Group 7-day waking average?

PS: Anyone recommend a good brand/material of warm socks? I manage to keep my body warm but not my feet!
You need something like Bridgedale, pricy I’m afraid at about £20 a pair! Or maybe some merino wool ones, I’ve just bought Mr Eggy some in Go Outdoors and they were £10.
5.5 ah that's better.
8.0 on the doors for me this morning.

Glad to report that the cold is shifting and easing. It’s not easing enough to enable me to go to physio gym this morning though and I’ve cancelled the “normal” physio appointment for tomorrow as well.

Not so glad to report that the police complaint has now got to be amended to include the ridiculousness that’s going on with the Victim’s Right to Review (VRR).

The VRR was invoked on 5th Oct. Police guidelines, College of Policing, IOPC all say that VRRs should be completed within 30 days unless exceptionally complicated in which case the victim should be kept up to date on a rolling 28-day basis.

So far it’s been two months and there’s not been a single update. It seems that on 13th November an officer was assigned the file but they’ve not been in contact. Add to that the point of contact for fielding VRR queries has moved on to pastures new and nobody has told us who the new person is or their contact details. The whole thing is shambolic.

Needless to say the existent complaint has been amended to now include the issues arising from the VRR.

Changing gears a bit, Kraków draws closer with the promise of snow and previously delayed flights. I’m flying via Munich and their airport is still struggling with snow and “freezing rain”. Hopefully they’ll have things back on track before I’m due to fly out though
Morning folks and I have had a lie in for a change. 5.6 after being up to 11.8 at 5am, don’t know what all that was about, but my BGs just went up and up and then slowly down. My graph looks like one of the fells behind our cottage.

Yesterday was lovely, all bright and sunny but still very cold. Still tons of snow about and my feet got wet again on our walk. We did about 7 miles, 6 hours, mostly flat and my back/hips/ pelvis on the whole behaved. I was so cold when I got back though, popped in the Coop and bought some Radox bubble bath and had a lovely hot bath when we got back. It warmed me up no end. It’s frosty today -3, so not much thawing going on yet in places. Camille is still snowed in although she has lost her snowy blanket! Hopefully the rain forecast tomorrow will melt the rest and we can get her out on Friday to come home. Another snowy walk today in the winter sunshine, hope my boots have dried out!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


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PS: Anyone recommend a good brand/material of warm socks? I manage to keep my body warm but not my feet!
Darn Tough are walking socks but really lovely and warm and you don't need to wash them very often as they're wool. I live in mine at the moment (well I do take them off for bed (and change into bed socks!) Here's a link to an excellent shop in Keswick that do mail order. I've got two pairs and they last and last with no holes in toes after LOTS of walking in them.
A 4.8 for me on this positively balmy 5°C morning.

Morning everyone on this cold and frosty morning. 6.4 this morning so very happy with that. No sign of my gas delivery so I've turned everything off apart from the kitchen and have already lit the fire. I'm off on my gardening course today so home should feel warmer when I get home later. Husband still enjoying heat in Australia but about to fly to Canada which will be a different story. I told him that if he wants to cool down he could look on our heating app on his phone and see how cold all our rooms are! Have a great day everyone x
PS: Anyone recommend a good brand/material of warm socks? I manage to keep my body warm but not my feet!
I have several pairs from Millets. I like my Heat Holders gloves and they do socks as well. However, like others have said, I find putting thick socks on over a thin pair, so that I have layers, works well. Same with my gloves.
PS: Anyone recommend a good brand/material of warm socks? I manage to keep my body warm but not my feet!
I bought some thermal socks from Amazon, 5 prs in the pack, they have kept my feet warm without being too thick.

5 Pairs Womens Thermal Socks, Ladies Winter Warm Knitting Wool Socks Women Thick Socks, Christmas Gifts for Women​

Chalier Finery​

Different colour options at slightly different price.
Oh no! Just picked up my mail & it seems that I spoke too soon about my hand injury. My GP will call me to discuss my xrays result on 03/01/24 & now I’ll be worried over the xmas holidays! :confused: But, it can’t be THAT bad if it can wait, I’m trying to tell myself? 🙄 It might be menopause related: brittle bones, maybe? :confused:
If it works I shall look into the schemes which reward you for not using much electricity at peak times. Has anyone tried them?
Yes, we are with Octopus which has savings sessions at the moment to reward use of less power during certain periods of the day. We are on the Octopus Flux tariff which has a cheap rate 2am to 5am, it this tariff is more for people who can also export from solar/battery systems. There are other tariffs if you don’t have solar, so may be worth a look if this is the case for you?
Good morning. 6.5

