Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.9.

I’ve tossed and turned since 3.30, mind whirring as usual. We had a bit of rubbish news yesterday, pregnant youngest daughter has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. :( She’s hasn’t had a very smooth ride with this pregnancy. Just two months ago the baby was small and they thought she didn’t have a stomach, turned out because she was so small they couldn’t see it. Daughter was going for extra scans anyways as Zara was premature, at her growth scan last week they said the baby was too big, hence the diabetes glucose test she had done on Wednesday, they called her first thing yesterday morning to give her the news. They have said not to worry about it at the moment and the diabetes team will call later. They never! They didn’t say anything about her mother not worrying though. I’m devastated TBF, it puts her at risk of developing Type 2 later in life not to mention the risks to the baby, pre eclampsia, high BP and having the baby early either by inducing her or Caesarean not to mention the baby being large, daughter is barely over 5ft. I know I’m probably over catastrophizing and imaging all the worst case scenarios but I’m so worried. I’ve been Googling NHS and DUK and the advice is swap to brown bread, pasta, rice etc! Oh dear! Hopefully they’ll call her today with a treatment plan, they didn’t give any numbers but did tell her her BGs were high before the glucose drink! What a bad time of year to be diagnosed, she has her works Christmas party tonight, plus all the treats everywhere, and how can she exercise when she works four full days a week, it’s winter and she has a toddler! Hopefully I’ll feel better once the team has spoken to her, as usual, daughter is being stoic about it all.

Anyhoo, we’re off home today and I’ll see daughter later as she’s bringing Zara round to stay over as she’s going out and so is her husband. At least I’ll have something to take my mind off things. I can’t see at the moment but I’m hoping the snow has gone from around the car, it poured down all day yesterday and was 7c so fingers crossed that Mr Eggy doesn’t have to dig it out as we only have a table spoon to do it with! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday everyone and may you all have House Specials and unicorns.

Sorry for your news. Keep positive. Someone I know had gestational diabetes for their first child but it did not return for second and third. To this day she has remained rather overweight but in the clear. The eldest has now entered teenhood.
@eggyg sorry to hear about your daughter.
A 6.2 for me this morning.

Good morning, I've been burying my head under the duvet for months, but I am trying to get back on track with diet control and testing daily helps. Feeling sympathy with anyone having jabs, I feel rubbish after yesterday's covid jab and a bit sore at having to have one at all. BG 5.6 today. Happy Friday all.
The thing I remember about Tiswas is Chris Tarrant, Sally James and Lenny Henry. They made me laugh and I loved that show.

Please get on track - I have met to many Type II amputees, some less than ten years in.

Feel sh*te today after yesterday's pneumonia jab but only had very mild symptoms after covid ones. We are all different as have not had flu one for a decade as had increasingly severe reactions. Was convinced I was dying after my last one and took a month to fully recover! Not sure I will have pneumonia one again...
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10.4 I did a correction around midnight and looking at it looks like it went down to the 3s at 3am but but my alarm didn't wake me up so I just have been sound alsleep. It doesn't look like it was there verry long though.
Morning all - 8.1 here this morning. Bit high but my TIR is 85 so I'm very happy with that. @eggyg I know you can't not worry, but at least your daughter knows the implications of diabetes and will do what she needs to do for the rest of the pregnancy. Have a good journey home.

I'm waiting yet again for my gas delivery. Was assured yesterday that even though it had been postponed the day before (which they hadn't told me) it would definitely be coming yesterday - it didn't. I've now had to turn everything off (I was keeping the kitchen & bedroom heating on) as can't risk boiler cutting out as would need to be re-set by plumbers. I'm not sure how it's even still running as needle has been down on zero for at least 3 days now. Anyway - luckily I've got a log burner in the kitchen so the dogs are happy! Have a great day everyone. x


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4.8 today, not much planned as still off work, but feeling a bit better, just these sudden bouts of either a tight chest, tight across my back or breathlessness, beginning to wonder if I am anemic rather than it being to do with my asthma as I am not wheezing or coughing.

@eggyg - so sorry to hear about your daughter, hope they call her today? I totally understand you worrying about her, especially after everything she has been through so far. Have you looked or posted in the pregnancy section to get advice for her, i know it isn’t a very active part of the forum, but it might give you an idea of what she can expect in terms of support.

@ColinUK - pleased you got some honesty, hope you now get some answers.

@Eternal422 - thank you for the house share yesterday, I’ll happily take it if @Gwynn does all the fixing up, as I can’t even change a light bulb.

inever saw TISWAS or swap shop as I was always out on a Saturday morning having dancing lessons, started with tap, then onto Latin American classes, was usually mid afternoon before I got home,
Good moaning from Boris and me! Feel rubbish after yesterday's pneumonia jab. They were going to do it Wednesday and am glad I postponed for a day as could not do physio how I feel now! If this lasts more than a day or two will decline next one. :( Oh, BG 10.3.
My understanding is that most people only need a single dose, with protection lasting for around 5 years before it starts to decline, in which case it'll be a while before you'll be offered another (if at all - I had mine 10 years ago, nothing since).
Happy to fix it up @Grannylorraine


I hated TISWAS and SWAP SHOP. Nothing worse than silliness. I also hate and have always hated pantomimes. Ugh.

It is odd really as I have quite an active abstract sense of humour
Happy to fix it up @Grannylorraine


I hated TISWAS and SWAP SHOP. Nothing worse than silliness. I also hate and have always hated pantomimes. Ugh.

It is odd really as I have quite an active abstract sense of humour
Hate panto?

Oh no you don’t!
And on this beautiful sunny morning it’s a 5.3 for me.
Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Morning all and 6.0 for me.

It looks like we will be relocating our rehearsal studio. Our current premises are dropping to bits. We think the landlord is trying to force everyone out by neglecting maintenance.

TISWAS all the way for me. Loved the chaos.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning. Been absent for a couple of days becaause I was taken into hospital

As briefly as I can manage this is what happened

Took Missy out for a walk at 1.30 on Wednesdaym became disintoriated and fell in the street, could not reach my JB's and passed out. Came to and there was a man shaking me. Missy was sitting nearby. I said thhat I needed sugar disolved in either milk or waater. He telephoned his wife, they only live about 50 metres away and she came and spoonfed me the mixture. They took me to their house and sat me down. Next thing an ambulance and 2 paramedics arrived, put me in and told me that they had to check for vital signs, it would only take a few minutes. The man and his wife stayed outside with Missy who started to howl. I have never heard her do that I had an electrocardoigram and there was a lot of muttering so thay did another and then a third. I was told that there was strong evidence of arrhithmia and that I must go to hospital right away and that a cardiac team would be waiting. I told them that I could not leave my dog in the street and that she would not come to them. I asked if I could go out and call her. As they took me out three passers by, one ofwhom was a kind lady I know and she offered to take Missy to my house. She came back a few minutes later with my keys and the ambulance set off for the hospita. Cardiac team were waiting and I was checked in. I had three more electrocadiograms.

I was discharged and got home at 9pm. The paramedic asked why I was not wearing a sensor. I told her about this forum and that people had reported differences in readings with finger pricks . that they were expensive and so were the sensors. No she said, thhey are provided free of charge, by the health service and are heavily susidiiised so I would pay very little. She said that she would write to my doctor about it.

So that is why I have been absent. 13.4 this morning
Good morning. Been absent for a couple of days becaause I was taken into hospital

As briefly as I can manage this is what happened

Took Missy out for a walk at 1.30 on Wednesdaym became disintoriated and fell in the street, could not reach my JB's and passed out. Came to and there was a man shaking me. Missy was sitting nearby. I said thhat I needed sugar disolved in either milk or waater. He telephoned his wife, they only live about 50 metres away and she came and spoonfed me the mixture. They took me to their house and sat me down. Next thing an ambulance and 2 paramedics arrived, put me in and told me that they had to check for vital signs, it would only take a few minutes. The man and his wife stayed outside with Missy who started to howl. I have never heard her do that I had an electrocardoigram and there was a lot of muttering so thay did another and then a third. I was told that there was strong evidence of arrhithmia and that I must go to hospital right away and that a cardiac team would be waiting. I told them that I could not leave my dog in the street and that she would not come to them. I asked if I could go out and call her. As they took me out three passers by, one ofwhom was a kind lady I know and she offered to take Missy to my house. She came back a few minutes later with my keys and the ambulance set off for the hospita. Cardiac team were waiting and I was checked in. I had three more electrocadiograms.

I was discharged and got home at 9pm. The paramedic asked why I was not wearing a sensor. I told her about this forum and that people had reported differences in readings with finger pricks . that they were expensive and so were the sensors. No she said, thhey are provided free of charge, by the health service and are heavily susidiiised so I would pay very little. She said that she would write to my doctor about it.

So that is why I have been absent. 13.4 this morning
That all sounds terrifying except the kind lady, the dog, and the chance of a free/subsidised sensor. I do hope you feel better now.
Good morning everyone! 4'3 at waking, 5'1 when I got breakfast ready.

I finally messaged the diabetes team about me not taking insulin for 3 months. The doctor replied it is fine as long as my levels remain normal, and asked me to share my recent Libre results. And

"In terms of your diagnosis, autoimmune Type 1 can vary greatly. Your antibody tests were strongly positive and you have no clinical features of Type 2. I suspect your autoimmune process is slow and we have confirmed that your body continues to make significant amounts of insulin (from the urine test we sent in May). This could change very rapidly, so the key is to continue monitoring - the Libre is a good way of doing this and I would encourage you to continue with this."

So I can continue what I was doing, now with the peace of mind of my doctor's approval. Phew!

On the way to Exeter to attempt some more Christmas shopping. I planned to go to their festive market with my friends but it's basically one week left and I'm not sure if our schedules will align. Also, I prefer to go alone for shopping, as I am indecisive and I feel bad for my company if I keep going back and forth! Hopefully I can come back with the girls next week just to enjoy the vibes and have some warm drink, potentially a mulled one 😉
Good morning. 6.4.

Dunno why FBG is sticking so high - I'll have to give up the yogurt and milk again and see if that helps. Did a few meal checks yesterday and found it 11.1 at 2 hrs after a meal of 200gms of Greek yoghurt with a sprinking of almonds. Back to being a carnivore I suppose - happily 2 game cookboodks have arrived with many recipes for pheasant and wild duck but suspect I shall demonstrate after testing that it will be plain ruddy roast after I try them out. Never mind, could be worse if I was a vegan.

@eggyg So sorry to hear about your daughter's diagnosis, I hope the NHS sort it out quickly. The one piece of luck for her is that she has such a supportive and well informed Mum. Large hugs - drive carefully on the way home.

Hope everyone has a good Friday.
Forgot to post this earlier, AND didn’t realise iPad battery is nearly dead & have to type this post a second time because it died on me, 00:25 BS 9.1. I kept overdoing NR yesterday so, gave it -8 for dinner very early: only JUST about made it to a19:00 before I fell asleep; just a wee bit over cautious reduction but, I’ll take it!

A Very G’day Mates, it’ll have to be as waiting for iPad to come to life again after plugging it in I’m past midday so, might as well take my time now with this post! Have a Wonderful Day! :rofl:😉🙄:D

It’s been the same story so far today with two meals in that I’m still overdoing the NR. It’s ok ish at the 3 hour mark but, having to eat extra JBs, biscuits & chocolate yesterday, forgot that bit in typing 1st paragraph twice, & today! It’s been just over a week on 64 tresiba & I’m thinking it needs going down further to 60. Midday alarm has already gone off so, putting it in after this post & I’m pretty sure I’m putting in 60? Yesterday BS was ok ish at the 4 hour mark & I’m pretty sure, especially with today’s evidence so far, that too much basal is dragging my BS down further after active NR? My mouth is tasting SO sweet from all the JBs, biscuits & chocolate! YUCK! A Green Puking emoji! I don’t think I’ll be losing any weight this week from the extra calories? Ah well! I’m REALLY not trying to actively or consciously lose weight, anyway but, it been very slowly dropping off me with all the little insulin reductions: it’s been very easy going & I haven’t put it back on; I hope I don’t do so NOW?

I just ordered my Christmas shopping booked for 21/12/23 from asda this year & a food to order stuffed turkey breast joint wrapped in bacon as I fancy a Christmas roast this year after eating pasta Bolognese last year! I’m REALLY noticing now just HOW expensive food has gotten & I haven’t gotten any naughty, or even slightly naughty, things at all! 😱

Right! Must get on & do my meds & tresiba now before I forget! 🙄:rofl:😉
Argh! I was in too much of a hurry & automatically dialled up 64 & put it in without much thought before I realised so, I’ll reduce it tomorrow & go ultra ultra conservative with NR for last meal today as I’ve already eaten extra JBs, biscuits & chocolate, in that order, twice today to keep my BS up! Shaking My Head emoji!