that is! He was suitably impressed by my Christmas trees, mind you, I was going on about them so much that it was more than his life was worth not to be. Last day of my course today before Christmas so we're making Christmas wreaths and all having lunch in the Castle cafe together. I'm sort of class rep so I've arranged it all and hope I've got everyone's pre-orders right. @eggyg I loved your reference to your works Christmas do:rofl: and read that Zara would be going under the tree today and be staying under there until she was joined by her two youngest cousins on Saturday! Have a great day everyone and I will endeavour to stay away from the biscuits ...
Used to stay at the Crown in Wetheral and is a lovely spot.Remember one very poignant night when I went for a walk near the church and came across a relative of a Female Soldier who had been killed in Afghanistan such a contrast between the tranquility of the church in Cumbria and Helmand.So sad when life is taken far too early and in such circumstance.I remembered the pictures of her getting married and she had so much to live for.RIP
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Good morning everyone

Well, the shingles second jab has made me feel quite ill and my arm still hurts a lot. The first jab was easy compared with this. I hope it passes quickly.

BG up (for me) at 5.6 no surprise there

Today I have to think about making beef stew but right now I don't feel like it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

Incidentally, I am curious what temperature do you set your central heating to?
Good morning - 9.7

Mock results day today 😱

Have a great day everyone
Morning 7.4.

Hope the results are good @Lily123

Have a good day all
Morning all. 6.7 today and I’ve just finished my Christmas shopping from the comfort of my own sofa. I’m very relieved. Now to wrap the blooming things, ugh!

I had my first day in four weeks without painkillers yesterday. I had the odd twinge and I still feel very stiff but nothing worth taking paracetamol for. Happy with that. Hair cut this morning, the last of the year. That sounds scary. Then the British Gas engineer anytime from 12-6 to service the boiler. I’ll leave Mr Eggy to wait for him/her, I’m going for the big shop! :(

@Gwynn we have ours set on 19, but I have been known to give it a boost to 21 on occasion!
@Lily123 good luck, not that you’ll need it, I’m sure you’ll have smashed them.

Have a great day folks.
Morning all. 10.6! Last nights later dinner with a creamy pasta sauce maybe?

@Gwynn on cold nights we keep the heating at 17°, when i get home from work its turned up to about 18° . It depends on how cold it gets whether it goes higher and what to.

@Lily123 good luck with your results.
Good morning 6.0 today

on Tuesday I fInally got the results from my recent blood test,
my HbA1c certainly had risen as although she wasn’t qualified to read it the receptionist who I spoke to at my surgery said she could and it was 72 🙄 I’ve already made some changes to what I’m eating and so, will see what the diabetic consultant (at hospital) thinks when I finally get to speak to him.

I’m getting some phsio first thing today, seeing a different physiotherapist first thing (ankle exercises)

whilst I know my HbA1c needs to come back down to a number beginning with a 5 not certainly not a 7
To be hones with myself, I’m not surprised with the rise in my HbA1c really, I know I was eating to much of non healthy food (since I took time off work) and have certainly put on weight in last 6 months (over 10KG)

a few changes to my diet and I’ve already started loosing a bit of weight (just stepped on scales was 99.9)

Have a great day everyone 😎
Morning all, 6.1 here, took my basal down a notch overnight. Braving Oxford with my daughter today, (she’s got annual leave to use up before the end of the year, but has to be in the office between Christmas and New Year to deal with stuff) we thought we’d have a look at the Christmas Market, go and see something in the Ashmolean, then end up in Primark.
Morning all. 🙂 8.7 here. Too many Glucotabs at 3am, easily done.

We’re rooting for you @goodybags - don’t be too hard on yourself, you have been laid up with your ankle op. Onwards and downwards, as we say. 🙂

Good luck today @Lily123 - let us know how you got on (no pressure 😉).

Well, my follow-up GP appointment yesterday was a waste of time. In summary, the NHS is skint so they won’t / can’t take things further. Computer says no...:confused:😳

In good news, my new phone is lime green and will ‘only’ cost £10 more every month. Now to write a letter to Santa asking for the Dexcom starter kit for Xmas - I’ve been a very good girl!

4.2 and last day of work until next Wednesday. Chest is feeling a bit better today.

@Lily123 - hope you get the results you hoped for..

@goodybags - you will get it down again, mine went up considerably at last review, but again I know why. Sounds like you have already made a start with improving your diet.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear you are still feeling pants, re heating as we don’t have central heating, we try to keep the living room at 18 deg, if it goes below we put the fire on, we do have all our storage type heaters on downstairs, and they can be turned up if necessary, upstairs we only have the one on the landing on plus the heater towel rail in the bathroom.
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5.7 this morning for me.

@Lily123 - hope your mock results are good!

@goodybags - sorry to hear you are struggling, sounds totally understandable given your ankle problems earlier this year and being laid up for a while. At least you have knowledge of what to do and have done it before, plus you have all of our support on here! Don’t be hard on yourself, I’m sure you’ll get the HbA1c down in no time!

@Gwynn - I tend to set it to around 18, but never really understood why the thermostat is in the hall, as by the time that reaches 18 the lounge is much warmer and we end up manually turning the heating off! Luckily we are in a new build house which is only 5 years old and extremely well insulated, so once it reaches 18 it will stay that way for the rest of the evening.

@Grannylorraine and @eggyg - glad you’re both feeling a bit better today!

Take care everyone!