Group 7-day waking average?

It was a 4.5 for me this morning and a flatfish along the ocean floor, just where I like to be for good sleep and no DP/FOTF, so I didn't have to wait long for breakfast.

@Michael12421 So sorry to hear you have had such a traumatic incident and been taken to hospital, but will be really pleased if you get Libre out of the situation as that would be a huge silver lining and a comfort to all of us who worry about you, even if we do gripe about it being inaccurate occasionally. Hope you are feeling better soon and it hasn't unsettled Missy too much. So pleased you have good neighbours.

@eggyg Really sorry to hear of your daughter's diagnosis and hope she gets some support started today. Is she going to join the forum?. Would be great to have 2 eggys(could we cope :rofl: ) and lovely to follow her progress like we did with @merrymunky Then we could all be DUK aunts and uncles to another forum baby!
Morning all. 5.9.

I’ve tossed and turned since 3.30, mind whirring as usual. We had a bit of rubbish news yesterday, pregnant youngest daughter has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. :( She’s hasn’t had a very smooth ride with this pregnancy. Just two months ago the baby was small and they thought she didn’t have a stomach, turned out because she was so small they couldn’t see it. Daughter was going for extra scans anyways as Zara was premature, at her growth scan last week they said the baby was too big, hence the diabetes glucose test she had done on Wednesday, they called her first thing yesterday morning to give her the news. They have said not to worry about it at the moment and the diabetes team will call later. They never! They didn’t say anything about her mother not worrying though. I’m devastated TBF, it puts her at risk of developing Type 2 later in life not to mention the risks to the baby, pre eclampsia, high BP and having the baby early either by inducing her or Caesarean not to mention the baby being large, daughter is barely over 5ft. I know I’m probably over catastrophizing and imaging all the worst case scenarios but I’m so worried. I’ve been Googling NHS and DUK and the advice is swap to brown bread, pasta, rice etc! Oh dear! Hopefully they’ll call her today with a treatment plan, they didn’t give any numbers but did tell her her BGs were high before the glucose drink! What a bad time of year to be diagnosed, she has her works Christmas party tonight, plus all the treats everywhere, and how can she exercise when she works four full days a week, it’s winter and she has a toddler! Hopefully I’ll feel better once the team has spoken to her, as usual, daughter is being stoic about it all.

Anyhoo, we’re off home today and I’ll see daughter later as she’s bringing Zara round to stay over as she’s going out and so is her husband. At least I’ll have something to take my mind off things. I can’t see at the moment but I’m hoping the snow has gone from around the car, it poured down all day yesterday and was 7c so fingers crossed that Mr Eggy doesn’t have to dig it out as we only have a table spoon to do it with! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday everyone and may you all have House Specials and unicorns.
Eggy so sorry to hear your sad news today as like many I enjoy your upbeat posts and experiences. You are invariably positive which I am sure lifts the mood of many so do feel for you at this particular time.
6.7 this morning for me, not ideal, but at least another stable night.

@eggyg - sorry to hear about your daughter’s diagnosis, hopefully the team will be in touch quickly and help her.

@Elenka_HM - pleased for you to get such a good response from your doctor - it’s so good to get something definitive and must really help relieve stress and worrying for you. I felt the same when I was told my diagnosis was changed to T1, because everything then fitted together and made much more sense.

Looking forward to the weekend now, take care everyone!
Just got back from the carols practice and

@ColinUK Oh yes I do!!!!!!

@Gwynn Please don’t pollute this page with images of that man!

(Take your pick which one I meant!)
As an ex skier I was brought up wearing silk sock and glove liners under the outer ones. The same with silk layers under the mid layers. It works a treat!

Is Millets still around? I've not seen them in yonks.
I've seen a Millets in Exeter! Also Trespass and Mountain Warehouse. Thought about looking for socks in there but found other shops more attractive and distracting :D

My grandma messaged me saying they were talking about snow in London in the news, and reminded me to keep warm and take care. Bless her, I'm not sure she is aware I don't live in London! I told them about my intentions of buying woolly socks and sent her this picture. Hope no one finds it too revealing for the forum...IMG_20231207_080106.jpg
Afternoon all - forgot to post this morning - probably because I had a bit of a scare. My friend who lives alone suffers angina and she is supposed to text me every morning to let me know she's OK. I overslept this morning and when I checked there was no text. I tried her landline and then her mobile, but there was no reply to either. Eventually I remembered that she had emailed me her neighbour's telephone number and that the neighbour had a key. I phoned the neighbour who said she would go check and it transpired my friend had clearly just gone out as the bed was made and no one home. By that time I still hadn't showered and dressed. Then my friend phoned me full of apologies, and she's one of those people who don't know the meaning of "a quick phone call". Somehow the morning went and it was time for lunch and I had an appointment in town right after.

3.6 this morning due to all the corrections I made last night after a stubborn high. Went to the "HCL diabetes event" last night that lasted from 6pm to 8:30 (I will write it up elsewhere) and it was nearly 9pm when I got home and proceeded to reheat the Lasagna that I had cooked earlier.

Been a good day since lunch though.... My appointment at the ear clinic was a success, all wax now gone and I can hear again after being deaf for over 2 months! We then went to Lidl who were selling everything in the "Middle of Lidl" with 50% off. Got a new clothes airer for £12.50 - ours was broken and kept collapsing despite taping it together. Julian got a padded gilet for £6 and we got a "crevice brush" for the shower to replace one that was worn out. With our coupons we got a free large yoghurt, a free loaf from the bakery section and a free tin of salmon! Can't be bad.

@eggyg so sorry to hear your news. Try not to worry too much about it as yet. A friend of mine had gestational diabetes, but at 70 still hasn't got T2.

