Group 7-day waking average?

Very happy with a 5.9 this morning on Libre and no time in the red sand. Yippee! I did however take my levels up to 11.5 with a hot chocolate and have a tin of tuna with mayonnaise ie. protein and fat to give me more stability overnight and it looks like that helped. I am out of cheese as I didn't get to the shops yesterday as planned, so tuna did the job instead.

@freesia I have awarded you a gold star this morning for your levels flat line overnight, made all the more impressive by following your birthday. Hope it doesn't mean you didn't have any birthday treats!

@Elenka_HM Congrats on your House Special this morning and hope you have a lovely time in Totnes.

@eggyg I love that you remember the date you first went out together and still together all these years later and still having fun like two young kids. The pronunciation is probably slightly different here but the words are the same. Happy Ganootanniversary and many congrats on your House Special too. What stars you both are! Absolutely love the photo!

@ColinUK and @Grannylorraine Hope you are both over your virus/bugs soon and hope your tummy settles down too @Martin.A

@TinaD So pleased you are getting something done to stop the surface water, just make sure they put the sleeping policeman in the right place, I wouldn't trust them to put it where it actually turns the water into your drive instead of turning it away. We had some work done on the mill race here a few years ago and the contractor was trying to dig it to make the water flow upstream!! It was originally dug over 300years ago by guys with shovels and presumably a very rudimentary spirit level and these guys can't get it right with an excavator and modern laser theodolites! It ran for 6 months after £20,000 worth of work and then dried up. What a waste of council money!
Hurrah! They came! They have put it right across the drive mouth which is just where it is required and have put me on the list to have the adjoining highway drains cleared next year. Tottting up what it has cost me to do their work this year adds up to over £1000 so I shall be glad not to have to fork out that again...besides there is a limit to where I can declare a new shrubbery and wall in the spoil!. Next job is to pressure wash the drive to get the mud and muck off it - the poor postman is fairly skating to get to the front door.
@TinaD Yes I opt in every time and have got a reasonable return from it. All I do it turn everything off (except the fridge) for the length of the saving session. Easy.

Go for it 🙂
Afternoon all. The wind has dropped ('twas so fierce yesterday that I couldn't hold the car door when we parked at Lidl thought it was going to blow right off, it snapped open so hard), but at least it's not actually raining like yesterday.

7.8 on the BG meter this morning. I am lost without a reliable sensor. Abbott are replacing the faulty one and I have 4 on order by prescription but our chemists are not known for rapid response.... Might get one next week. The pharmacy situation in Penzance is dire. Only 3 to service the whole town and the one in a Dr's surgery is only open limited hours.

Bit miffed that my ear microsuction appointment today has been cancelled as the nurse has covid. Am thoroughly sick of being deaf! Feel sorry for people for whom it's permanent.

Double Congratulations to @eggyg on your HS Ganootanniversary!

Great to see your good news @TinaD.

Congrats also to @Elenka_HM on the HS. Hope you have a great time at the Christmas Market.

Have a good day all!
have awarded you a gold star this morning for your levels flat line overnight, made all the more impressive by following your birthday. Hope it doesn't mean you didn't have any birthday treats
Thanks but i'm not sure it was impressive and definitely no treats last night. Levels rose through the afternoon into double figures despite an extra unit with lunch to counteract my sitting most of the afternoon. Then i had an extra unit with dinner plus a correction before we went to the cinema. It finally came back down to single figures during the film and stayed there until mid morning this morning, when it rose and has stayed up again since despite a correction with lunch and another 2 units an hour ago. I think the DF is lurking around.

@Elenka_HM congrats on the HS and i hope you enjoyed your shopping trip in Totnes. Its a nice town.
8.6 way back this morning. Eye jab this afternoon. Number 14.

Very Happy belated Birthday @freesia

Brilliant photos @eggyg very jealous of the snow.

@ColinUK hope you’re felling better

nice car hi g up on everyone else’s news.
05:24 BS 9.8 high but, I‘ll take that over waking up twice choking & gasping with an asthma attack twice yesterday morning! 😱🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful day! 😉

Yesterday was just one of THOSE days! o_O First early morning asthma attack woke me up & by the time I’d had 10 puffs of, I know it’s the old name that some younger doctors don’t know, Ventolin, I can’t get Siri to dictate & I’l try spell it myself Salbutalmol, 02:11 BS 11.2 due to a) the stress & effort & b) the inhalers! Things calmed down & I dozed off then, another asthma attack woke me up with 10 more puffs of Ventolin & 04:52 BS 12.3 with my heart racing like mad from all the Ventolin. Waited for it all to calm back down before finally taking double doses of Clenil as clearly asthma was bothersome again: 2 puffs morning & night daily; double that to 4 puffs 4 times a day when I need to! 06:02 BS was still high although, came down a bit BS 11.9 & first lot of 4 puffs of Clenil!

