Group 7-day waking average?

Morning All. 7.6 here for me this morning. I ate very late last night as had my Christmassy netball which was great fun but I managed to pull my bloomin muscle again. My 57 year old body clearly doesn't like suddenly bending down to pick up a ball. Anyway I carried on in walking mode and we did some fun shooting drills which I managed to take part in. We all sat and chatted afterwards until the sports centre chucked us out. Someone had made mince pies which looked delicious and mulled apple & pear drink but I just sat and drank my water. One of the other players is diabetic and I noticed she had a sensor on too. Got home and hubby had decorated both trees - but rather like some previously mentioned grandchildren I'll be slightly re-doing it later - bless him. I'm off to London tomorrow on a train at silly o'clock, spending the day with my daughter including going to a show tomorrow evening and then coming back up here on Saturday afternoon - very exciting. Then got brother & sister in law and two of theirs coming to stay on Sunday for a few nights - haven't even thought about what food I'll do but I think I'll go out Sunday and work that out as they're not here until the evening - all you culinary wizards (@Pattidevans & @eggyg with your meticulous pre-planning put me to shame!). Oh nearly forgot - I made Brussel sprout & carrot soup two days ago which I've just put in pouches and put in the freezer. The jury's out on whether it tastes nice or not - it's a bit thick! Have a great day everyone x
Good morning everyone

Well, the shingles second jab has made me feel quite ill and my arm still hurts a lot. The first jab was easy compared with this. I hope it passes quickly.

BG up (for me) at 5.6 no surprise there

Today I have to think about making beef stew but right now I don't feel like it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

Incidentally, I am curious what temperature do you set your central heating to?
I only remember having 1 shingles jab. I thought it was a one off.
We have our thermostat set at 20 but it rather depends on where you have it located as to what the temperature needs to be and the layout of your house.
5.5 for me today. 🙂
@Gwynn we find 19°C to be comfortable.

Good morning. 6.1

Finished the food shopping list yesterday evening after buying the pantry stuff - 3 days of lunches for 5. Ordered 2 ducks to make sure enough to go round. Is it unlucky to have "forgotten" to add sprouts? Planted the root balled tree with the assitance of neighbour Mark - too heavy to lift! Did a quick Charity shop run around the kids books - might keep Rowan from under my feet for 5 minutes on the day.

Yesterday BBC said no rain (right) - Met office said deluge at 11 (wrong). The diagreements drive me nuts - surely they are working frm similar data.

Pottering down to local antique shop today as they are having a closing down sale.

Have a good day all.
6.0 again, for the third day in a row, on a rather cold and grey Berkshire morning. @Paul Gibbins well done - wish I was back in the 5s again, too.

My wife's niece never made it for dinner with us last night. She left home at 06:30 yesterday morning, joined the M1 southbound at J12, came to standstill between J11 and J10 and still hadn't moved 2 hours later. There was a serious accident on that stretch and the Police had closed the motorway. As soon as she could get off she aborted her trip, including her work-related meeting in Reading, and went back home. She missed out on a lovely Shepherd's Pie and my post-prandial was 6.2, so looks like I can add that to my meal options.

I'll chuck in my two-penneth about heating - our thermostat is set at 19.5 degrees. We had the thermostat in our lounge deactivated when we had our extension built and got a wireless one instead, so we can place it anywhere we like. It usually sits in our kitchen. We have the timer set for 06:30 - 22:30.

Swim later and need to pick up some things in town while I'm there, and maybe have lunch in our favourite (non-chain) cafe if I still have enough of my 2 hours free parking left.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning everyone

A very happy 5.2 for me on another dismal morning with more rain in the forecast for today - will it ever end?

Have a good day all..... 🙂
Morning all... nothing new weather-wise!

5.7 this morning and a Unicorn! Had venison stew last night that had parsnips in it, but no potatoes and did eat a portion of left-over lemon pudding. So I'm more than happy with that.

Had a phone call from the Diabetes Centre at the County Hospital yesterday afternoon offering me an appointment with the Consultant at 3pm this afternoon for my "annual review" which was actually due at the beginning of October, so as I didn't have anything on the calendar I took it gratefully. Hoping the road-works aren't too bad round the hospital, but will leave in plenty of time. Will do the last bits of Christmas shopping afterwards on our way home at the retail park which includes an M&S.

