Group 7-day waking average?

08:05 BS 8.3 Which I’ll take after a middle of the night in the 15’s after going too ultra conservative NR dose for dinner so, had a midnight feast, really was just after 00:00, & a guessed still conservative dose of 20NR & went back to sleep! I’m still falling so, tresiba definitely going down to 60 today as I actually woke an hour earlier on BS 8.9 so, I’m going down instead of rising as I would normally be doing!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Oh! Ok, it’s Christmas, after all so, just amended my xmas asda order & added some slightly naughty bits of smoked salmon, brussels pate & Kingsmill no crusts white bread for toast to put it on! 😛 So, I’m not quite as good as I may have come across! Nudge, Nudge, 😉😉 :rofl:
Good moaning from Bolris and me. Annoyingly jumped up an estimated 2mmol/L during the waking process to 10.3 but has stayed there for an hour. 7-day TIR has improved from under 50% to 64% after a bad week finishing with being floored by the pneumonia vaccine.

Nothing planned as still not too good.

Outside grey and wet!
08:05 BS 8.3 Which I’ll take after a middle of the night in the 15’s after going too ultra conservative NR dose for dinner so, had a midnight feast, really was just after 00:00, & a guessed still conservative dose of 20NR & went back to sleep! I’m still falling so, tresiba definitely going down to 60 today as I actually woke an hour earlier on BS 8.9 so, I’m going down instead of rising as I would normally be doing!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Oh! Ok, it’s Christmas, after all so, just amended my xmas asda order & added some slightly naughty bits of smoked salmon, brussels pate & Kingsmill no crusts white bread for toast to put it on! 😛 So, I’m not quite as good as I may have come across! Nudge, Nudge, 😉😉 :rofl:

Smoked salmon is a good source of lean protein and Omega-3 so not naughty at all...
6.1 again on a soaking wet Berkshire morning, so still stuck in the 6s. Not sure why, unless it's my sinuses which have been giving me grief for a few days now. Our eldest was contemplating doing the local Park Run this morning but I'm pretty sure he'll change his mind when he sees what it's like outside. Gales forecast for later, too.

Wife and I are going to head over to nearby Bracknell later to do a little more Xmas shopping otherwise nothing special going on today. In any case it looks like a good day to stay indoors, pick off a few household chores and watch the football.

@eggyg congrats on banking an HS. What I'd give for one of those........

@Elenka_HM & @ColinUK we have a Millets here

Have a good start to the weekend, your weather permitting. The rain's just got a lot heavier here.
Morning all. 5.4. Rain this morning and gales this afternoon so i shall be staying in. Cleaning and washing to do then a sit down with my book and a coffee.

Congrats on the HS and unicorn @eggyg.
Well done @eggyg on the HS. 🙂

A 6.1 this morning after another restless night with a series of weird dreams. One that stands out was this. After years and years, for some reason I decided to start smoking again, so I ordered a carton of cigarettes with my Sainsbury’s delivery. Strangely, when the delivery came it was by my usual Evri delivery driver and van. (Un)fortunately our road was flooded at the time and the driver dropped the cigarettes into the water. They were totally waterlogged, so naturally I refused to take them. The driver and I stood knee deep in the water chatting about what a lucky escape I’d had from becoming an addict again. 😱

I’ve always believed dreams occur when your brain is processing all the things that happened to you during the day and trying to make sense of various odd and ends. Among yesterday’s events there were these: Mid-morning I had an obvious scam text purporting to be from Evri about an undelivered parcel. In the afternoon, I had a suspicious e-mail from Sainsbury’s. Instead of using my First name as they always do it was “Hi Customer, we’re getting in touch about your online order, which is due for delivery on the 8th December 2023. We’ve noticed you have 3 items or less in your trolley .... " (Shouldn't that be 3 items or fewer?) and telling me what I should do. I did have an order for today, but it was properly checked out earlier in the day. Then when I was doing the washing up Alexa shouted out a warning from the Met Office about heavy rain and possible flooding.

