Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

I am stunned, shocked, amazed...I must be doing something right (or I am not really diabetic at all)... BG 5.2 again. Yessss. An easy house this time ... please can I have a pointy house, but with more than one pointy bit. 🙂

Today I walk to my second eye laser surgery appointment. Its a long walk (for me) and will take 2 hours. Might chicken out and take the bus if it is raining.

So, today possibly lots of exercise, eye appointment and a nice M&S fish tea (I hope), maybe some carol practice.

Lets hope it doesn't all get messed up and I end up with a slap across the face with a wet fish... (not a picture of me)

A slap across the face with a wet fish.jpg

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 4.8! I checked with the meter when I got downstairs and it was 5, I’ve skimmed the bottom line since midnight which is odd as when I came up to bed at 10.30 I was over 10! Luckily, I didn’t correct as I knew it was pastry delaying it. At least I won’t need to wait an hour for my breakfast as I’m starving!

I need to call the osteopath as soon as they open, back hasn’t been good since Thursday. Lots of frozen peas and hot water bottles have been utilised. Although, at about 8 o’clock last night it felt “ normal”, the best it had felt all week. I think I’ve aggravated it with hiking through foot high snow drifts and climbing the 1500ft ascent to Levers Water. Oops! Think I might be in trouble. Just needs a bit of adjustment and I’ll be fine. Fingers crossed.

It’s our Zara Monday today. The whirlwind will arrive, all smiles, at 8.30. Then proceed to batter us with questions, yes, she is at that stage, why, what, where, who? 🙄

Have a Happy Monday folks. Only two weeks to the Big Day, eeek! At least I eventually got round to ordering my Turkey and gammon. Still need pressies though and to post my cards, I’m ringing the bank today to re mortgage the house first though ( that’s just for the stamps!).
I have got my Christmas tree up though, so there’s a wee bit of Christmas spirit in the Eggy household.



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Morning all, 6.2 here. Time in range is back up to 81% after its excursion below 70, and Dawn seems to have calmed down, or gone on holiday with the Diabetes Fairy. Going to a National Trust property today to meet a friend and exchange Christmas presents, but I need to get my skates on and move the car out onto the road before the tree surgeon arrives to tackle a dying tree at the bottom of our drive, otherwise I’ll be going nowhere.

4.9 today, chest Is still a bit tight on the right side, but not all the time, calms down after I use my inhaler.

@Gwynn - congratulations on yet another HS.

@eggyg - sorry to hear your back is playing up again.
You want snow? How about some inside the hotel, inside a bar and outside the main (old) synagogue!



The locals are complaining that it’s not “proper” snow but is just a light dusting.
10.4 silly down phermon. I did correct at midnight tanks to a sausage and chips and a couple of mince pies at a church carol service but that which worked but 5am this. Morning creeped back up.
Morning folks. 🙂 7.0 here.

Just today and tomorrow in class, then off for a week. Two training days next week, then the Xmas break well-n-truly starts. Must write some cards today, Xmas shopping Wednesday...the slippery Xmas slope begins...woohoo! :D😛
5.8 on this rather gloomy Berkshire morning but only 10 days to go until the Winter Solstice, after which we'll start to gain some extra daylight every day. Roll on, I say. At least it's dry after a rather wet weekend. Hope no one got badly affected by Storm Fergus.

Congrats @Gwynn on another HS

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
A nice round 5 for me today. 🙂

10.4 silly down phermon. I did correct at midnight tanks to a sausage and chips and a couple of mince pies at a church carol service but that which worked but 5am this. Morning creeped back up.
I did enjoy the sausage and chips and mince pies though so an extra Jab letter wasn't too much of a big deal
6.8 this morning for me, still not got things in hand. Trouble for me is that at this time of the year with short days I revert to comfort food.

Congratulations @Gwynn on yet another HS! Here’s a nice pointy house as requested . . . (Pagaruyung Palace near Batusangkar, Sumatra, Indonesia. Destroyed by fire in February 2007 - so it may need a bit of rebuilding now).


Lovely pictures @ColinUK - enjoy your visit!

@eggyg - hope your back is ok!

