Group 7-day waking average?

@Eternal422 brilliant house thing. I love a challenge. Looks like I may be the only resident too. Must get a dog...or three
Spent the morning so far responding to idiotic emails from the police as they try to explain what happened with the VRR.

It seems that a chasing email sent at the end of October vanished in the ether and wasn’t seen by the officer it was addressed to. Because they didn’t see it they didn’t chase the issues up that it highlighted.

This morning, two months since submitting the VRR and basically a month past when it should have been adjudicated on, I received an email from the DCI who allocated it to a DI for review saying that the DI it was referred to was confused as they’d been allocated two cases in quick succession which is unusual.
It seems that screwed up internal monitoring and/or confused the officer so much that they did nothing case.

The DCI has reallocated the file to another officer today.

I’ve expressed surprise and concern about vanishing emails and asked for clarification on whether the officer was confused by two cases being referred to him in quick succession or if it was internal monitoring of cases that was confused. I’ve also pointed out that clearly neither answer is a good one but that it’s nice to know.

I did of course repeat my appreciation for the fact that the police are understaffed and overworked etc.

My final line was a little catty perhaps, but I did point out that in order to avoid further confusion, spelling my name correctly in communications might be useful.
@Eternal422 brilliant house thing. I love a challenge. Looks like I may be the only resident too. Must get a dog...or three
Or just get a three headed one to move in
Evening all. Late on parade today. I need to post a very shame faced 12 point something this morning. All down to the fact that i had an indian takeaway last night with family and even though i was careful with what i ate (or so i thought) i reached the dizzy heights of 18 overnight!! I must have turned the alarm off and gone back to sleep though i don't remember hearing it.

Congrats to todays HSers @Gwynn, @Grannylorraine and @Barrowman.

@eggyg i hope you manage to get the car out but pleased you had a nice break. The photos have been lovely.

I remember Swap Shop, it was my required Saturday morning watch, after i'd been to the newsagent and picked up my copy of Jackie and Smash Hits.

@rebrascora i'm glad you're feeling better after covid.

@ColinUK i hope you get a satisfactory response.
I remember Swap Shop, it was my required Saturday morning watch, after i'd been to the newsagent and picked up my copy of Jackie and Smash Hits
DCI emailed and said that the whole thing was his fault.
He said he’d mistakenly allocated two cases to the one officer and that he fully accepts it was his mistake and that he failed to follow up on the dual allocation.

I thanked him for his honesty and for owning his error.

The DI who has now been allocated the case (as of today) has emailed an acknowledgement that he does in fact have the case. Now it just sits with him until he’s had time to review everything properly.
Morning all. 5.9.

I’ve tossed and turned since 3.30, mind whirring as usual. We had a bit of rubbish news yesterday, pregnant youngest daughter has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. :( She’s hasn’t had a very smooth ride with this pregnancy. Just two months ago the baby was small and they thought she didn’t have a stomach, turned out because she was so small they couldn’t see it. Daughter was going for extra scans anyways as Zara was premature, at her growth scan last week they said the baby was too big, hence the diabetes glucose test she had done on Wednesday, they called her first thing yesterday morning to give her the news. They have said not to worry about it at the moment and the diabetes team will call later. They never! They didn’t say anything about her mother not worrying though. I’m devastated TBF, it puts her at risk of developing Type 2 later in life not to mention the risks to the baby, pre eclampsia, high BP and having the baby early either by inducing her or Caesarean not to mention the baby being large, daughter is barely over 5ft. I know I’m probably over catastrophizing and imaging all the worst case scenarios but I’m so worried. I’ve been Googling NHS and DUK and the advice is swap to brown bread, pasta, rice etc! Oh dear! Hopefully they’ll call her today with a treatment plan, they didn’t give any numbers but did tell her her BGs were high before the glucose drink! What a bad time of year to be diagnosed, she has her works Christmas party tonight, plus all the treats everywhere, and how can she exercise when she works four full days a week, it’s winter and she has a toddler! Hopefully I’ll feel better once the team has spoken to her, as usual, daughter is being stoic about it all.

Anyhoo, we’re off home today and I’ll see daughter later as she’s bringing Zara round to stay over as she’s going out and so is her husband. At least I’ll have something to take my mind off things. I can’t see at the moment but I’m hoping the snow has gone from around the car, it poured down all day yesterday and was 7c so fingers crossed that Mr Eggy doesn’t have to dig it out as we only have a table spoon to do it with! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday everyone and may you all have House Specials and unicorns.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.3

Just done an online shop. A bit expensive but oh, so much easier than lugging heavy stuff back home (I have no car).


Back to the church today for a more formal practice.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 4.9

@eggyg sorry to hear about your daughter. Hopefully the diabetes team will be in touch with her today. Have a safe journey home.
6.8 this morning

@eggyg fingers crossed the team call today and even with the news I hope that everything’s ok and the rest of the pregnancy is smooth sailing
Wish the DF would stop messing me around as I'm still stuck in sixland with a 6.1 this morning, despite a post-prandial 5.6 yesterday evening. Not the end of the world, I know, but puzzling nonetheless, especially as I'm over my cold and IBS flare-up. Weekly BP check 113/66 so at least that's OK.

Sainsbury's Big Shop and a trip out to the garden centre for fruit & veg this morning, and a full house as my wife and our eldest, like most office workers these days, WFH on Fridays.

@eggyg - sorry to hear about your daughter's diagnosis. Hopefully the NHS will get its act together today. Have a safe and stress-free journey home.
Good morning, I've been burying my head under the duvet for months, but I am trying to get back on track with diet control and testing daily helps. Feeling sympathy with anyone having jabs, I feel rubbish after yesterday's covid jab and a bit sore at having to have one at all. BG 5.6 today. Happy Friday all.
The thing I remember about Tiswas is Chris Tarrant, Sally James and Lenny Henry. They made me laugh and I loved that show.