Not a very good night - pressure washing first part of yard was a bit too much - but was fortunately interupted by the engineer who had come to change the meter and attempt to get a smart meter to run. It took an age as even his exteded aerial couldn't see the mast though my very thick stone walls. I had a bright idea - was it worth trying putting it in the loft? He was doubtful at first that he had a long enough drill bit to get through ceiling and insulation but was a nice persuadable chap so with the loan of a long bit frm my workshop and a little help from me balancing on steps down below with him in the loft we installed it. Success!!! While he was coming down he brought down the Chrismas baubles box so all I have to do is to buy a tree. I am very chuffed.

According for forecast we are in for about 20 hours of heavy rain starting at teatime - hopefully that will test the new drainage work and clear some of the mud off the tarmac.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Yes, we are with Octopus which has savings sessions at the moment to reward use of less power during certain periods of the day. We are on the Octopus Flux tariff which has a cheap rate 2am to 5am, it this tariff is more for people who can also export from solar/battery systems. There are other tariffs if you don’t have solar, so may be worth a look if this is the case for you?
I do not have solar but I will investifgate the other options. I am quite happy to relegate the laundry to any cheap period on offer - no chance of outside drying until the winter is over.Octopus do seem a nice lot - much more helpful than EDF.
5.9 this morning for me.

Brighter start to the day today, may even be able to have a little walk at lunchtime to try and soak up as much daylight as possible!

Congratulations @Elenka_HM on yesterday’s HS - hope the Christmas Market was good?

Have a good day everyone!

4.9 today so taking that as a good sign, lost 1lb at slimming world last night, I didn’t stay just nipped in weighted and home again. It does confuse me though, the week when I was ultra good I only lost 1/2lb, last week I was only in plan about 80% of the time and lost 1lb. Oh well only 4lbs to target, which I won’t do before Christmas, but that may not be a bad thing as it will mean apart from Christmas Day I will be more careful what I eat.

Chest is less congested today, but aches even though I haven’t really been coughing. Still taken the day off to rest.

@eggyg— photos are lovely

@ColinUK - pleased to hear you are starting to feel better with your cold, sorry to hear about the police complaint is not going well.
I have several pairs from Millets. I like my Heat Holders gloves and they do socks as well. However, like others have said, I find putting thick socks on over a thin pair, so that I have layers, works well. Same with my gloves.
As an ex skier I was brought up wearing silk sock and glove liners under the outer ones. The same with silk layers under the mid layers. It works a treat!

Is Millets still around? I've not seen them in yonks.
@Grannylorraine Thank you.

The complaint is still moving on at the glacial pace that it takes. This is about the Right to Review of the charging decision seemingly taking an absolute age to even get off the ground.

I've had emails from the police about the VRR this morning repeating their assertion that somehow an email that everyone else received (and indeed responded to in the email chain) but the police themselves didn't receive so didn't respond to.

The officer who was sitting as liaison between me and the police but who moved on in duties and has been replaced by an as yet unnamed officer whose details I don't have and who hasn't made contact emailed to repeat that if only he'd received the email from November then none of this would have happened.
He drove coach and horses through the quoting of the regulations by saying that they were only "guidelines".

Of course in my email I said that I understood that they were guidelines and were not targets per se. I accepted that sometimes shit happens which delays or derails things. He's utterly ignored the impact that the cock-up has had on my mental health and physical health (the skin condition that had flared up at the start of the year but which had almost vanished as the stresses have been removed is back since getting the email yesterday. It'll calm down and go again I'm sure but it's a pain to have it brought back by police incompetence.

I'm thinking of approaching this like I would if it was an issue with a shop or a company customer service dept not getting the issue and perhaps adding the email address of the Deputy Commissioner who sits at the top of the professional standards tree.

One positive is that with the January date when I'll be going in and addressing the investigating officers about the issues caused by comms inadequacies it's reminded me how important the comms channel is for victims. My fire has been reignited.

/End Rant
Good morning - had troub;e getting through this morning as heavy rain always affects Internet access. and this morning it was really heavy. Any way it was 8.3
Are you satellite based for your internet rather than a cabled connection?