Group 7-day waking average?



And just to ring the changes medically I’ve a whopper of a pilar cyst come up on my scalp. I’ve booked a gp appointment for next Thursday (not too bad considering it’s Christmas) but I’m considering going private. There’s a clinic that can excise it today and another that could do it next Thursday or Friday.

Has anyone else had one removed by the NHS? How long did it take to get sorted?

Zoom call with the police complaints officer this morning so there’s that delight to look forward to as well.

Might spend the afternoon watching slushy hallmark Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate.
Morning all. Still not first on ! Anyhoo, a very low 4! I’ve checked with my metre and it’s within the perimeters. That’s after reducing both basal and bolus yesterday, knocked another 1 unit off my basal this morning. Looking at my graph I went down to 3 at about 1am, either my alarm didn’t go off or we were both dead to the world after a very, very busy day, I don’t know. I’d already had two hypos yesterday despite eating a load of Kendal Mint Cake. We shared fish and chips for tea, it was late when we got home, and I only took a conservative amount of bolus but I went to bed before 10 with insulin still coursing through my body.

Another busy day ahead, medical appointment number 3 of the week, osteopath at 8.30. Back still not 100% but a vast improvement from five weeks ago. Still achy and stiff after I’ve stood or sat for a while and I did have a bad spasm after wrapping presents on Wednesday! I’m hoping some gentle manipulation and acupuncture will help. I don’t think my sacrum has moved, I hope not, because the treatment is almost as bad as the cause! When I get back from my appointment, Zara will be here, swiftly followed by Poppy and Sadie. At least they can entertain their little cousin and we MAY get a bit of peace, in between feeding and watering them. Turkey, gammon and chipolatas to be picked up from the butchers this afternoon. We’ll be fighting who goes to get a bit peace and quiet!

Have a fab Friday and those finishing work or school for the hols, woohoo! 😛

This is my graph now, after a slice of toast. I really don’t know what’s going on, Mr Eggy thinks my pancreas has regenerated. Well if it’s good enough for Dr Who……..


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Good morning - 5.0

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 excellent but blood pressure is high (?) I have a sore throat and now a sniffly nose. Sigh.

The carol service last night went really well. I decided not to try to sing too much because of my sore throat but the keyboard playing went really well, especially on the last carol 'Oh come all ye faithful' where I used a full-on pipe organ and the place just changed atmosphere - errupted. Real jubilation!!!

But I was absolutely knackered by the end of it all!

Today, rest? Not a bit of it. I have to prepare/practice for playing on Christmas morning!

It's a good job I like Christmas and Carols.

And a pastor attending last night said he may know someone who can get me access to a real pipe organ locally. Hmmm we will see....

Today for real: I go pick up my rather large, heavy lounge lamp from the church where we used it to see whilst we repaired a local church pipe organ. It's going to be 'fun' walking it home (the lamp, not the pipe organ...oh, I don't know...maybe...).


Have a great day today whatever you are doing


And just to ring the changes medically I’ve a whopper of a pilar cyst come up on my scalp. I’ve booked a gp appointment for next Thursday (not too bad considering it’s Christmas) but I’m considering going private. There’s a clinic that can excise it today and another that could do it next Thursday or Friday.

Has anyone else had one removed by the NHS? How long did it take to get sorted?

Zoom call with the police complaints officer this morning so there’s that delight to look forward to as well.

Might spend the afternoon watching slushy hallmark Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate.
I had cyst removed on number of years ago at GP surgery, but I believe many surgeries no longer do this kind of thing.
Morning all. 5.7 and 5 hours work left to do. I am exhausted!!! Cold is improving but still have the chesty cough and chest aches every time i cough. Tomorrow, i plan to have a lie in.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, 6.4 here. My BGs have been behaving themselves immaculately for the past couple of weeks, they were out of whack for the whole of November after I had a nasty stomach bug, and I dropped below 70% TIR for the first time ever. I’m now up to 90%, which is also a first for me, I think. I was worried about the effect on my HbA1c, but the results were back yesterday, and …drum roll, please…47!
I had cyst removed on number of years ago at GP surgery, but I believe many surgeries no longer do this kind of thing.
I’m not expecting the surgery I go to would do it but I’m pretty sure they’ll refer me to another one locally that does seem to provide dermatological services. But who knows. And who knows how long I can put up with the discomfort (I’m holding off calling it ‘pain’).

Can you recall how long it took to get it done?

4.4 and last day of work until January for me, at least I only had 3 days to work this week with taking leave on Monday and Tuesday. no food prep for me today, just checking the weight of the turkey crown to make sure I get it out of the freezer with enough hours to thoroughly defrost.

@Leadinglights - how annoying for your daughter and family, hope they get replacements sort and can return home before Christmas.

@ColinUK - hope today’s zoom call is not too stressful.
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5.8 this morning, same as last night's post-prandial as it happens (Bolognese with red lentil pasta). Today is the last day of antibiotics for my sinus infection and they seem to have sorted it as I no longer have any of the symptoms that led to me log the eConsult last week. Also, weekly BP check good at 119/71, so a good start to Friday.

Hygienist at 10:00, then Big Shop - though not as big as usual as we're at my wife's niece's for Xmas dinner this year, and the rest of the family want a takeaway on Xmas Eve. Not me, though - I'll probably pick up a Hunter's Chicken Ready Meal unless I decide to rustle one up from scratch (if I can be bothered).

Hope Storm Pia hasn't left anyone picking up the pieces. Got a bit blustery here but that's all.
Morning everyone

It’s a happy 5.4 for me after another night of rain.

Have a good day everyone.
Haven't had one of these in a while. 🙂

Morning all - 7.2 here. My daughter and boyfriend had a scary start to the day. They got an uber to take them to the station early as coming up here for Christmas and the driver tried to drive off with their bags before they’d got in the car. She had to run alongside the car - he stopped, was very aggressive (she thinks he was drunk or on drugs), police were called and he drove off. They got his plates luckily. Really shook them both up. Anyway - they caught their train and are on their way. Have a good day everyone. Raining and blowing a gale here.
Morning all - 7.2 here. My daughter and boyfriend had a scary start to the day. They got an uber to take them to the station early as coming up here for Christmas and the driver tried to drive off with their bags before they’d got in the car. She had to run alongside the car - he stopped, was very aggressive (she thinks he was drunk or on drugs), police were called and he drove off. They got his plates luckily. Really shook them both up. Anyway - they caught their train and are on their way. Have a good day everyone. Raining and blowing a gale here.
How scary! She’ll need a big hug when she gets home. I don’t think we have Uber up here. :confused:I just rely on the same old black taxi firm I’ve used all my adult life, 27575! That was their number before they started adding a 5 in front of everyone’s number! But it’ll always be 27575 to me ( with a 5 on the front).
I’m not expecting the surgery I go to would do it but I’m pretty sure they’ll refer me to another one locally that does seem to provide dermatological services. But who knows. And who knows how long I can put up with the discomfort (I’m holding off calling it ‘pain’).

Can you recall how long it took to get it done?
I had mine done in about a week but that was a number of years ago.