Those 3 little events probably helped create the dream, but I couldn’t for the life of me think where the cigarettes came from. Then I remembered that while looking at online tributes to the late Shane MacGowan I noticed that most of the pics were him with a drink and a fag hanging out of his mouth. Isn’t the brain a wonderful thing. 😎

I do have a Sainsbos delivery this morning – I’ll let you know if anything untoward happens.


I think dreams can be triggered. Until someone started a thread about dreaming about diabetes I never had in sixty years and now I have had two. In one the dog has got my repeat prescription (in real life my finger pricker has got his teeth marks as he thought snatching it was a game - sadly had to be rehomed) and the other about someone I had not thought about in 40 years. He as Type I with wealthy parents and got a BG monitor for £1000 while I waited till they came down to £200 - serious money in those days! I have recurring ones about my amputation. In one I am being held down screaming (something I have never done) on a trolley as they hack off my leg. In the other my prosthetic is stuck in shingle or mud with the tide rushing in as someone pulls desperately on my arm. A number of medical team think I have undiagnosed PTSD!
Definitely still falling as I’m in the 7’s now: better not wait too long for breakfast; when it gets to the 6’s I get breakfast on! STILL NOT a breakfast person & prefer a bit of space after getting up before I eat! 🙄

4.2 this morning, hoping to go to knit and natter, but depends how well I get in with covering the first couple of Christmas cakes in marzipan and making the Royal icing. All the rest will be covered in sugar paste which won’t arrive until during the week.

@Michael12421 - pleased you are feeling better, but what a frightening experience for you. I agree with @Bloden don't be put off having a libre because of issue, think of all the users worldwide that they have assisted.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS and unicorn day, pleased you are feeling calmer about your daughter.

@ColinUK - have safe travel tomorrow and hope you have a wonderful time in Poland.

4.8 today, not much planned as still off work, but feeling a bit better, just these sudden bouts of either a tight chest, tight across my back or breathlessness, beginning to wonder if I am anemic rather than it being to do with my asthma as I am not wheezing or coughing.

@eggyg - so sorry to hear about your daughter, hope they call her today? I totally understand you worrying about her, especially after everything she has been through so far. Have you looked or posted in the pregnancy section to get advice for her, i know it isn’t a very active part of the forum, but it might give you an idea of what she can expect in terms of support.

@ColinUK - pleased you got some honesty, hope you now get some answers.

@Eternal422 - thank you for the house share yesterday, I’ll happily take it if @Gwynn does all the fixing up, as I can’t even change a light bulb.

inever saw TISWAS or swap shop as I was always out on a Saturday morning having dancing lessons, started with tap, then onto Latin American classes, was usually mid afternoon before I got home,
I was the same on a Saturday morning with my dancing lessons - loved it! and when I got home my Mum always made me egg, chips & bacon - happy times
Good mornng. 6.7

Raining, both misty and windy. One of the joys of living on a hill is that one quite often ends up in the clouds.

I am sleeping extremely badly at the moment, not nodding off until after midnoht and then awake again at 0200 - ish. Of course once the alarm goes off I could go out like a light...Still it is giving me time to re-read Patrick O'Brian - I had forgotten how well he wrote and was glad to find 15 of his books sitting on kindle. What a useful device as I have few walls which are not already obscured by book cases. Without kindle I would have to invade the guest bedroom...

