Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.4 for me today. 🙂

Ending the year with a fasting 6.2, so it hasn't been a great December for managing my BG, with more 6s than 5s. Too many Xmas goodies around. Having said that my diary shows that it's pretty much the same pattern as last year, so with a brand new year starting tomorrow it'll be time to knuckle down and try and get back to where I usually am.

Calm and dry this morning, with some patches of blue sky around, after a stormy night. Had to shut our bedroom window around midnight to keep the noise out, not just the howling wind but torrential rain drumming on the cars too.

Nothing special planned for New Year's Eve. Our eldest will be at his girlfriend's place in London and if our youngest doesn't arrange anything with his mates it'll be a quiet evening at home with just the three of us, in front of the TV watching the fireworks in London.

Whatever your plans enjoy your evening, wave goodbye to 2023 and say hello to what will hopefully be a good 2024.
Morning all. 4.8

Nothing planned for tonight. I shall cook salt and pepper chicken for us then we'll settle down with a film before Rick Astley and the fireworks.

Happy NYE everyone.
Morning all. 7.1 this morning. Long day of driving yesterday as we’re staying with friends up in Plockton for New Year. They have a castle (don’t ask!) and we are waited on hand and foot which is gorgeous but I don’t think I mentioned about being diabetic so last night pudding was a creme brûlée that we set fire to ourselves. When it had gone out I scraped off the brown sugar and had two tiny mouthfuls. Came upstairs to do my basal insulin only to find to my horror that were only 4 units left in it and I hadn’t brought a spare 😱 I’m going to have to go without for two days and get my brother to bring one up when they come up with the dogs for us all to go over to Harris for a few days. Really cross with myself especially as I’m being catered for by someone else so really hard to keep low BG. Have a good day everyone - we’re all (30 of us) going for a big walk up in the mountains so that will definitely help. X


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Morning all. 🙂 5.1 here.

It’s so weird when that happens @Grannylorraine - I used to feel like something alien had taken me over. But it’s in the past now, don’t beat yourself up. Have a lovely time with your friends. 🙂

Glad to read that I’m not the only one staying in tonite and watching it all on telly! Looking fwd to Rick Astley / Jools Holland, then fireworks from across the world. I was in Sydney at NY in my 20s - it really is as spectacular as it looks. Then tomorrow, it’s the Saundersfoot NY’s Day swim...I hope the rain and wind don’t put people off!

Morning all. 7.1 this morning. Long day of driving yesterday as we’re staying with friends up in Plockton for New Year. They have a castle (don’t ask!) and we are waited on hand and foot which is gorgeous but I don’t think I mentioned about being diabetic so last night pudding was a creme brûlée that we set fire to ourselves. When it had gone out I scraped off the brown sugar and had two tiny mouthfuls. Came upstairs to do my basal insulin only to find to my horror that were only 4 units left in it and I hadn’t brought a spare 😱 I’m going to have to go without for two days and get my brother to bring one up when they come up with the dogs for us all to go over to Harris for a few days. Really cross with myself especially as I’m being catered for by someone else so really hard to keep low BG. Have a good day everyone - we’re all (30 of us) going for a big walk up in the mountains so that will definitely help. X
Sounds fab. You will get use to taking spares, and spares of spares, very soon. It’s not the end of the world, the walk will help. Have a great time, hope you manage to get to Harris ok. X
Good morning 8.3 this morning
TBH wouldn’t have been surprised if it was higher
as overdid the carb heavy foods yesterday evening

Then we had some very heavy rain in the early hours
which woke me and I ended up having a cup of tea
and some apple pie with custard

like many others we have tickets for a night in for celebrations tonight 🙂
Happy New Year


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Morning all. 3.2 for me this morning. No low alarm went off . Looking at my phone nice line in the 6 range . Then dropped sharpish was in bed asleep so new nothing about it . The joys of diabetes. First hypo in 14 days as well. Have a good day folks and be careful out there
Good morning - 7.4 at 9:00

Have a great day everyone
Morning all - another miserable, windy, wet day. Though much earlier there was blue sky.

9.4 first thing. Can't seem to get morning numbers down since that steroid injection, which is now 2 weeks away. Though last night after dinner it only rose to the dizzy heights of 8.3.

Tonight we're going to be joining most of the rest of you with a night in watching Jools & fireworks on TV. There's a group on down at the pub and fancy dress, but the whole idea makes me shudder! I'll be spending a fair bit of time today preparing for a buffet for friends tomorrow afternoon. We've eaten all the ham so I've bought another small one that I'll boil in cider, there's 4 different kinds of pate, boiled eggs to do for the mock caviar, potato salad and some prawns and scallops. We're having roast picanha beef tonight, so any left over from that, green salad and a huge cheese board with figs and dates, Xmas pud, gingerbreads and stollen. These are the friends who should have been here on Boxing day and the friend who should have spent Xmas with us.

Here's wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year and sending hugs to all those feeling under the weather.
Morning all

A more than happy 5.2 for me on this sunny but still windy morning.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
A very unfortunate 14.5(I didn't check with a figer prick I actually should have done of this occasion). Dex alerted saying I was HIGH at 4am this morning. Figer prick said 19.8. I correct and according to dex it got down to 10.1 but then kept back up again. And I'm still not back in range now. It's brought my time in range down by quite a bit. I'm really not feeling well now I don't know if it's the effects of being high all night and all mornin Or it's more issues. I'm supposed to being going out a meal tonight night and stayong away for the night
4.3 this morning and just a single JB overnight, despite my high alarm going off notlong after I climbed into bed an me resisting the temptation to inject a correction.
Going to my sister's tonight for a meal and a quiz afterwards but will be home and asleep before midnight. Then we plan to drive a pair of horses tomorrow afternoon, weather permitting. We still have the harness and carriage decorated with tinsel and baubles, so last opportunity to give it an outing before next Christmas. Neither of us do Christmas decorations at home so this is our token gesture! Not sure the horses appreciate it. 🙄

Congrats to @Barrowman for squeaking in with a last House Special of the year.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year!