Group 7-day waking average?

Hold onto your hats . . . 5.5 this morning 🙂

@ColinUK - thank you for the explanation about corned beef - I never knew! Will have to use that little nugget of information somewhere!

@eggyg - drawn a blank with the teacher’s name, sorry:rofl:

@goodybags - how annoying missing the call and then not being able to get back in touch!

Have a good day everyone !
Food etc…

On the second flight Sunday I didn’t select a special meal. This was what was served. IMG_0099.jpeg

I was grateful for the total lack of pineapple :rofl:

And this morning I’ve had a juice.

A prize will be awarded to whoever guesses what juice it is…

A 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

@ColinUK grapefruit juice?

Yesterdays laser eye surgery went well but I have a few bits in my eye now that they said would go in time. I hope so. Amazingly the 'operated on' eye is now the better one.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
It’s not grapefruit or pineapple juice.
6.8 for me this morning which I'm pleased with - It is amazing to me the difference that just having 13 units of Lantus at 10pm is making to my BG (shouldn't be I suppose) - but also I'm reassured that the bit of pancreas I have left is definitely still doing something and having the Libre (self funded now :() is so good at keeping me focussed. Very chuffed with myself yesterday as determined to go and get the Christmas trees before hubby gets back home after 2 ½ weeks away. Having asked around I've found the best place locally, Strawberry Hill, a farm outside Penrith. Got the trees, in the back of the truck (with a bit poking out so felt like a proper farmer with my cab hatch open); got them inside the hall and then decided to try to put them up myself. Found the stands (no mean feat when you've moved house, but Mark has been very busy sorting out the garage), moved a few bits of furniture around to make room and got them both in, watered and looking straight! Then at just after midnight on my way to bed I decided to unpack and assemble the big 9ft artificial pre-lit one that I've bought for our barn and I managed it! Fortunately Wilbur (boxer) decided not to wake me up barking in his cage until 8.17am so I had a decent sleep (sorry @eggyg). Now to finish the Christmas cards and a few other bits & bobs (I've got a load of carrots & Brussel Sprouts and have been planning on making soup but keep putting it off) before going and collecting hubby from the station mid afternoon. @ColinUK so lovely that they found the decaf pods for you - keep those photos coming🙂

5.0 straight this morning, weight today, but after being ill last week I am not expecting much. Got to collect a prescription for my antibiotics today, and hubby getting me some icing to cover my Christmas cakes as online order got cancelled.

@ColinUK - pictures are great, pleased you are feeling relaxed.
Still hanging around in sixland with a 6.0 this morning, but at least I got a post-prandial HS yesterday evening (Annabel Karmel's Sacha's Chicken recipe). Still puzzled as to why my fasting readings have nudged up while my post-prandials haven't, from what I can see from my food diary.

Logged an eConsult about my repeated sinus issues yesterday morning and got a call back from a GP who says it's likely to be an infection, so there'll be a prescription for antibiotics waiting for me down at Morrison's pharmacy today. What are they going to do to my numbers, I wonder?

Tuesday, so will be off my my usual swim later. Our eldest is working from home so I have a car available, which is just as well as it doesn't look that good out there are the moment. I was actually woken by torrential rain lashing the windows and drumming on our cars during the night.

I think my Xmas shopping is done. I placed an order online yesterday evening for the final thing on my list, so pleased to have everything out of the way well ahead of the big day. Xmas cards all posted, too.

Hope everyone manages to have a good day.
I’ll put you out of your misery.

The juice…

was (and still is)…

sauerkraut and cucumber.
I’ll put you out of your misery.

The juice…

was (and still is)…

sauerkraut and cucumber.
Oh, would never have guessed! What an, errrr... interesting flavour. I hope you enjoy all of it. Don't feel pressured to share :D