Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all

And the sun is shining here as well, 12.3c outside and I'm getting ready for my first bike ride in
two weeks.

Oh, and the BG this morning was a happy 5.0.
Morning all - weather wavering from grey to blue sky and sun, then back again. No rain so far!

FBG was 6.8 at 8 am - but I had woken to a 3.9 and an alarm at 04:30. Treated with 2 De4xtro tabs.

Friends coming for lunch in 15 minutes. Have managed to get everything ready and time for a breather. Nothing too ambitious today, just wanted to see them before they go off on their Christmas cruise. So 2 kinds of pate (bought in), Salmon in a spicy sauce with rice, orange glazed carrots and Asparagus. Followed by a take on B&B pudding made with lemon cake, lemon curd and blueberries, with a spot of Limoncello in it.

Found an excess of Christmas crackers, so we'll pull them before dinner, whether anyone will agree to wear paper hats is a moot point!

@khskel maybe your sensor is confused due to time changes out to Calif and back?

@Gwynn well done on your HS

@ColinUK love the photos.

Have a good day all and take care!
Good morning. Still can’t beat @Northerner at being first up! Take your pick. 6 at 3.30am when I first woke, 5.2 when I next looked at 4.30 after not having slept, and 6 when I eventually got up and came downstairs at 4.45! Seasonal insomnia strikes again. Mind whirring about the Christmas Day meal, eight guests, and New Years Day buffet, a possible 14 guests, Saturday night’s sleepover and Christmas party for our three youngest cherubs, Christmas presents left to buy, and what one of the teachers at my daughters’ primary school was called! 😳 It’s 20 years since my youngest left and I have absolutely no idea why that popped up in my mind. Random. Mr Eggy was tossing and turning too, I woke him, apparently, I told him my mind was whirring and he said his was too. About Christmas? I enquired. No, he replied, I was wondering why corned beef was called corned beef and how it was made! Then we got a fit of giggles and I decided to get up so at least one of us gets some sleep! Corned beef! That’s really helpful going forwards to the Big Day!:rofl:

Got an appointment at osteopath yesterday at 4pm, she said my back was really tight and as I suspected I’d dislodged my sacrum again walking through snowdrifts and climbing steep hills! I knew I’d get told off. Sacrum toggle performed and acupuncture needles stuck in my buttocks and I’m a bit looser. I’ve promised I’ll rest today ( after the ironing, I didn’t tell her that) and I’ve another appointment on the 22nd.

Have a fab day.

God I love this place! As we came in to land I could feel the tension in my shoulders vanish.
I’d forgotten how friendly the people here are and I’ve been reminded how beautiful the city is.

Snow is melting very quickly now and you have to have your wits about you a bit and look at the roof edge of any building you’re about to pass. The snow is sliding off the rooftops. Laying here in bed (windows open) I can hear constant rooftop mini avalanches. Saw a massive load come crashing down on to the roof of a car and a block of icy snow hit the pavement about 20ft in front of me when walking in the old city.

Met up with Max and picked things up right like we’d seen each other yesterday (which we have)!

Ooh! Asked in reception if they could change all the coffee pods in my room to decaf ones but they couldn’t find any. Returned to the room last night and found this!


Some church or monastery or something but it was cold so I didn’t read the info boards!

@eggyg Oh I know this one! I know why corned beef is “corned”!
Pray tell, then I can go and wake him up to tell him so he can go back to sleep! :rofl:
PS but do you know what the teacher was called from my children’s primary school though?
It’s to do with the curing process. The beef is cured under a layer of salt pellets rather than salt crystals or ground salt. Those pellets are called corns. Hence corned beef.

Go wake him up now!
I’m on it! Why should I be the only one awake? 😉
You're not; 3rd night in a row of waking around 3 and still awake at 6.

@ColinUK - and the teacher's name?
Good morning - 7.7

Have a great day everyone
You're not; 3rd night in a row of waking around 3 and still awake at 6.

@ColinUK - and the teacher's name?
It’s rubbish isn’t it? I’ve no where to go today, no childcare needed. I actually could have had a proper lie in today. You watch, tomorrow when I have to up by 6.30 at the latest as it’s childcare day. I won’t want to get out of bed!
05:46 BS 9.1 which is slightly better than yesterday’s BS 9.9. Forgot to check in yesterday! 😳

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

The last two days I guessed my NR pretty well, giving myself a reasonable amount of time in between meals to drop but, not drop so much as the higher basal dose tailed off! Just a bit over cautious with dinner dose before bed which I’m ok with as I get to sleep with no hypo worries! After today’s third dose of 60 things will be clearer & I’ll go up normal NR doses: it was -6 then, -4 the last two nights when -4 & -2 would possibly have been better? Not TOO bad & I didn’t have to worry! 🙄🙂
GoodMorning 7.1 today
Yesterday was 5.8

the diabetes consultant from the hospital tried to phone me yesterday, but later than the advised time
I missed the call as I was driving and my work phone was connected to the car

I tried to phone but never spoke to anyone other than the hospital booking department
couldn't get through to diabetic dept or GP surgery on the phone

have a Terrific Tuesday everyone 😎
Morning all. 🙂 6.7 here.

HeeHeeHaHa, two more lessons then I’ve got a week off. Must remember to put my pay claim in before I completely detach myself from all things work-related. :confused::D Great news on the Welsh teaching front - I’ve been offered another class. It’ll be Monday nights, the graveyard shift, but atm I’ll take anything!

Happy Tuesday, folks. :D