Hope everyone has a plesant weekend.
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Morning All - a good morning here - 7.2 (was 5.8 on the Libre but went up going to the bathroom) and WE HAVE GAS 🙂🙂🙂 Lovely man came and delivered it at 7.30am. So I've turned the boiler back on and taken all the zones off standby (feels a bit wasteful with just me & the dogs here but I want to warm it up as some parts of the house are baltic) and in a minute I'll take my scarf off. I attached my new sensor last night and found it quite straight forward with the instructions (the nurse had done it before for me with the two free samples she gave me). I've paid for this one but actually also managed to go onto the Abbot website and order a free one through the Free Trial as the other two had come from the surgery so that's an extra Christmas present for me - along with the gas. Off with my Mum to get her a real Christmas tree today - yesterday in Penrith suddenly found a nice artificial one in a shop we hadn't looked in, but when she got it home she got it out of the box and then put it straight back in again and rang me to say she hates it because it had lots of little wires all over it (pre-lit). Oh well - can't say I haven't tried. We had a lovely lunch together at Lowther Castle yesterday. I'm traipsing over to near Keswick tonight for a friend's 60th birthday dinner. I won't stay for too long because am leaving the dogs at home. One of the benefits of stopping drinking (nearly 4 years ago now) is that it isn't an issue going out in the evening and I don't feel hard done by, whereas previously if Mark had been away and I had gone out to the dinner I probably would have been feeling resentful as I couldn't let my hair down. Soon realised I didn't need the alcohol to have a good timeo_O Have a lovely day everyone x
Morning everyone

And on a wet and breezy morning it’s a 4.6 for me.
Morning all - very very windy, but some blue sky.

The low alarm went off for a 4.1 around 6am but I ate two Dextro and went back to sleep. BG 6.1 when I woke again.

Well, it became apparent as soon as our "bargain" clothes airer was assembled that it is not going to fit in either the 2nd bedroom wardrobe nor under the spare bed as the racks do fold down but the very sturdy base doesn't fold at all. So it will have to remain decorating the 2nd bedroom, unless we have guests and then we'll have to move it into the "office" aka the small bedroom. Disappointing!

Meeting friends in town this afternoon and making Chicken Arrabiata with parmesan dumplings for dinner later.

Congratulations @eggyg on another HS and Unicorn.

Bon Voyage @ColinUK

@zippyjojo glad you have had a gas delivery! Nothing worse than being cold indoors.

Have a super Saturday all...
Sainsbury's just been. Everything all present and correct and only a light drizzle while talking to the driver. :D

Oops! I forgot to post earlier.

4.1 for me and another flatfish although I did require 2 stacked corrections just before bed following a shared (small) fish and chip supper with Ian which was very disappointing and then a single JB at 4am to keep me out of the red, when my Libre alarm went off.

Many congrats to @eggyg on your House Special and unicorn achievements.

Hope you have a great time @ColinUK

@zippyjojo So relieved you have fuel for heating. Phew!

@RichardsUsername Well done on the great progress you are making.

@goodybags Hope your "abnormal" HbA1c isn't anything to worry about. Your morning readings don't seem too bad, although they have been creeping up a little bit recently. Do you test at other times of the day which would give you an indication of something being amiss?
Good morning everyone! 4'3 at waking, 5'1 when I got breakfast ready.

I finally messaged the diabetes team about me not taking insulin for 3 months. The doctor replied it is fine as long as my levels remain normal, and asked me to share my recent Libre results. And

"In terms of your diagnosis, autoimmune Type 1 can vary greatly. Your antibody tests were strongly positive and you have no clinical features of Type 2. I suspect your autoimmune process is slow and we have confirmed that your body continues to make significant amounts of insulin (from the urine test we sent in May). This could change very rapidly, so the key is to continue monitoring - the Libre is a good way of doing this and I would encourage you to continue with this."

So I can continue what I was doing, now with the peace of mind of my doctor's approval. Phew!

On the way to Exeter to attempt some more Christmas shopping. I planned to go to their festive market with my friends but it's basically one week left and I'm not sure if our schedules will align. Also, I prefer to go alone for shopping, as I am indecisive and I feel bad for my company if I keep going back and forth! Hopefully I can come back with the girls next week just to enjoy the vibes and have some warm drink, potentially a mulled one 😉
Hmm interesting perhaps your immune system hasn't fully attacked your pancreas yet.