Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone! 6'2.

On my way to another city. Originally the plan was to see my ex, now friend, with a group of other people and another friend who lives there. My ex messaged this morning saying she would need to cancel the plan or do it later in the day as she was feeling anxious. My other friend has the day off, which is unusual, but she sounds a bit ill in the voice note she sent me. I had made my mind to spend the day out so hopped on the train anyway. I might be Billy no Mates and the weather is not great at the moment but hey, I'm stubborn sometimes.
Morning all - lashing rain at the moment, but the sun is out!!

5.7 this morning, down from 7.7 at 05.22.

Lunch went down well yesterday. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Have some veggies and rice left over and some roast pork from Sunday, so not cooking today, will cobble together something from the leftovers. But... I have a lot of red peppers and tomatoes so I will make the roast red pepper and tomato soup for lunches.

Talking of Corned Beef reminds me of my first visit to New York (way back at the start of my flying career in 1970). The crew used to go to a Deli round the corner from the Lexington hotel to get sandwiches. I went along and was absolutely stunned by the list of sandwiches (some things I had never ever heard of). I settled for a familiar item, a Corned Beef sandwich at which point the guy behind the counter rattled off a series of questions - what bread did I want? OMG, I never knew there were so many kinds... did I want butter, margarine or mayo... etc etc and clearly I had to make quick decisions as he wasn't used to silly English girls who couldn't make their minds up. Eventually I was handed this gargantuan sandwich bursting with beef, completely unlike the 2 slices of mother's pride with a thin slice of tinned meat that I'd been brought up with. I took one look and said "That's not like English Corned beef!" It wasn't, what they call "corned beef" is actually salt beef. Brisket cured with salt, it's bright pink and more like roast beef than our minced stuff out of a can. The guy looked at me and said (in a thick New Yoik accent) "You're in New Yoik now Lady!". I left somewhat chastened.

Sauerkraut and cucumber? OMG @ColinUK !!!
(Annabel Karmel's Sacha's Chicken recipe).
Do you have a link to the recipe please @Martin.A

Enjoy your day out @Elenka

Congrats on another HS @eggyg
Morning all

After a very wet and windy night, it was a lowly 4.5 for me today at 08.35...

Have a good day everyone and stay safe...... 🙂
Good morning - only it isn't good here - horrible grey sky, unremitting rain and a lousy 6.9, perfectly fair but depressing - I ate some grapes yesterday evening. Oh well, back to Mr Spinach et al. 5 a day? Huh!

Have a happy Tuesday - not long to the solstice (and holidays for the workers amongst us).
@ColinUK Of course I knew that!!!! Not.

I have tried three times to get my prescription meds from the pharmacy. An hour long wait in the horribly long queue each time, and failed each time. The fourth attempt this morning was successful BUT included was a new med. A surprise Christmas present? No one has discussed it with me. It has just appeared. I rang the surgery and they have booked an appointment with the doctor for this afternoon. I guess it may be important. So why do I have to push all the buttons/ pull all the levers?

My guess is that it is to do with a recent bone density scan. Frightening!

It will be an intetesting discussion. Half the time they don't really seem to know what/who they are talking about, and the other half of the time....

I will keep you bored, er, informed.
I’ll put you out of your misery.

The juice…

was (and still is)…

sauerkraut and cucumber.
Where's a green vomit emoji when you need one!
Good morning - 7.5

Have a great day everyone
Good morning folks. And, a near yet so far, 5.3.

Got my Christmas tree watering slave coming today, I’ll send her down under the tree straight away, then I’ll next see her Saturday, along with her two youngest cousins ( they can help water the tree too) and she can water it again, then hopefully my back will allow me to do it myself as it’ll be all drying up and losing its needles if it has to wait until Friday 22nd! I love a real Christmas tree but they’re so high maintenance! When I went to feed the birds yesterday I noticed my potted Christmas tree, which we drag in every year to put in the dining room, was face down in the pond! It’s a bit water logged, I managed to get it upright and have moved it to the shed “veranda” to dry out a bit. I need it for Saturday for our annual works Christmas party night. ( The kids are our work and they’re sleeping over on Saturday)! :D

Back feeling lots better today, touch wood. I did do the ironing yesterday, in two sessions, and rested in between and afterwards. Still icing and heating but not as frequently, hopefully the ache from the osteopath session will abate soon.

Have a grand day all.
It was 8
Forgot to mention my daughter who has gestational diabetes got her kit through the post yesterday and is having her online education session today. They’ve told her she should be 5.3 or below on a morning. She’s 5.4 this morning and is disappointed. I’ve explained about error margins. The info she received was to exchange all white stuff with brown, obviously I don’t know anything about gestational diabetes but as I said to her carbs are carbs whatever the colour! I know they won’t want her going Keto but…. 🙄 They also want her to test after one hour and be under 7.8 and under 6.4 after two hours! I’ve told her her food will have barely hit her system by then. Maybe all will be clearer after her session this morning. I’m not at all hopeful, personally.
Pineapple, obviously.
Oh yeah, of course, cos Poland is that well-known pineapple-producing country. :rofl:

Sauerkraut and cucumber? Feed that microbiome! Your gut bacteria’ll be singing Xmas carols after that little boost...where can I get some? :confused:😛

Morning all. 🙂 7.7 here.

It’s a trip to EE today, to find a Dexcom-compatible phone - I’m on a nice cheap little deal atm. It’s going to cost me double what I pay now (after a quick look at their website), ho hum. It’s a good thing I’ll be teaching more classes come the New Year...I need the cash!
6.0 this morning, same as yesterday.

Picked up my antibiotics yesterday afternoon (a 5-day course) but would you believe my sinuses were fine yesterday after giving me grief for days and are clear this morning. Might hold off and see how things are over the next couple of days.

A visitor today as my wife's niece is down our way on a business trip and is going to join us for dinner. Decided on Shepherd's Pie, with mine cooked separately and topped with cauli mash. Can't find an entry for that in my food diary so it might be a first, so will be interesting to see what my reading is afterwards.

Enjoy your day.