Group 7-day waking average?

7.3 this morning, must do better.

Went to the “Victorian” Christmas Market in nearby Stratford upon Avon today. There were a few people in costume, but the stalls were all selling the usual fare of food, scarves and dubious jewellery. It was absolutely packed and we quickly reached the point of having had enough. Quick meal in a pub before returning home on the bus (quite a novelty for us but with manic parking it was definitely the best choice).

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS and unicorn! Here’s a project house for you and Mr Eggy to have a go at :


(It’s a 700 year old house in Aveyron, France built in the 13th century. Apparently the reason for the ground floor being smaller than the upstairs is because at the time you only paid taxes on occupied land).

@ColinUK - enjoy Krakow!

Hope everyone had a good day!
Good-evening, this morning my BS was 9.1
although before dinner this evening it was a much more respectable 4.9

yes @rebrascora I do test at other times of day, and I have had some high readings,even double figures as a result of what I eat.

I’m proof it can be so easy to slip into a bad routine, to be honest I know Ive slipped, I've not been eating as healthily as I was when I lost just over 30KG

I’m eating to many carbohydrates and sugar laden foods again, just not eating enough fresh fruit vegetables or protein I know 🙄

I know what I need to do,
I did it before,
sometimes some people I meet find it hard to believe my weight dropped from 120 KG down to under 90, not unsurprisingly it’s creeping up, last weekend I weighed in at 101KG.

my activity level is also much less than it was,
I had my ankle surgery (back early in the summer) which resulted in me being a virtual coach potato for a few months, and there are other reasons.

congratulations @eggyg on todays HS
hope you have a fabulous break in Poland @ColinUK

So many people on this forum have in the past given me good advice, and inspired me
Hope your all having a lovely weekend 😎
TC everyone
Sorry @goodybags I hope my comment didn't seem like I was prying. I imagine it has been pretty tough being laid up and lack of exercise does make you want to eat more.... and then going back to work and having to catch up there and the house move as well so lots of stress the last 6 months I would think.. Not a great time of year for climbing back on the wagon either. 🙄
At least you know why it has risen and you know that you can bring it down again because you have done it before.
Quite shocking that your GP wouldn't give you the actual result.
Good morning everyone. Up late at 6am

An amazing 5.2 again yesssss. How about a round house of some sort?

There was a church breakfast yesterday morning at the beach cafe...bacon, eggs, baked beans, toast, coffee. Really good. Great company too.

I had to go out to the church last night to set up the sound system for their practice And stay to adjust things. Getting there on foot was almost impossible. We were experiencing quite a storm!!!


Today church, exercise, rest, maybe some practice.
10.5 although good news though is we got is were 71% for the past in range much better than the 58%(I think) last week
Morning folks. 🙂 5.7 here.

Well, surprisingly, I thoroughly enjoyed the Gweithdy Torch Nadolig / Xmas Wreath Workshop that rounded off yesterday’s Welsh course. Mine was pretty minimalist, although I did manage to attach a smattering of dried red chillies and lime slices for a detour from all the greenery. There were some really original designs being produced - I was well impressed! Got home to a howling gale (which would’ve trashed my wreath in ten seconds flat) so I’m looking for somewhere to hang it indoors. It’s the first time I’ve put any kind of Xmas deco’s up in this house LOL. Got my eye on a driftwood tree too...:confused: :D

4.3 today, got 5 cakes covered in marzipan, went to knit & natter. Today will be a walk and coffee with friends, finishing off 1 of the Christmas cakes as mum needs it for a party on Wednesday, covering a few more in marzipan, baking another Christmas cake and doing some long overdue housework now the decorations are finally all up.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS today.
Good morning 6.6 today

No I didn’t think @rebrascora you were prying, thanks for your support

Congratulations on the HS @Gwynn, you asked for a Round House

Have a great day everyone 😎


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7.3 this morning, must do better.

Went to the “Victorian” Christmas Market in nearby Stratford upon Avon today. There were a few people in costume, but the stalls were all selling the usual fare of food, scarves and dubious jewellery. It was absolutely packed and we quickly reached the point of having had enough. Quick meal in a pub before returning home on the bus (quite a novelty for us but with manic parking it was definitely the best choice).

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS and unicorn! Here’s a project house for you and Mr Eggy to have a go at :

View attachment 28491

(It’s a 700 year old house in Aveyron, France built in the 13th century. Apparently the reason for the ground floor being smaller than the upstairs is because at the time you only paid taxes on occupied land).

@ColinUK - enjoy Krakow!

Hope everyone had a good day!
I love it, thanks. As long as we don’t wander over to the windows on the top floor to look out we’ll be fine! 😉
6.0 this morning, so not much change in my fasting levels for a week now. Oddly, my post-prandial results aren't any higher than usual - 5.8 after yesterday's Smoked Salmon & Spinach Omelette & Salad, a meal for which I average 5.5 according to the eight entries in my food diary.

Watched a programme last night about Xmas 1981, which was apparently the whitest of the 20th Century. Maggie Philbin of Swap Shop fame was one of those reminiscing and would you believe it included a clip of her, Cheggers and Noel Edmonds singing I Wanna Be A Winner....!! We were discussing it on here only a couple of days ago.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS today.

Have a good Sunday all.
Morning all. No idea what I was this morning as I forgot to check so I’m gonna guess a 5.2 lol

I’m all checked in at Heathrow and I’ve breakfasted in the lufthansa lounge. Now waiting for them to refill the coffee beans then I’ll have a cup.

It’s deliciously quiet in here.
Morning all and a rather nice 5.9.

Yesterday was a LONG day, up at 5.45 with Zara and all that entails, playing, feeding, bathing etc. Grandson arrived at 3, Zara left at 4. Mr Eggy took grandson into town at 6pm for his Christmas party, he rang at 1am to be picked up! Went to bed about 1.30, couldn’t sleep until he settled, he’d been bought a few beers, ( he’s 17 next month)! We’ve all been there haven’t we? Not sure he’ll want a full English this morning. 😳 Honestly, one grandchild has us up at the crack of dawn,,the other has us up all night into the early hours. I’m cream crackered, is it bedtime yet?😉

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS.
Have a fab time @ColinUK

Have a super Sunday all.
Morning all and a rather nice 5.9.

Yesterday was a LONG day, up at 5.45 with Zara and all that entails, playing, feeding, bathing etc. Grandson arrived at 3, Zara left at 4. Mr Eggy took grandson into town at 6pm for his Christmas party, he rang at 1am to be picked up! Went to bed about 1.30, couldn’t sleep until he settled, he’d been bought a few beers, ( he’s 17 next month)! We’ve all been there haven’t we? Not sure he’ll want a full English this morning. 😳 Honestly, one grandchild has us up at the crack of dawn,,the other has us up all night into the early hours. I’m cream crackered, is it bedtime yet?😉

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS.
Have a fab time @ColinUK

Have a super Sunday all.
So you’re starting hoovering right outside his door at 9am then?!
Well done @Gwynn on the 5.2.
A 5.7 for me this morning.

03:07 BS 5.7 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Slightly under did breakfast bolus earlier but, only by 2 or 4 NR & coming up to meal number 2 in about 30 minutes to an hour with BS in the 12s! It COULD drop suddenly at the last minute, though, & has done so so many times, to be ok, near enough in target range: my BS is just like that; erratic! Thank goodness I have the libre! 🙄😛:D It was the gradually increasing NR stage, after frantically reducing it, while the higher basal tails off before the the reduced dose stops my BS falling in between meals! My BS just hasn’t stayed static for long these few months BUT, I take comfort in the fact that at SOME point I’ll reach equilibrium? :confused:🙄