We've never changed the factory settings on our thermostat, which varies the temperature during the day, but in the evenings it's set at 19degrees. I do know that we rarely hear the boiler kick in as the house is only 6 years old and very very well insulated despite being completely open plan downstairs. Mind you, I feel the cold but J doesn't. He'll be sitting there in a short sleeve polo shirt, whilst I'll have a throw round my shoulders.

Congratulations to @Barrowman on your HS.

@zippyjojo not sure about brussels and carrot soup. Mixing green veg with carrots usually makes a rather unappetising colour soup. I did have a recipe for brussels sprout soup that used a tin of consomme and that was nice. If it's too thick just let it down with a drop of stock or water.

Am I imagining it, or has @rebrascora gone a bit AWOL over the last few days?

Have a good day all.
Forgot to post this earlier! 😳 My memory these days! 🙄 :rofl:😉

08:28 BS 15.1 Oh dear! Hang My Head Down In Shame emoji! Maybe WHY I forgot to post this earlier: a bit of a “ Freudian Slip”? 🙄:rofl:😉😉 :rofl:😛:D

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Obviously got last night’s dinner bolus wrong: had a lightish, I thought, beef & vegetable soup which I thickened with a whole bag of tesco frozen mash, missing my usual frozen chopped potatoes in this week’s shopping, & gave it my usual reduced for soup dinner bolus of 40; the mashed potato effect I know about NOW was a lovely creamy thickish soup that’s rather nice but, need to allow for next time? 😛:confused:

I wasn’t feeling peckish, as usual so, kept scanning & as it was going down slowly I left it until breakfast. A very late breakfast as I was surprisingly full for quite a while after waking, 11:12 BS 12.1 & gave it 48 instead of 44 NR. Just put in my tresiba & remembered to post.

I was just thinking, & worked it out, that in these last 6 coming up to 7 months I’ve reduced my basal from 88 to 60 tresiba while my NR, apart from the initial couple of weeks, has stayed pretty much the same: WOW!!!; that’s a reduction of 28 units of basal! Polishing My Halo emoji! :rofl:😉 QUICK! Someone give me a bucket of ice water to douse my quickly swelling, in pride, head! Nudge, Nudge, 😉😉 :rofl:😛:D
Morning All. 7.6 here for me this morning. I ate very late last night as had my Christmassy netball which was great fun but I managed to pull my bloomin muscle again. My 57 year old body clearly doesn't like suddenly bending down to pick up a ball. Anyway I carried on in walking mode and we did some fun shooting drills which I managed to take part in. We all sat and chatted afterwards until the sports centre chucked us out. Someone had made mince pies which looked delicious and mulled apple & pear drink but I just sat and drank my water. One of the other players is diabetic and I noticed she had a sensor on too. Got home and hubby had decorated both trees - but rather like some previously mentioned grandchildren I'll be slightly re-doing it later - bless him. I'm off to London tomorrow on a train at silly o'clock, spending the day with my daughter including going to a show tomorrow evening and then coming back up here on Saturday afternoon - very exciting. Then got brother & sister in law and two of theirs coming to stay on Sunday for a few nights - haven't even thought about what food I'll do but I think I'll go out Sunday and work that out as they're not here until the evening - all you culinary wizards (@Pattidevans & @eggyg with your meticulous pre-planning put me to shame!). Oh nearly forgot - I made Brussel sprout & carrot soup two days ago which I've just put in pouches and put in the freezer. The jury's out on whether it tastes nice or not - it's a bit thick! Have a great day everyone x
Have a great time with your daughter, hope your pulled muscle resolves quickly. Bending down is agony for me at the moment, I seem to be making lots of noises when I do so, Ohh, ahh, ouch! Oh the joys of getting older and everything is falling apart. But, getting older is better than not getting older.
Forgot to post this earlier! 😳 My memory these days! 🙄 :rofl:😉