The rest of the day was a duvet day with two hot water bottles in bed with 4 layers of clothes on:- 3 dresses of, from bottom up, sleeveless; short sleeves & 3/4 length sleeves of which is only 2 inches shy of my wrists, I never buy full length as that’s anything from 2-4 inches too long for me & a final wrap on the top half! And I kept having fits of sneezing every so often as even with the heater set a degree higher to 21 C the air just felt cold hence the sneezing as the cold air made my nose itchy! BS was ok ish through the day, though & no asthma attacks as I took extra Clenil throughout the day! I just took 4 puffs of Ventolin once as I was quite wheezy at point! In the end I fell asleep quite early, the early start I suppose, before 18:00 when I’d planned taking the 4th & last lot of Clenil before going to bed so, didn’t stay up long to TAKE that last lot but, still woke up fine, thank goodness, this morning!

4 puffs of Clenil already done & I’ll have some breakfast soon? :confused:

It’s cold early this winter so, wrap up folks! 🙄
Good morning - 8.5

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 why NOT 5.2 sigh

Without warning my wife (and I) did a huge Christmas shopping yesterday (she told me as we got to Sainsburys her intentions). Why? The shops are open again after Christmas. Worse we had received lots of coupons in the post and she decided to look for and buy everything on the coupons. It took 3 hours. 3 HOURS. It was hell indeed. Why not do it online? Sigh. Still we had a good, peaceful evening tho.

Today I have to fit a separate smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector. Our old combined one stopped working. At least it announced its own demise with an annoyingly loud repeating 'scream'

Decorations are mostly up. My wife does like to take her time.

Ahhh, back to Christmas Carol practice.... whoops, Having now found my birthday present, I have to put it together before I can actually practice. Hmmm, might take me an hour or two. She never told me it was a flat pack pipe organ!!!


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all, 7.7 here, seem to be waking in the 7s not the 8s, so a step in the right direction. Of course, surgery rang to arrange my annual review which will be just before Christmas. Normally I’d be grateful they were fitting it in now, last year they did it straight after Christmas, most unfair!
Pleased to find myself back in normal territory with a 5.6 this morning. Suspected that was going to be the case after I got a routine post-prandial 5.5 after yesterday evening's Tuna Pasta Bake, but still had my fingers crossed when I got up and tested. Feeling a lot better too, and my IBS has settled down.

Still a bit mild and damp here but none of the fog that was forecast. Wednesday is a washday so that'll keep me, the washing machine and the tumble dryer busy, and I also need to nip into town for some Xmas cards (we seem to send fewer each year) and to deliver our donation to the local Giving Tree Appeal.

@Elenka_HM congrats on yesterday's HS

Hope everyone manages to have a good day, weather permitting.
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Good morning! 5'9 today.

Had a nice time in Totnes Xmas market. There was good ambiance, arrived on time to hear some children singing carols, tho I missed the adult choirs later (the market was a bit further up the street). My friend and her friend joined me for the last 2 hours, which made it better.

I didn't make much progress on the gift buying front. I did get myself an ornament and a few sweet treats. They were everywhere and everything looked so good...! I picked 2 from different stalls that happened to be vegan and gluten free, in true Totnes style. I must admit I wasn't impressed. Maybe should have gone for a classic brownie :confused:

Mulled wine prices ranged from 3'50 to 6£ a cup. And one of the stalls even offered keto mince pies! I was curious but not a big fan of the the regular ones so I doubt the keto version is worth it for me.
PS: Anyone recommend a good brand/material of warm socks? I manage to keep my body warm but not my feet!
PS: Anyone recommend a good brand/material of warm socks? I manage to keep my body warm but not my feet!
Uniqlo do some really decent thermal stuff that’s very reasonably priced. Other than that look for merino wool socks or buy silk sock liners and wear those as inner socks.
I have got some from Arctic Dry that are as warm as toast. I’ve also got generic hiking socks from M&S and Uniqlo and they all keep my feet warm and dry. They’re all on the thick side.

These are also good.
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