Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all, 6.7, and it’s Boxing Day, my favourite day of the festive season. Why? Because I’ve got absolutely nowt to do, no where to go and no one to see! Bliss! But I’m still up at 6am! 😱

Had a lovely, if chaotic day yesterday. Our daughters sure know how to shock/surprise us. We all gathered at ours about 11.30. I offered drinks as you do, Bucks Fizz, wine, beer, soft drinks etc etc. Daughter number 2, who loves a Bucks Fizz, just came out with, I’m not drinking at the moment, temporarily confused I asked why, her reply, well, it’s not only the Turkey that’s in the oven! She’s pregnant, 18 years after she announced her first pregnancy when she was only 18. I think I was more shocked yesterday than I was then! Her husband has never had children and Rosie always said she didn’t want anymore children, as a very young single mother she missed out on such a lot and is/was enjoying her life. But obviously she met Paul 7 years ago and they married during Covid and here we go. Grandchild number 7 due next year 5/6 months after grandchild number 6 arrives! We were all in shock, in a good way obviously, then the crying started, me, and her sisters eventually got over the shock and started talking about midwives and scans blah blah blah. Mr Eggy paled and checked his wallet was safe! :rofl:

After we all recovered, the present giving and receiving commenced. Youngest first, etc etc. Mr Eggy and and I were last of course and we were handed a very small and thin beautifully wrapped present. Two nights in Brighton, a place we’ve wanted to visit for a long time, and two tickets to see the Gipsy Kings, who are a family favourite and Bomboleo is the Eggy family anthem. We all dance like nutters at family events, weddings, etc. Another fantastic surprise. I drank a bit too much Prosecco after these announcements and parts of the dinner were a tad caramelised ( pigs in blankets). But we all enjoyed it and I finally sat down at 9pm last night after clearing away the carnage! I’m hoping for a quiet day without any shocks/surprises as we’ve run out of Prosecco to claim me down! :rofl:

Hope everyone had the best day they could.
We didn’t get many photos at all, but I took a few of the mess and when looking through them last night, this one of Zara sitting in the middle of the chaos made me laugh. It’s as if she’s saying, I think I’m sitting in the wrong place here! :rofl:


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Morning everyone! 7'2 today.

I'm a bit jealous of yesterday's Elena who got 8 hours of sleep, a morning shower and a nice brunch before a leisurely walk to work, all in daylight. Today was a quick wet wipe, leftover dessert and cup of tea trying to revive me after less than 4 hours in bed, and a brisk walk in the dark. Sight!

I believe today is the national leftovers day. I don't have Big Dinner leftovers but I ain't cooking either. Will have cheeses and salami with crackers, maybe open the chutney I got from the Xmas market. We can pretend it's all from a festive charcuterie board 😉
Good morning. 7.5. Oops!

Going back to bed for an hour with a cuppa - they aren't due back until 11 a.m. Thank Goodness the daughter had the gumption to hire a cottage for the duration - 6 hours a day of 2 energetic and noisy boys is about as much as my frame will stand!

Christmas lunch went off OK - started at 12.45 - all washed up (well 2nd load in the dishwasher) by 1600 hrs. I had been on duty as cook from 0700hrs - cleaning sprouts etc to Carols from Kings. No major disasters altho' having the 2 year old nick the collander as a hat just as one is trying to drain the veggies wasn't helpful. Suspect there may have been a reduction in voltage as even at a nominal 420 degrees the cooker was most reluctant to crisp up the roast spuds but eventually did its duty. Couldn't light the woodburner as it gets very hot and dangerous for small people. Sent them off at 1700hrs with their supper packed up ready to serve.

Carrom board a very noisy success - coins and strikers flying everywhere until Nick and Rowan got the hang of it. Benjie most annoyed that his toy train was not allowed on board (or behind the cook when she was removing roast ducks from oven...). Peace was restored when his Mum took him out to groom Peachy - she now has the cleanest legs in Wales🙂 Both the boys love her to bits and she is the most tolerant of ponies.

Todays menu is all cold so just needs fishing out of the fridge and pantry. The kids are going to undress the tree and stand it outside in the rain - it is rootballed and that will give it a good chance of surviving to grow on. Fascinated by the enthusiasm of the local house decorators festooning their houses in coloured lights from 1 Dec to last of Jan but not my thing. How do they get up on their roofs with the reindeer etc?

Trust everyone had a good day. Hope that @Pattidevans is feeling much better and has scored enough points to come home.

6.5 after a good day. Lunch went well, presents were exchanged, Wizard of Oz watched. Round to daughter’s for the evening, had a lovely time but that is when it all went down hill eating wise, like me daughter loves to bake, and mainly sweet things, so a chocolate brownie and a very large chocolate cookie probably contributed to not only today’s higher reading, but the sugar hangover feeling either that or I am coming down with something, as I ache all over particularly my joints and I often associate that with too much sugar.

today will be walking with my friend and stopping for a coffee, then if it stays dry as promised, a trip to Southend for a walk along the seafront, followed by a quick vacuum of the downstairs as I was too tired when I got home last night, and left overs for dinner, I will make some mash for my hubby but I will just have meat and veg.

@eggyg - congratulations on the announcement of another grand baby.
Christmas miracles still happen!


