Group 7-day waking average?

The diet has been tweaked. I know it takes time and I'm prepared to wait for results from any diet but equally if I do see results I am more likely to stick to it. Same thing with my exercises. Because I can see it's actually working brings me motivation. My Tee2 also does the same job. When I get a high reading I am not happy, especially if I've put in a lot of work.
Morning all - weather much the same - grey.

20.4 this morning. Ketones 1.2. I wasn't sure if it was something to do with the pod I changed at 9:30 last night, or the steroid knee injection. Bunged in a correction and nothing much happened. So eventually I changed the pod again and when I took the old one off the cannula had gone in bent sideways. My own fault as I had applied the pod sloppily and had to ease it into a slightly different position, pushing some of the backing under the pod a bit before I activated it.

Meeting a friend in town for lunch and hopefully a quick last minute shop for a couple of stocking fillers, if my knee loosens up a bit as it's rather stiff, but not painful.

Have a good day all.
Another high day out of target. At breakfast i had double the amount of insulin and not much to eat but it still stayed in double figures. It came down to high 9s at lunchtime so had another correction then another 2u at 3pm. Its now 7.8. I'm achey, really tired and coughing so i've obviously picked up some bug and trying to fight it off. Its not helping that i'm rushed off my feet at work. Only 3 days left. Will i make it?
At least it's been dry today.

Had a very light lunch and hardly any carb in it, but BG has not been lower than 20 all day despite umpteen corrections! This despite walking up and down the steeply sloping main street. Just popped in to say I may not have time to post tomorrow as we are going to a friend's for an early lunch and then back to the village to meet other friends early evening.

Afternoon's shopping successful and got all stocking fillers!

@freesia my sympathies and hugs.
Had a very light lunch and hardly any carb in it, but BG has not been lower than 20 all day despite umpteen corrections
I think our insulin has turned to water @Pattidevans. Have a lovely day tomorrow. I hope your levels come down.
We'll just had some good news. I haven't got cancer . CT scan came back . Still need some bloods and an ultra sound for my liver in New Year. That's had some abuse over the years . Arthritis in my spine and gall bladder has a bit of a problem. See what next year brings (see if I can reach the big 60 57 of those with type one diabetes)
Good evening everyone! 5'9 this morning.

It looks like midnight outside. Just came back from Lidl, probably my last grocery trip before Christmas Day. I was thinking it was also my last one before my holidays in Spain, then realised on my way there, I had skipped a whole week in my mind! That's the excitement of seeing my people... 🙂

Yesterday went to the same city to see the same friends as last week. Had a nice time with them. I was also looking for a new pair of earrings, after I changed my most recent piercing to a little golden star. My ear was pretty angry at me and I decided not to touch it again in a while :D Now, I personally don't like mixing silver and gold in my jewelry. I had a few bigger, "dressing up" earrings in gold colour which I'm happy to wear, but I wanted something smaller for the day to day, especially at work. At the end I found what I had in mind in Oliver Bonas. That's my little present to myself this year:

I tried them with yesterday's outfit and felt quite sophisticated! Now ready to cozy up with a Yorkshire Biscuit tea and a book 😉
Good evening everyone! 5'9 this morning.

It looks like midnight outside. Just came back from Lidl, probably my last grocery trip before Christmas Day. I was thinking it was also my last one before my holidays in Spain, then realised on my way there, I had skipped a whole week in my mind! That's the excitement of seeing my people... 🙂

Yesterday went to the same city to see the same friends as last week. Had a nice time with them. I was also looking for a new pair of earrings, after I changed my most recent piercing to a little golden star. My ear was pretty angry at me and I decided not to touch it again in a while :D Now, I personally don't like mixing silver and gold in my jewelry. I had a few bigger, "dressing up" earrings in gold colour which I'm happy to wear, but I wanted something smaller for the day to day, especially at work. At the end I found what I had in mind in Oliver Bonas. That's my little present to myself this year:
View attachment 28594

I tried them with yesterday's outfit and felt quite sophisticated! Now ready to cozy up with a Yorkshire Biscuit tea and a book 😉
Very nice indeed! An excellent present to yourself.
Good morning - 5.7

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 5.2 and an almost flat fish. That’s the good news for the day.