08:28 BS 15.1 Oh dear! Hang My Head Down In Shame emoji! Maybe WHY I forgot to post this earlier: a bit of a “ Freudian Slip”? 🙄:rofl:😉😉 :rofl:😛:D

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Obviously got last night’s dinner bolus wrong: had a lightish, I thought, beef & vegetable soup which I thickened with a whole bag of tesco frozen mash, missing my usual frozen chopped potatoes in this week’s shopping, & gave it my usual reduced for soup dinner bolus of 40; the mashed potato effect I know about NOW was a lovely creamy thickish soup that’s rather nice but, need to allow for next time? 😛:confused:

I wasn’t feeling peckish, as usual so, kept scanning & as it was going down slowly I left it until breakfast. A very late breakfast as I was surprisingly full for quite a while after waking, 11:12 BS 12.1 & gave it 48 instead of 44 NR. Just put in my tresiba & remembered to post.

I was just thinking, & worked it out, that in these last 6 coming up to 7 months I’ve reduced my basal from 88 to 60 tresiba while my NR, apart from the initial couple of weeks, has stayed pretty much the same: WOW!!!; that’s a reduction of 28 units of basal! Polishing My Halo emoji! :rofl:😉 QUICK! Someone give me a bucket of ice water to douse my quickly swelling, in pride, head! Nudge, Nudge, 😉😉 :rofl:😛:D
To be honest @Lanny I am glad to see you reducing your insulin so much because what you have been doing is feeding it. i.e. taking too much and then having to eat to soak it up.

Did you check how many carbs were in that bag of frozen mash? Mashed potatoes can hit your blood quicker than sugar.
To be honest @Lanny I am glad to see you reducing your insulin so much because what you have been doing is feeding it. i.e. taking too much and then having to eat to soak it up.

Did you check how many carbs were in that bag of frozen mash? Mashed potatoes can hit your blood quicker than sugar.
Mashed potato is my nemesis. Which is a shame as it’s pretty yummy.
Thanks for the support everyone

my meeting went ever so we’ll with physiotherapist today
going to make a stronger effort to try and do the exercises I’ve already been prescribed every other day

I will go back to see her again in three months time for one more session
she was actually quite surprised at how how well I’ve done (considering the ankle surgery I had) I say it was a fusion / pinned but there are various types of fusion apparently,
but we both agreed I still need to improve my balance.

today I finally got through to the Hospital, have requested another phone call from Diabetic Specialist I spoke to a receptionist but she couldn’t actually book a appointment as there are not any available.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.5 better.

In fact I feel well again this morning and my arm no longer aches too. Yesss!

I have felt so unwell the last few days that I couldn't even practice the Christmas carols I need to play at the up coming evening candle lit carol service next Thursday. Yesterday was my first practice in days, thankfully it went better than I expected.

A parcel from Amazon turned up yesterday but the item was the wrong size!!! Whoops. I shall have to send it back. Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 5.1 when I decided to get up, 5 when I got downstairs and now 4.9! What’s the opposite to foot on the floor? Foot off the floor maybe? :confused: At least I won’t need to wait too long for breakfast.

Today is the first day either of us have absolutely no where to go and no one to see, so why was I up at 5.50? It’s a toss up between seasonal insomnia and a painful back, it’s very annoying. I’ll have a nana nap later. We might not be going anywhere today but we have a busy day. I need to bring my potted Christmas tree in and get it decorated as the three youngest are sleeping over tomorrow night and I want it to be ultra Christmassy. I’m hoping Mr Eggy will put the outside lights up today too. I’ll be baking for the party we’re having, chocolate brownies, and when the girls come in the morning they can make chocolate crispy cakes. It’s a rite of passage. I’ve a ton of my eldest daughter’s washing to do as her machine has broken and is currently waiting to be repaired, I did three lots last weekend for her, picked this up yesterday and she’ll bring more tomorrow! It is panto season I suppose, ( oh no it isn’t), just call me Widow Twanky! :rofl:

I’m off to get my Marigolds on to sort out the washing, they are farmers so goodness knows what I’ll discovered in the depths of the laundry bag!

Have a fabulous Friday all. ( 10 more sleeps.) 🙂