Group 7-day waking average?

:( Morning all. No idea of the weather today. Have been in hospital since last Weds. Had a mild stroke, more than a TIA but not severe, as a result of low sodium brought on by Losartan BP meds.
Hope to go home today but not sure it will happen, have hoped every day. Christmas plans scuppered really. Poor Julian. Though he's had plenty of offers. 17.6 this morning. Hopefully you will all have a lovely Christmas.
Oh Patti, so sorry to hear that, I’d noticed you hadn’t posted but thought you were too busy socialising. I hope they let you out, I’ve spent Christmas in hospital ( and New Year) and it’s not ideal. But if you have to, you have to. We need you well and up and at it. Big hugs for you, and Julian. Xx
@Pattidevans Hopefully it is just a TIA and that you’re back home in no time at all and with no side effects.

Hugs to both you and Julian.
@Pattidevans so sorry to hear that you're in hospital especially at this time of year. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

A 5.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Have a good Christmas Eve everybody.

Surprised to wake up and find it was already light this morning. I don't usually sleep that long. 5.8 when I tested.

Our youngest is working a shift at Sainsbury's today. He said it's been manic this week. He's done so many extra hours that he's doubled his wages. At least today is normal Sunday hours and he'll be done by 4.

We've decided to go German this year and open presents this evening, as we're off after tea tonight to spend Xmas with family in Bedfordshire and can't see the point in taking everything with us just to bring it back again. Our two boys have tickets for Southampton v Swansea on Boxing Day so they'll be travelling back tomorrow night, my wife and I on Wednesday.

@Pattidevans so sorry to hear you're in hospital. Hope you're well on the road to recovery and will be back home soon.

@Grannylorraine - great result against Man U and 6th at Xmas - wow!

Have a good Xmas everyone.
Good morning - 7.1

@Pattidevans so sorry to eead about what’s happened, I hope you get better soon.

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 12 for me and has been all night. The cough just won't let go and i'm 63% TIR for 7 days.

@Pattidevans so sorry to hear you're in hospital. I hope they get your meds sorted and you are feeling better and home soon. Take care, big (((HUGS))).

@rebrascora sorry to hear you've had a bad night. I hope the sciatica has eased and you are feeling a bit better.

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate. Happy Weekend to all those who don't. To everyone who is in need of a hug, feeling low, ill or just plain fed up, sending hugs and good wishes to you all.
Happy Christmas Eve folks

It’s a 5.4 for me on another very windy morning.
Mofrning all and 7.2 for me although it was a post foot on the floor reading. Sensor was a bit hit and miss over night but seems to be OK now.

Turkey, beef, gammon, sausages, bacon, stand pie, stuffing etc collected from local butcher. If we've forgotten anything it's going to stay forgotten.

Have a good day everyone
Happy Christmas Eve
6.1 today 8.0 yesterday

@Pattidevans I hope they are taking good care of you in hospital,
you are soon home, and make a quick recovery.

@ColinUK you posted a few days ago about a cyst,
having waited a few years to get mine removed I think if I had another I would probably look at going private (although other than dental I’ve always made good use of NHS)
mine wasn’t on my head, mine was a lump on my shoulder.

have a good day everyone 😎
@Pattidevans Sending lots of love. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been going through this - really thinking of you xxx

@MeeTooTeeTo I keep meaning to say that I love all your different Christmassy profile pics that you've been using and @Robin loving your Christmassy horsey pic on the beach

I had my first sort of hypo experience earlier. I was in the middle of Penrith when I heard a funny noise and realised it was my low glucose alarm on my Libre sensor - I don't have it set too low, just at 4.7. Anyway - I'd done all my shopping (been to three different supermarkets today to get the last "bits") and so went back into M&S where I was parked and bought a solitary banana. Got to the car and the sensor was on red and reading 3.7. Ate 3 JBs that I had in my handbag and ate said banana. It took a good 15 minutes to get up past 5 and safe for me to drive but I was amazed at the difference I felt when it went up. It's gone low again now so I'm going to have something quickly as it's back down on 4.3. I had breakfast earlier than usual and was then out and about and I suppose my morning was lower than usual so that presumably had a knock on effect. I played some Pickleball last night and maybe that was more energetic than I thought and I should have reduced my Lantus. Anyway - I'm waffling. X
@Pattidevans Sending lots of love. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been going through this - really thinking of you xxx

@MeeTooTeeTo I keep meaning to say that I love all your different Christmassy profile pics that you've been using and @Robin loving your Christmassy horsey pic on the beach

I had my first sort of hypo experience earlier. I was in the middle of Penrith when I heard a funny noise and realised it was my low glucose alarm on my Libre sensor - I don't have it set too low, just at 4.7. Anyway - I'd done all my shopping (been to three different supermarkets today to get the last "bits") and so went back into M&S where I was parked and bought a solitary banana. Got to the car and the sensor was on red and reading 3.7. Ate 3 JBs that I had in my handbag and ate said banana. It took a good 15 minutes to get up past 5 and safe for me to drive but I was amazed at the difference I felt when it went up. It's gone low again now so I'm going to have something quickly as it's back down on 4.3. I had breakfast earlier than usual and was then out and about and I suppose my morning was lower than usual so that presumably had a knock on effect. I played some Pickleball last night and maybe that was more energetic than I thought and I should have reduced my Lantus. Anyway - I'm waffling.
I waffle when I’m low. Check again.
What the heck is Pickleball? I’m imagining throwing silver skins all over the house! :rofl:

Firmly ensconced at mum and dads and wishing you all a Merry Christmas. And after discovering that Carol of the Bells is a Ukrainian independence song, what better way to do that than with this fav Bette Midler version of my fav Christmas song being danced to by a hula dance troop from Kyiv. Enjoy!
