Group 7-day waking average?

Well, my levels dropped a bit after I got into bed and I couldn't be bothered to get up and get something to eat, so I knew the low alarm would go off at some point. It did at 2.45am, but for some reason (probably because I was freezing and the Amitriptyline makes me woozy), I didn't reach for the JBs until 4.30am when I woke up on 3.6 according to Libre 🙄.... probably low 4s if I could be bothered to test. Anyway, I would normally have just 1 or 2 JBs to deal with that sort of level, particularly at that time of the morning when levels should start to rise soon, but in the spirit of hitting the DF down to Oxford (@Robin she is on her way)
You may have acdentilty hit in the wrong direction or not far enough(depending on where you are you are I don't actually know) and got derby instead because last night and today my levels have behavied alot better when I was running high for a week and and a bit.
You may have acdentilty hit in the wrong direction or not far enough(depending on where you are you are I don't actually know) and got derby instead because last night and today my levels have behavied alot better when I was running high for a week and and a bit.
Someone’s definitely managed to deflect the Diabetes Fairy somewhere, from @rebrascora 's bat, because she didn’t reach me today, and I had my first unicorn day for weeks.
Someone’s definitely managed to deflect the Diabetes Fairy somewhere, from @rebrascora 's bat, because she didn’t reach me today, and I had my first unicorn day for weeks.
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I thought that was though to swap out things to make things behave better
Good morning - 4.9

Have a great day everyone
Good morning 8.0 today yesterday was 8.7

caught up with loads of admin yesterday
at work

Have a fabulous day everyone 😎
Morning all, 7.8 here.
The weather forecast hasn’t got the memo. I’ve got eye screening this afternoon, and everyone knows it has to be bright and sunny when you emerge with blurry eyes, but the forecast is for more gloom and rain.
Morning all, 7.8 here.
The weather forecast hasn’t got the memo. I’ve got eye screening this afternoon, and everyone knows it has to be bright and sunny when you emerge with blurry eyes, but the forecast is for more gloom and rain.

Hope it goes well. Last time I came out from ophthalmology it was grey and raining but the cars' LED headlights were grim!
6.0 this morning Swimming was good yesterday.Glad I went. It was a cold day so good job I was going with a friend as I might have chickened out otherwise . This morning off on a group walk , hope it’s not affected by the weather. This evening our annual Christmas meal out with friends
10°C and wet wet wet this morning and 5.5 on the finger. 🙂

Good morning all. 6.4 and pretty much a flatfish. Went really low before bed 4.8! Checked with meter 5, I had a slice of toast with peanut butter on to slow the rise, it worked perfectly.

Had quite the hike yesterday, hence last night’s low, as we hadn’t been able to bag a Wainwright this time because of the snow ( I’d forgotten my non existent crampons), we opted for a walk up to Levers Water through the Coppermines Valley. This small lake supplied water to the mines many years ago and now supplies the village. The mines closed in the 1950s but had been on the go since the reign of Elizabeth 1. It was quite slippy with snow and ice in parts leading to the valley but nothing compared with the hike up to the lake. I could have done with crampons! A tough walk but absolutely stunning up there. So peaceful and serene with fab views over to Coniston Water and up to The Old Man. It was blooming cold though but @Elenka_HM my Bridgedale socks kept my feet toasty. After some photos we headed down, the poles came out the rucksack this time! Got down a lot quicker than it took us to get up but it was tough on the old joints. Was relieved to get back but we did feel a sense of achievement. Staying home today as it’s pouring down and set for the day, much like everywhere else it seems, hoping it’s going to melt the snow that is still trapping the car in so we can get home tomorrow!

Good luck with the retinal screening @Robin mine’s usually January and I always get a beautiful bright sunny winter’s day and walk home as if I’m drunk!

Have a good day all.
Last photos of the holidays you’ll be pleased to know!


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That’s true, I needed some of @rebrascoras overnight lows to balance out my morning highs.
Hey, just had an idea! (I do sometimes, honest!). What about if we traded highs and lows with each other, that way we could all get those elusive unicorns! If only …:rofl:
Last photos of the holidays you’ll be pleased to know!
Oh no! :( I love seeing your pictures! Looking forward to some more soon!
6.2 this morning, oh well, at least fairly steady around that overnight.

Not been doing very well lately with eating, not much interest in “proper” meals, more interested in grazing junk. Oh well, it is what it is, time to give myself a kick and sort myself out!

@rebrascora - hope that horrible Covid does one soon for you and you feel better soon!

Take care everyone!