Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 6.3 today (yesterday and the day before 5.7 and 6.3).

Storm Gerrit or one of his relatives delivered a violent thunderstorm on the night of the 27th. Flash/lights out/bang/rumble..all in a second. The whole area lost internet. I, of course, did better - my modem (hub) died of fright (or possibly a power surge) so no communication, news, Guardian Crossword. EEK! New modem arrived by post this morning so back on line - would that my smart meter was - it appears to be of equal feebleness - lots of coloured lights but no data. Octopus appear to have hired the village idiot over Christmas ("wait 24 hrs and see what happens" "It is dead - send an engineeer" "Oh I think you should wait 24 hrs" "What for - an autopsy?". Any hope of an intellignet one is deferred - they are now not available until Tuesday so I shall be thinking up some good epithets before the necessary conversation.

Other than 3 hours of watery sunshine it has been raining heavily. Everything awash. Rather depressing but a couple of stiff cognacs last night cheered me up...At least the road water is excluded now and is running away downhill to add to the Teifi which has left much of itself lying around its flood plain. Quite breezy with forecast for up to 75mpf gusts. Struggled out to more distant feed merchant yesterday to buy Peachy her favourite feed - local chap has changed suppliers, I think, as nothing she fancied on offer. So she is quite enjoying being in. I am less happy as even the 12ft between the barn and the muck stack is enough to get wet through - the bloke who invented the tumble dryer should be cannonised.

Hope everyone is doing well and recovering from Christmas.
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My girls used to love 'Chase the Ring' game. Everybody sits in a circle holding on the a string with a ring threaded onto it and the ring is passed round inside the hands from person to person and when the music stops the 'Chaser' who stands in the middle has to find who has the ring. If they find it then that person goes in the middle. I don't know if it is an official game but it is great fun.
For New Years Day we have an old family favourite. First one to roll a six has to put on hat, gloves and scarf and cut into a large bar of chocolate with a knife and fork and get as many squares until someone else rolls a six! Catchy eh? :rofl:
We also usually play, Take an empty cereal box and take it in turns to pick it up with your teeth, then tear a strip off until it gets shorter and shorter, if you fail to pick it up, you’re out. Equally catchy! Winner is the usually the most flexible member of the family. With two pregnant daughters this year, a 6ft 7inch son-in-law and me still suffering with backache there may not be as many participants this year! :rofl:
For New Years Day we have an old family favourite. First one to roll a six has to put on hat, gloves and scarf and cut into a large bar of chocolate with a knife and fork and get as many squares until someone else rolls a six! Catchy eh? :rofl:
We also usually play, Take an empty cereal box and take it in turns to pick it up with your teeth, then tear a strip off until it gets shorter and shorter, if you fail to pick it up, you’re out. Equally catchy! Winner is the usually the most flexible member of the family. With two pregnant daughters this year, a 6ft 7inch son-in-law and me still suffering with backache there may not be as many participants this year! :rofl:
Another one I remember at kids parties was a huge pile of flour formed into a pyramid with a Smartie balanced on the top and people took turns in cutting away a section with a knife and whoever caused the Smartie to fall down had to get it out with their mouth. It was fun but pretty ghastly if it was you.
Afternoon all

Another wet and windy day here but a happy 5.3 earlier this morning, had my porridge and now it's
off to the shop to pick up a few bits.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Hello all, nearly forgot to post, I am having an admin day, getting myself ready to go back to work and to do my taxes!! A very nice, considering the terrible food I ate in a pub yesterday which had a lot of things missing form the menu, 5.2.
Another one I remember at kids parties was a huge pile of flour formed into a pyramid with a Smartie balanced on the top and people took turns in cutting away a section with a knife and whoever caused the Smartie to fall down had to get it out with their mouth. It was fun but pretty ghastly if it was you.
I’m surprised nobody’s playing that Victorian childhood game Snap-dragon anymore.

No idea why not as just think of the fun of filling a large, wide, deep bowl with brandy, setting it alight, floating raisins in the burning liquid, extinguishing all other candles or lights and watching the joy unfold as the children pick the raisins up out of the flaming liquid with their mouths.
I’ve caved and booked a private appointment to get Cyril dealt with. 10th Jan.
For New Years Day we have an old family favourite. First one to roll a six has to put on hat, gloves and scarf and cut into a large bar of chocolate with a knife and fork and get as many squares until someone else rolls a six! Catchy eh? :rofl:
We also usually play, Take an empty cereal box and take it in turns to pick it up with your teeth, then tear a strip off until it gets shorter and shorter, if you fail to pick it up, you’re out. Equally catchy! Winner is the usually the most flexible member of the family. With two pregnant daughters this year, a 6ft 7inch son-in-law and me still suffering with backache there may not be as many participants this year! :rofl:
We used to do it with Mars Bars.
I’m surprised nobody’s playing that Victorian childhood game Snap-dragon anymore.

No idea why not as just think of the fun of filling a large, wide, deep bowl with brandy, setting it alight, floating raisins in the burning liquid, extinguishing all other candles or lights and watching the joy unfold as the children pick the raisins up out of the flaming liquid with their mouths.
What the heck is Snap-Dragon?
Hello weekend 8.4 this morning
and was 8.0 on the nose yesterday

hope everybody’s enjoying the Christmas holidays (those of us lucky enough to be off)
Ive still several pages of posts to catch up with.. having been quite lazy whilst off work

yesterday I went and collected a second hand exercise bike, it was exactly the same make & model as the one we sold about 18 months ago, back then we were unsure exactly where we would be moving to and size of property so had a big clear out and the excercise bike having been hardly used

I’ve been putting on weight recently, so trying to be more active and Improving fitness is definitely going to be one of my New Year’s resolutions.
I will be 60 in the summer so think definitely a positive move to improved fitness is a good idea, plus obviously with my latest Hba1c coming in at over 70 a change is definitely needed.

TC 😎

Been up since 6am, couldn’t sleep, anyway 7.8 which is largely due to my binge on carb filled foods yesterday evening, I had been fine all day, did housework, went for a run, made a lovely homemade burger which son had with oven chips and I had with roasted veg, then boom about 8pm I was like a thing possessed by the desire to eat, started with peanuts and Pringles, then on to cream crackers and savoury biscuit for cheese, all things that have been in the house for weeks, thankfully I didn’t start anything that was still sealed so hopefully that will go on Monday or dates permitting go away until mum’s birthday in Feb.

Off for a NYE walk and coffee with my friends, well our usual Sunday walk, then just the upstairs bathroom to clean as that didn’t get done yesterday.
A good old Len Goodman for me this morning.

Have a great day!
Morning all. 7.1, that’ll be the Rice Krispie cake I had before bed! 🙄 It’s not just you @Grannylorraine.

New Years Eve, again! I’ve seen a few in now, the last few years we’ve just stayed at home, watch Jools ring in the New Year, and go to bed! Tonight will not be any different. I won’t make any resolutions that mean I have to deprive myself or make myself miserable, I might make a resolution to have more holidays, read more books and live for the day.

Have a lovely day and night, whatever your plans. I’m food prepping, for a change, for the hordes descending tomorrow for a New Year’s Day buffet tea. I love it really. 😉
Good morning everyone and Happy New Years Eve

BG let me down no triple HS as it was 5.3 this morning. Sigh.

Been adding to my App since 5am although I did wake at 2:15am

Today, church, rest, zilch. No celebrations sadly.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing