Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Dark, wet, windy... hmmm must get my meds checked!!! The weather is dire too. 🙂

Well tiver-me-shimbers ... BG 5.2 yessss

Couldn't sleep last night. Very unusual. Thinking of carols, chords, etc. I played reasonably well tho. Couldn't stop myself Going over and over the carols. Gave up trying to sleep and got up, had a cup of tea and a banana sandwich, amended some song sheets and eventually went back to bed and slept like a log. Got up late at 6am !!!

Today, very predictable...Pra......

Website photo four-hands.jpg

Christmas carols can be quite hard to play!!!

Have great day today whatever you are doing

5.2 despite the ongoing chest/breathing problems which are fine as long as I sit down and don’t speak, I find the second one very hard, but as hubby is on early shift I am in my own until 2.30pm, so no one to speak to anyway.

Going to try a slow walk to my mums today as thee is supposed to be a break in the rain around midday.

@rebrascora - hope you start feeling better soon.

@eggyg - fab photos again, pleased you have had a nice break.

@Gwynn - congratulations to my fellow HS

@ColinUK - I hope you are improving and are fully fit for when you go to Poland.


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Ah, that’ll be it, it’s so dark and gloomy here, all the cars will have glary headlights on.
I had mine a couple of weeks ago and walked back to my mum’s at dusk. Because of the drops, all the streetlights and car headlights were twinkling like little stars - very Xmassy. 😎 🙂

Morning folks. 🙂 3.3 here, oops.

Had some great feedback from my Welsh students last night...warm, fuzzy feeling. 🙂 It was the last lesson before Xmas, so we broke out the crackers and played a game called Drwg neu Neis? / Naughty or Nice? One of them had made the cutest Xmas tree biscuits with decorations piped on - what a talented bunch!
Hey, just had an idea! (I do sometimes, honest!). What about if we traded highs and lows with each other, that way we could all get those elusive unicorns! If only …:rofl:
Like The Multicoloured Swap Shop back in the day. You can be Noel and I’ll be Maggie. We’ll need volunteers to man the phones too. Only those over 50 will probably understand what I’m talking about. :rofl:
Well my return to the 5-point-somethings didn't last long as I've clocked a 6.3 this morning. I also got an unusually high 8.2 post-prandial yesterday evening after trying a new soup I bought at Waitrose, so won't be having that again. Will opt for tried-and-tested salmon steak for tea today as that's never taken me above 6.0 whether I have it with celeriac chips or cauli mash.

Pouring with rain when I woke just before 7. It's stopped now but it looks like we might be in for a wet day. If it can hold off until I've had my regular Thursday swim that would be good as I'm having to use the bus.

Congrats to @Gwynn & to @Grannylorraine on your HSs today, and @Pattidevans for yours yesterday

Hope the weather hasn't put a dampener on anyone's plans.
Like The Multicoloured Swap Shop back in the day. You can be Noel and I’ll be Maggie. We’ll need volunteers to man the phones too. Only those over 50 will probably understand what I’m talking about. :rofl:
But can you remember the song they recorded, and under what name, that was a Top 20 hit?
Ooh vaguely, can sort of see them singing it but couldn’t tell you what it was called. Was there a chorus where they sang “Swap Shop” or have I made that up? :confused:
It was called "I Wanna Be A Winner" and they called themselves Brown Sauce - Noel, Maggie & Cheggers.
It was called "I Wanna Be A Winner" and they called themselves Brown Sauce - Noel, Maggie & Cheggers.
I’ll have to check it out on YouTube. Would never have remembered that. Did you buy the record Martin and do you still play it as it obviously stuck in your mind? 😉
Morning all on another grey and wet day.

And today I have the first 5.2 for weeks, I always seem to be hovering around it every morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
I’m pleased to say that we’re back to the rain today & it’s noticeably not as cold so, I took off all the layers to be back to one dress & wrap & out of bed with heater back down to 20 C! It’s still cold ish but, no longer the icy cold of the last couple of days! I don’t feel like The Michelin tyres man anymore! 🙄:D😉:rofl:
Morning all - much of the same, teeming rain and windy.

5.9 this morning on my replacement sensor. 5.1 on BG - better than the last sensor anyway.

Going to the Diabetes evening event @6pm, which is all about HCL. Apparently there will be reps from the pump manufacturers there to answer questions. I am unsure what pumps the clinic are offering now. I only got a choice of Omnipod Dash or Medtronic 640 2 years ago, both of which were heading towards ancient tech at the time. Neither of which are capable of looping. It will be interesting to see what's on offer now.

Congratulations to @Gwynn, @Barrowman and @Grannylorraine on your HSs.

Hope @Grannylorraine and @ColinUK feel better soon.

Really loved the photos @eggyg

Have a good day all.
I’ll have to check it out on YouTube. Would never have remembered that. Did you buy the record Martin and do you still play it as it obviously stuck in your mind? 😉
We might well have bought it for our kids, who were 10 and 8 at the time and big fans of Swap Shop on Saturday mornings. Check it out:-

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Morning all - 7.2 here for me this morning. Very excited that our gas is apparently being delivered today so I'll be able to ditch the scarves inside. Have a great day everyone x
Very happy to report a 5.8 this morning and levels were reasonably steady mid range and 2 days in a row I am back to needing my 1.5 unit FOTF so things are returning to normal...ish . I am going back up with the daytime Levemir, so looks like maybe it was Covid and not the Amitriptyline causing the lows. Still not been to the shops and starting to dig deep into by cupboard stores, so need to go and replenish. I feel like my Covid was having a last hurrah yesterday, as my nose is dry this morning and haven't coughed today so far, so that is all looking much better. Must be all the well wishes from you lovely lot. Thanks so much. That and the backhand that I sent the DF into orbit with, night before last. Interesting how I needed lots of insulin for the Covid the first week and then a big swing the other way to less than usual the second week and now just levelling up back to normal now.

Congrats to the trio of House Special achievers today... @Gwynn, @Grannylorraine and @Barrowman. Well done you lot!