Actually I ate really sensibly yesterday so it’s not a real shock. Coffee with cream for breakfast, two scrambled eggs with a bit of cheddar grated over the top of them for lunch, dinner was leek and potato soup, salmon coubliac (sp?), cauliflower and broccoli cheese, two teeny tiny bits of roast spuds and the tiniest sliver of sticky toffee pudding.

The meal wasn’t quite as expected as brother and s-in-l couldn’t come. She did her back in yesterday and can’t move but her mum came as did my nephew. We were supposed to be joined by old friends of mums and dads for pudding but they turned up literally as the soup was being dished up so they joined us for the whole thing.
@eggyg What fabulous news! Congratulations to you all!
Christmas miracles still happen!


Actually I ate really sensibly yesterday so it’s not a real shock. Coffee with cream for breakfast, two scrambled eggs with a bit of cheddar grated over the top of them for lunch, dinner was leek and potato soup, salmon coubliac (sp?), cauliflower and broccoli cheese, two teeny tiny bits of roast spuds and the tiniest sliver of sticky toffee pudding.

The meal wasn’t quite as expected as brother and s-in-l couldn’t come. She did her back in yesterday and can’t move but her mum came as did my nephew. We were supposed to be joined by old friends of mums and dads for pudding but they turned up literally as the soup was being dished up so they joined us for the whole thing.
Congratulations on the lesser spotted HS.
Morning all, 6.2 here, managed to quell two helpings of Christmas pud and a couple of Thorntons chocs with enough insulin to floor a Rhino.
Congratulations, @eggyg !
I did a split dose for Christmas dinner and it seemed to work well. My highest high was after the two handmade chocs that Mr Eggy bought me, at 10am. They just slipped into my mouth without a by your leave! 😱
I did a split dose for Christmas dinner and it seemed to work well. My highest high was after the two handmade chocs that Mr Eggy bought me, at 10am. They just slipped into my mouth without a by your leave! 😱
They do that, don’t they!
Yes, I did a split dose for the pud etc. That sounds very organised, I mean I dosed at the time, looked at my Libre trace a couple of hours later, saw it had done an upturn, and thought, oopsie, better shove some more in.
Well done @ColinUK on that HS. And congratulations @eggyg on the good news.
A 6.0 for me this morning, due I expect to some late-night fridge robbing and snackery. :D

An Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.
"Get up" He Said, "take The Child and His Mother and flea into Egypt."

After the excesses of yesterday I got a 9.2 this morning.

Feel like I’ve been out of the loop these past few days. Hope everyone had a good day yesterday and a belated Happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates. We were by ourselves yesterday which was nice to just please ourselves to what and when we ate and nice and chilled out. Watched a couple of Christmas movies then finished off with some more of Greys Anatomy that we are working our way through (now up to season 8).

Off to my daughter’s today to see the grandchildren and my son and his girlfriend will be there as well, so a nice family get together.

@Pattidevans - so sorry to hear of your hospital stay - how scary! I hope you get released soon!
@eggyg - congratulations on your news of another grandchild on the way!
@ColinUK an HS?! Over the festive period?! That’s just showing off :rofl:

Take care everyone!
Good morning - 9.5

Have a great day everyone
Slept well after a very late night and have only just got up and had breakfast. My wife is still in bed, as is her sister (who we're staying with). Just me and 2 dogs up and about at the moment.

6.1 on waking so looks like I didn't overindulge yesterday. A piece of lemon cheesecake for dessert, a couple of dark chocolate brownies later and a piece of Xmas fruit cake in the evening, minus icing. Oh, and the occasional chocolate from the sweet bowl.

Congrats @ColinUK on a festive HS

Going for a riverside walk later then it's back round to my wife's niece's for Boxing Day. 13 of us for Xmas Dinner yesterday, a couple of cousins joining us all today. Our two boys won't be there as they're off to Southampton v Swansea later, having gone back home last night.

Enjoy Boxing Day, whatever you're doing.
Morning all - 5.3 for this morning rising to 6.0 but very pleased with that as I really didn't feel I missed out yesterday. We had our lunch at about 4pm and the turkey was really succulent which makes a change - I went for a Herb Fed one and followed Mary Berry's guidance - felt a bit bad when the two veggies with us came into the kitchen and found me with my whole hand between the breast and the skin making space for butter & lemon slices :rofl: There were 12 of us for lunch, all family plus one boyfriend and it was really lovely. I had two mouthfuls of Christmas Pud and it was yummy but I didn't need more. Very soggy yesterday but gorgeous clear skies today so a big walk is in order I think. My son is making his beef wellington (with Wagyu beef from local farm) this evening and our neighbours are joining us for our Boxing Day Buffet which will be lovely as she's been working all over Christmas (District Nurse). @Pattidevans really hope you can go home today; @eggyg lovely news & @ColinUK congrats on the HS. Have a good day everyone xxx
Good morning everyone

After eating everything I could and more..... BG 5.5 amazing

@ColinUK Congratulations on the HS. Have a suitable house to enjoy this festive season.


It was a very busy Christmas day and last night I slept for 12 hours!!! Hence the late posting.

Some sadness as my only daughter never contacted us or came to see us and seems to have shut us out of her life and I hurt terribly.

Today back to routine... exercise, diet, practice (no, forget any practice!!!)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing