Group 7-day waking average?


5.7 this morning, but did have pizza for dinner last night, but won’t have that again for ages. Today I have to go food shopping just for a few bits, only thing Christmas Day related is a small amount of veg, going to go as soon as I have finished my coffee. Other than that, I am making pastry and mince pies, and another Christmas cake rocky road, finishing my cleaning, delivering another cake and taking some stuff to my daughter in law’s and visiting the crem so mum can take dad’s Christmas wreath over.

I would like to put some photos of some of my Christmas cakes, in here, but am worried people will get offended by putting pictures of cakes.

5.7 this morning, but did have pizza for dinner last night, but won’t have that again for ages. Today I have to go food shopping just for a few bits, only thing Christmas Day related is a small amount of veg, going to go as soon as I have finished my coffee. Other than that, I am making pastry and mince pies, and another Christmas cake rocky road, finishing my cleaning, delivering another cake and taking some stuff to my daughter in law’s and visiting the crem so mum can take dad’s Christmas wreath over.

I would like to put some photos of some of my Christmas cakes, in here, but am worried people will get offended by putting pictures of cakes.
Put them up on Christmas Day - we'll all be too stuffed to be tempted having already given in.
Good morning. 6.7

Gliding like a swan today, frantic paddling completed. Just a few small baking jobs for today's tea. No idea when they will arrive as coming down M4 and Paddington is closed so anyone coming to Wales will have to drive. Shall be on high doh until they arrive.

Pain levels have dropped to ignorable save in right wrist, left elbow and right knee. Hurrah! Perhaps it was my body's reaction to all that housework and isn't going to develop into a real swine.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all, 4.7 here. Son and daughter arrived yesterday, at least they don’t have far to travel, I hope anyone undertaking a longer trek gets there safely. Most important guest, daughter's cat, has settled in. At least she brings her own food, provision of sustenance for the humans seems to have well more than doubled since they all arrived, and the stock of mince pies is dwindling fast, I need to fit in another pastry making session urgently.
@Grannylorraine your cakes are fabulous so post them!

@eggyg a turkey saddle? I didn’t know you could ride them!

6.4 today
I’d never heard them called that, but apparently ( I googled it) a crown still has the breast bone, a saddle doesn’t. Hope it’s not too dry, it cost a fortune, even with 25% discount! 😳
5.5 on another dry and mild Berkshire morning. Nothing special planned for today as we are pretty well all set for Xmas, so no last-minute shopping to do. Just as well as Sainsbury's yesterday was packed out. It took me 10 minutes to find a parking space. Likewise Waitrose. I usually park there when I have a dentist appointment as it's close by but cars were queuing just to get into the car park, so I gave it a miss. Fortunately I found a 2-hours free parking space on one of the side streets. Most of the free parking here is only 30-minutes, not long enough for a dental appointment, and you're guaranteed a ticket from our over-zealous traffic wardens if you overstay. No issues said the hygienist, so pleased with that.

My wife has started baking her usual Xmas goodies - mini sausage rolls and bite-sized chocolate Xmas puddings so far - so sticking with my diet is going to be challenging over the next few days. It always is at Xmas, so it's impossible to track all my carbs. I looked at a Hunter's Chicken ready meal for tomorrow evening, when my wife and our two boys are having a takeaway, and immediately put it back on the shelf when I saw it was 60g carb. I can make one from scratch, including a salad with coleslaw, for a third of that and my food diary tells me that I average 5.6 post-prandial. That'll do nicely, then.

Enjoy the start to the weekend.
Morning all. 9.0 here.

Wow, the forum's busy already this morning!

One important task this morning - walk round to the butcher's and pick up the Xmas chicken and ham. Then I can do whatever, woohoo. The busy-ness starts tomorrow. :D😛😎
A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning - 6.4

My school did a Christmas quiz during the assembly yesterday and I took part - my house won!! Super happy about that.

Have a great day everyone!
12.8 there was a reason. I was supposed to check on it later last night but different in the end. And relised I was actually awake last that where I could have done with checking. I think it's brought down my time in range a bit but I only try t pay attention to it when I check weekly every Sunday so I'll see what tomorrow says
For those of us who are running around hunting for last minute Christmas presents just remember this….

Good morning everyone

A nice 5.1 this morning

Sore throat is just hanging in there but way better than it was. But I do feel a bit tired.

Today I start a lot of practice for the Christmas day service. It's all go!!! Ho hum.

I am sure I am supposed to be preparing some food sometime. Hmmm.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. BS 5.5 today.
I’m out for a Long lunch today and am really trying to make a change to my Christmas celebrations diets…. Soooo I am Determined to stay no sugar low carb today.
Happy Saturday!
Morning all. 9.3: for me this morning. Been great all week . Time in range for week 93% anyways from 3 pm yesterday high alarm went off as I was having a coffee in Costas Took a correction dose . It got no better when I went for my shopping. Had to wait in a queue outside Mark's and Spencer. ( madness ) Only needed fruit. Salads and veg and a salmon fillet. Being good this Xmas .Got home bloods were still in 12 -13 range. Looks like the diabetes Santa has a nasty surprise for me. Anyways get dog out go along to farm butchers shop for a coffee and pick up our turkey and beef joint . It's gonna hurt the pocket . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
5.3 at 6:30am and as we were awake then we decided to go to the local M&S Food for the rest of our Christmas dinner bits. As it was the only store open on the retail park at that time it was really easy to park and the store itself was fairly quiet amazingly! So, now all sorted and nothing else to rush around to get. Even had breakfast of an almond croissant in the Costa on the retail park, so felt rather calm and civilised.

Hope everyone is ok and has a good day.
Morning all. 8.7 and a lovely lie in this morning. Cold is still hanging around but only a bit snotty and chesty cough now. I feel so much better than i did in the week.

Washing is out on the line blowing. I just have beds to make, cleaning to do and marinate the chicken for butter chicken curry tonight. Then i shall settle on the sofa with my book or a film.

@Grannylorraine i'd love to see some photos of your cakes.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning folks! 5'3.

I love this season but I'm kind of dreading tomorrow and Monday. Apart from getting a bit homesick and missing the celebrations at home, I'll have to deal with long hours of work and we are severely understaffed for the number of guests. That is making my supervisors quite grumpy already, which of course isn't helping my own mood. I try to not get too affected by it.

On a positive note, they approved my request for an extra day off at the end of my January holiday, so I can attend an event that's important for my brother. It means I'll have to buy a new return ticket and I don't expect I can get any money back from the old one, but is worth it.

Have a lovely day, whatever your plans 🙂