Group 7-day waking average?

As an ex skier I was brought up wearing silk sock and glove liners under the outer ones. The same with silk layers under the mid layers. It works a treat!

Is Millets still around? I've not seen them in yonks.
Ours is now Go Outdoors. Think they must have taken them over.
Morning all.4.6 for me this morning.Nice and fresh out there .Get dog out . Have a walk along tea room for a coffee have a chat if not sit and listen to music with headphones on and read for a bit Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Congratulations @Elenka_HM on yesterday’s HS - hope the Christmas Market was good?
Thanks! It was alright, I posted about it in the previous page 😉
Thanks everyone for the sock suggestions! @eggyg I trust you because you do a lot of walking in cold places, but Jesus Christ, 20£ a pair!? Mind you, could be a good investment. Nothing ruins a walk or day out like frozen and/or damp feet! I did see some alpaca wool socks for that price in the market yesterday, wonder if they are worth it. @ColinUK silk sounds luxurious!

I was thinking about putting some good socks in the Christmas wishlist, as you usually get socks even if you don't ask for them lol. But I won't get any presents until January and could use some before...might check the ones from Amazon @Leadinglights, as I still have some money left from a gift card.
Morning all, a lovely sunny and frosty morning here.

This morning's reading was a 5.1 on waking several hours ago....
Morning all - rather blah weather. Just grey, no wind.

Well well well... 5.2 this morning on the BG and apparently Parcel Force will be delivering my replacement sensor today which will be a great relief. I do hope this one will be accurate.

Must start writing my Christmas newsletter today - and that has reminded me to include our trip to Surrey last January where we nearly froze to death. We have become wimps living in the far west where it rains a lot but never really gets that cold. I have no really thick sweaters or socks apart from my walking socks as I have no real need for them provided we don't venture "up country" in winter months.

Not a lot on today - write newsletter - meet friends in the pub around 5:30 for drinks and home for a "meal I made earlier" afterwards. Had a lovely dinner last night - Duck breast nice and pink accompanied by a packet of Jamie Oliver braised lentils (big cheat) and pepperonata (stewed red onions, multi coloured peppers and tomatoes). Will fish something out of the freezer in a minute.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the market @Elenka_HM I really need to do something christmassy as I am not feeling the vibe at all this year as yet.

Hugs to @ColinUK Hope some thing will happen to resolve the issues soon. Nothing worse than stress for skin conditions.

Hugs to @Lanny as well. The asthma sounds terrible.

Have a good day all.


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Thanks! It was alright, I posted about it in the previous page 😉
Oops - just gone back and read it! Sounds ok, we’ve given up with the Birmingham ”German” Christmas Market as over the last few years it has turned into stall after stall of food and drink and all very similar. Personally I think it’s had its day now, but I know it’s still popular with lots of people.
@Elenka_HM I know silk sounds luxurious but it really is the best thing for a base layer in winter. And as it's not being sold as a luxury product if you do go to an outdoor pursuits shop then it's not expensive. That being said I don't think £20 for a pair of a really good quality warm winter socks is stupidly expensive so it's all relative, but silk glove liners or socks liners last for years and years if looked after so they're an investment!
@Elenka_HM :rofl: Needs must, I’m afraid! I feel a bit like the old ad for Michelin tyres: The Michelin tyres man; an animated man made out of tyres! 🙄:D
I remember that Michelin man! Sorry, not judging, just a bit shocked thinking how cold you must feel! But in my opinion clothes layers are like insulin: you need what you need. And we have a saying in Spain "Ande yo caliente, ríase la gente". Roughly translated as "as long as I'm warm, who cares if people laugh" 🙂
@Elenka_HM I know silk sounds luxurious but it really is the best thing for a base layer in winter. And as it's not being sold as a luxury product if you do go to an outdoor pursuits shop then it's not expensive. That being said I don't think £20 for a pair of a really good quality warm winter socks is stupidly expensive so it's all relative, but silk glove liners or socks liners last for years and years if looked after so they're an investment!
You are probably right, sometimes one has to pay for quality. Is more a mindset thing, I'm used to socks being cheaper. Also think the maintenance part is important there and I would have to ask Mr. Google how to look after silk or wool. No use asking my mum for advice I'm afraid, as we don't need many thermal clothes in south Spain!
Well, my levels dropped a bit after I got into bed and I couldn't be bothered to get up and get something to eat, so I knew the low alarm would go off at some point. It did at 2.45am, but for some reason (probably because I was freezing and the Amitriptyline makes me woozy), I didn't reach for the JBs until 4.30am when I woke up on 3.6 according to Libre 🙄.... probably low 4s if I could be bothered to test. Anyway, I would normally have just 1 or 2 JBs to deal with that sort of level, particularly at that time of the morning when levels should start to rise soon, but in the spirit of hitting the DF down to Oxford (@Robin she is on her way) and bearing in mind recent nights I have needed 5 or 6 JBs in dribs and drabs, I ate 4 JBs at once and went back to sleep only for the high alarm to wake me up at 5.15am to a 9.3 with a vertical upwards arrow. I ignored the fleeting temptation to do a correction and went back to sleep and I levelled out between 8 and 9 and woke up on 8.9. I jabbed my Levemir and and 8 units of Fiasp to cover breakfast and correction and then went back to sleep for 45 mins, when I woke up on 7.4 with just enough time to get coffee and breakfast before the Fiasp started to seriously kick in. Admittedly I did need a JB mid breakfast when I hit 4.1 with a vertical downward arrow 😱 but that still turned it around before I hit the red.

Having a last (hopefully) fling with my Covid symptoms today. Thought I was almost fully over it yesterday but coughing and runny nose again this morning.
Thank heaven we have frost again. The field was turning to a quagmire with all that rain we had. Give me frost and snow any day!

Congrats to @Pattidevans on your House Special achievement today.

@Lanny Hope your asthma settles down soon. It is scary when it is that bad. Pleased you are keeping warm.