Take care everyone!
Morning all - 7.2 this morning and the sun is shining 🙂 I was brave yesterday and took myself off to the local church for their carol service which was in the morning and I'm so glad I did as I met a lovely woman who has a second home up here and lives down near Henley on Thames so we had a lot to chat about. Her two sons are choristers at Westminster Abbey School so she had come up here to decorate the house for Christmas because the next two weeks is so full on for them. They're not "released" from their singing duties until 4pm on Christmas Day so they then drive up and have Christmas on Boxing Day - she was explaining that they have to write a letter to Father Christmas explaining the situation. Anyway - the lovely thing was, I thought, that even though she doesn't live here full time all the locals were really friendly with her and clearly had known her for years and were chatting about her sons. Also she had a lovely voice so with me standing next to her I let her hold all the long high notes for me and hoped that the rest of the congregation thought it was me 😉 I then went home and wrote lots of Christmas cards but I've got to get some more today. My hubby comes back tomorrow and with him being away for 2 ½ weeks I'm suddenly realising there are still quite a few things I was going to do before he gets back. I'm going to attempt to go and get two Christmas trees today so I've been measuring the ceiling height. Oh and the biggest news is that my Mum now has a real tree, which is up and decorated and she's really happy with it. I even managed to FaceTime her yesterday and explain for her to turn the camera round so I could see it (I'd tried to explain taking a photo and sending it but there is part of her brain dating back to 1939 which simply refuses to grasp modern technology - you could call it stubborn, but that's fine with me as she went through a lot as a child with no electricity and sharing a bed with her Aunty Maud in deepest, darkest Herefordshire. Sorry I'm waffling - can you tell I've been on my own up on the hill for so long? @Pattidevans I've got Simply too and it is a lovely book. @ColinUK Loving the snow pics. @eggyg love the tree - hope you get your back serviced today. Have a great day everyone x
Morning all - 7.2 this morning and the sun is shining 🙂 I was brave yesterday and took myself off to the local church for their carol service which was in the morning and I'm so glad I did as I met a lovely woman who has a second home up here and lives down near Henley on Thames so we had a lot to chat about. Her two sons are choristers at Westminster Abbey School so she had come up here to decorate the house for Christmas because the next two weeks is so full on for them. They're not "released" from their singing duties until 4pm on Christmas Day so they then drive up and have Christmas on Boxing Day - she was explaining that they have to write a letter to Father Christmas explaining the situation. Anyway - the lovely thing was, I thought, that even though she doesn't live here full time all the locals were really friendly with her and clearly had known her for years and were chatting about her sons. Also she had a lovely voice so with me standing next to her I let her hold all the long high notes for me and hoped that the rest of the congregation thought it was me 😉 I then went home and wrote lots of Christmas cards but I've got to get some more today. My hubby comes back tomorrow and with him being away for 2 ½ weeks I'm suddenly realising there are still quite a few things I was going to do before he gets back. I'm going to attempt to go and get two Christmas trees today so I've been measuring the ceiling height. Oh and the biggest news is that my Mum now has a real tree, which is up and decorated and she's really happy with it. I even managed to FaceTime her yesterday and explain for her to turn the camera round so I could see it (I'd tried to explain taking a photo and sending it but there is part of her brain dating back to 1939 which simply refuses to grasp modern technology - you could call it stubborn, but that's fine with me as she went through a lot as a child with no electricity and sharing a bed with her Aunty Maud in deepest, darkest Herefordshire. Sorry I'm waffling - can you tell I've been on my own up on the hill for so long? @Pattidevans I've got Simply too and it is a lovely book. @ColinUK Loving the snow pics. @eggyg love the tree - hope you get your back serviced today. Have a great day everyone x
Mr Eggy and Zara put the tree up on Saturday. I then rearranged everything as soon as she left! I got her earning her keep this morning, saves me lying on my tummy to water the tree. :rofl:


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Morning all and 6.2 for me

I was due a sensor change while I was in the USA which I brought forward a bit so that I wasn't having to stay awake to activate. That sensor is now on its 16th day and saying it is due to expire in 24 hours. Strange.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning BS 5.8
My meter not working properly though, I have a Betacheck c50. I emailed their customer service on Saturday, they responded straight away and after trying to help me fix it they are sending me another one this morning. Such great service.
Happy Monday all