*****warning, the following may go on a bit, please scroll down if you’re in a hurry******

The not so good news is, my appointment with the colorectal surgeon didn’t quite go as I wanted. It wasn’t a good start, I was shown into the room where Mr X (saves me typing colorectal surgeon all through this long missive) didn’t even look up or acknowledge me! He was feverishly looking through my notes, both paper and on the computer. An awkward silence ensued. Mr X eventually deigned to look up and say hello. The first thing he asked was why was I here, the polyps they found during last year’s colonoscopy are benign. I explained it had nothing to do with the polyps but that I’d no explanation at all or advice on going forward with my original “complaint” of terrible bloating, nausea, pain, passing out etc. my GP had dismissed me as “ too complex”. I wanted to know what to eat, or not, if the adhesions were any worse and what my chances of having another obstruction were. He hadn’t gone far back enough to know I’d had a distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy or had had my gall bladder removed previous to that surgery. I explained I was diabetic and I had to spin lots of plates regarding my gastric systems without any input from anyone. He asked whether I was Type 1 or 2! I replied with, no I’m Type 3c, that means damage or disease to the pancreas, he didn’t have a clue. I told him no one was listening to me and I’d been passed from pillar to post for the last 18 months. He said he was listening. Firstly, he was the wrong consultant, I should have seen an Upper GI surgeon, I said I did 13 months ago and he said I’d been referred incorrectly and should see a lower GI consultant! Mr X said he was going to refer me back, ie it’s an upper GI problem. He’s also going to refer me to the Gastroenterology team and a dietician. He’ll write to my GP and recommend a drug for the bloating and pain. He wants to see me in six months to make sure I don’t get lost in the system. He’s obviously feeling very optimistic if he thinks I’ll see all those HCPs within the next six months. I came out upset, angry but mostly frustrated. I know I’m complex and am juggling multiple issues of which none are life threatening, yet, I do worry about having another bowel obstruction and the consequences, but it’s a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. Anyways, I’m just going to keep doing what I’ve been doing. I haven’t had a flare up for two months now and that’s because I’ve found, on the whole, what I can and can’t eat. Still get terribly bloated but the nausea and “ funny turns” are definitely less than they were and for that I’m grateful. I’ve waited 18 months I’ll just have to wait a bit longer. Anyhoo, second medical appointment of the week today, annual eye screening at 11.50. It’s wet, windy and miserable. A bit like I feel at the moment! :rofl:

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


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Hello it was a 11.4 destipte a correction at 1am obviously not enough of one to bring back into range I think I got carbs wrong for something i eat last night(hey ho stuff happens) all good now it's 8.4 and falling.
@eggyg i've given you a care emoji. How frustrating for you. Take care and congrats on the HS.

Morning all. 7.1 after a night of shivering and feeling very cold then clammy. Obviously a bug i've got now but at least levels were single figures this morning, fingers crossed they continue.
Morning all

5.2 today, after eating more carbs including chocolate yesterday evening. Anyway lost 1lb at weigh in, now down 1 1/2stone. All 16 Christmas cakes have been covered and decorated. Another one delivered yesterday, 1 will go tonight, another 2 tomorrow. Back to work today just for 3 days. Out for a run This evening.

@eggyg - congratulations to my fellow HS friend, the star is for the HS, not the awful appointment from yesterday, how frustrating.

@RichardsUsername - good figures, you have obviously done something right the past few days, well done.

@freesia - sorry to hear you are not feeling well and your numbers are high.

@Elenka_HM - always nice to treat yourself, earrings are lovely.


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Morning all

5.2 today, after eating more carbs including chocolate yesterday evening. Anyway lost 1lb at weigh in, now down 1 1/2stone. All 16 Christmas cakes have been covered and decorated. Another one delivered yesterday, 1 will go tonight, another 2 tomorrow. Back to work today just for 3 days. Out for a ru. This evening.

@eggyg - congratulations to my fellow HS friend, the start is for the HS, not the awful appointment from yesterday, how frustrating.

@RichardsUsername - good figures, you have obviously done something right the past few days, well done.

@freesia - sorry to hear you are not feeling well and your numbers are high.

@Elenka_HM - always nice to treat yourself, earrings are lovely.
Congratulations on your HS but mainly for making all those Christmas cakes! Wow! I’ve never, ever made a fruit cake as I can’t stand the taste, I couldn’t even have a piece of my own wedding cake. Mr Eggy, on the other hand, loves fruit cake and his mother always made them, now, luckily our eldest daughter makes them, so I don’t have to bother!