@Elenka_HM I completely agree with @Eternal422 as a definite diagnosis helps tremendously. It took me 8.5 years to get one.

@Michael12421 so sorry to hear of your awful experience. Hope you are feeling better now and that you get the Libre. I wouldn't be without mine!

Have a good evening all...
So sorry to hear about your experience @Michael12421 - you have some great neighbours!
Glad to hear you’re home again.

That’s the problem with diabetes devices - we don’t post threads with titles like “I love the Libre, it’s completely changed my life...for the better”. We just post when there’s a problem. The Libre is well worth it, it keeps me safe, especially when I’m exercising. And it now has alarms which also keep me from going low, at all, any more. Good luck with your new toy!
good evening fellow finger prickers, a late post for me today
this morning I woke to a rather surprising 10.1 although 2 hrs later was 7.9 on testing before breakfast
so I’m not 100% sure the 10.1 was correct or not :confused:

Yes I’ve certainly had some higher wake up readings than I should / used to
Maybe if I were eating a better diet, which I’m going to try to do
as ive piled on some weight recently.

My GP texted me today
he didn’t actually tell he what my HbA1c result was,
but confirmed via his message message my HbA1c was abnormal
and I need to speak to speak to the diabetes team at the hospital
that was the reason I had myself requested my HbA1c bloods be tested I thought on reading his text.. 🙄
will see how abnormally high my HbA1c is (when I speak to the consultant) on Monday lunchtime

Congratulations on the House Specials
@Gwynn @Grannylorraine @Barrowman @Pattidevans

TC everybody 😎
Morning all. 6.8

Just checked in from my flights tomorrow so nothing to do today other than wait in for an Amazon delivery that has to be signed for and basically then pack my suitcase and I’m all set for my Kraków trip.
A very early good morning. A 5.2 and a unicorn!

I’m up early not because my mind was whirring, I’ve actually had quite a good sleep, but we have our darling youngest granddaughter staying over and she’s a very early riser. I heard her twittering on from 5.15, we got another half hour before she announced it was time to get and didn’t want to go back to bed! Her and Mr Eggy have already lit the coal fire, it’s not even that cold but it’s a routine they have and she loves to “help”, she collects the sticks from the box, crumples paper up and then the pair of then sit crossed legged in front of the fire while lighting it.

Daughter hasn’t heard anything from the diabetes team by phone but they’ve sent her a link to an online seminar or such like. Feel a bit better now I know things are moving on.

I’ve got an opticians appointment this morning, I only remembered on the way home yesterday. Unfortunately, I also promised to pick grandson up at 11am to bring him to ours for a sleepover as it’s his works Christmas party in town and one of us will pick him up, saves his parents coming out from the back of beyond. Anyways, his other grandma is bringing him round. One grandchild out and another one in, I don’t think he’ll get us up before 6 tomorrow though. 😉

Enjoy Krakow @ColinUK and wrap up warm.
@Pattidevans glad your friend was ok,

Have a good day all.

Here’s our little Zara with her Christmas jumper on. 🙂


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@eggyg Congrats on the unicorn house special! Keep it up!
Hope the opticians goes ok and the various grand kids shower you with an incredible amount of love this weekend 🙂
Well done @eggyg on the HS. 🙂

A 6.1 this morning after another restless night with a series of weird dreams. One that stands out was this. After years and years, for some reason I decided to start smoking again, so I ordered a carton of cigarettes with my Sainsbury’s delivery. Strangely, when the delivery came it was by my usual Evri delivery driver and van. (Un)fortunately our road was flooded at the time and the driver dropped the cigarettes into the water. They were totally waterlogged, so naturally I refused to take them. The driver and I stood knee deep in the water chatting about what a lucky escape I’d had from becoming an addict again. 😱

I’ve always believed dreams occur when your brain is processing all the things that happened to you during the day and trying to make sense of various odd and ends. Among yesterday’s events there were these: Mid-morning I had an obvious scam text purporting to be from Evri about an undelivered parcel. In the afternoon, I had a suspicious e-mail from Sainsbury’s. Instead of using my First name as they always do it was “Hi Customer, we’re getting in touch about your online order, which is due for delivery on the 8th December 2023. We’ve noticed you have 3 items or less in your trolley .... " (Shouldn't that be 3 items or fewer?) and telling me what I should do. I did have an order for today, but it was properly checked out earlier in the day. Then when I was doing the washing up Alexa shouted out a warning from the Met Office about heavy rain and possible flooding.

Those 3 little events probably helped create the dream, but I couldn’t for the life of me think where the cigarettes came from. Then I remembered that while looking at online tributes to the late Shane MacGowan I noticed that most of the pics were him with a drink and a fag hanging out of his mouth. Isn’t the brain a wonderful thing. 😎

I do have a Sainsbos delivery this morning – I’ll let you know if anything untoward happens.

Morning all. 🙂 My Libre alarm woke me up at 7 with a 5.1 - thank you wonderful Libre - stop me if you think I’m laying it on too thick @Michael12421 LOL. 😉 (I just want you to be safe!).🙂

Wowee @eggyg - an HS AND a unicorn day! You deserve a luxury block of flats for that, not a poxy designer house. :D Well done!

Got Welsh all day today - the Welsh choir had a gig last night, in deepest darkest west Pembrokeshire, so I’m knackered. I’ll paint some open eyes on my eyelids and snatch 40 winks in class...zzzzzz.
Morning all, 6.2 here. It’s raining. Again. I had a lovely hack out in the sunshine on our shared pony yesterday, it’s daughter’s turn today, she’s always asking me how come I always get the nice weather. Must remind her I got soaked last Tuesday.