Group 7-day waking average?

Good afternoon all...

A 5.4 for me earlier this grey old morning.
@Pattidevans I think the word you were looking for was stupid not brave!
@Robin and @rebrascora send me your tennis bats and I’ll strap them on my feet for our walk this afternoon. I know, I know I said we were staying in but moving about does help my back, honestly. 🙄 And you know I don’t like sitting still for more than five minutes!:rofl:
Anyhoo, it’s starting to thaw. We can nearly see Camille now.


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Thanks, I’ve been eating live yogurt and loads of prebiotic things like sauerkraut, I didn’t know you could get capsules, I may give them a try.
Because I take penicillin every day I have 70ml of Symprove in the mornings 10 minutes before anything else - longest 10 minutes waiting for my cup of tea! It's made a massive difference to recurrent yeast infections (sorry) and so I really do think it works. Symprove is one of only a few that proper research has shown actually gets to the gut so may be worth a try. It's not cheap though.
Because I take penicillin every day I have 70ml of Symprove in the mornings 10 minutes before anything else - longest 10 minutes waiting for my cup of tea! It's made a massive difference to recurrent yeast infections (sorry) and so I really do think it works. Symprove is one of only a few that proper research has shown actually gets to the gut so may be worth a try. It's not cheap though.
Thank you, I’ll have a look for them, I was wondering whether they actually got to the gut or got destroyed by stomach acid, it’s good to know there's been research on it.
Morning (Afternoon) everyone - 8.4 this morning. Not sure what happened there but TIR now 80% in green so very happy with that. Unfortunately I didn't make it to the carol service as when I got out on the fell and started to drive down the hill my car started sliding and I chickened out so my Mum & brother went without me (and had a lovely time by all accounts). Raining here today so snow practically gone. I'm in the processing of finding our Christmas decs so they're going up in dribs & drabs. It's weird decorating a new home and working out where things should go when they had their same place for the 16 years before at the old house. Wishing you all a lovely day with stable BG, non slippy snow, Happy Birthdays and unsniffly noses x

@Robin here's the website:
Good afternoon everyone. 4'7 on Libre first thing, 6'3 on finger prick. Libre was closer to that when I went back from the toilet.

Off work today and tomorrow, I have nice plans for tomorrow but today will be probably a lazy one. Might do a bit cleaning later, at the moment I'm enjoying decorating some pages of my planner. Haven't done anything creative for a while.

It was sunny for a little while and I was considering going for a walk, or popping to Lidl. I have a few interesting (though not the healthiest) coupons in the app but didn't want to go just for those, was wondering what normal groceries I need and sure enough, the sun is gone and I don't really feel like leaving the house.
Thank you everybody for your good wishes. I've had a really nice day and been thoroughly spoilt with lovely gifts.

@eggyg the photos are lovely and you are braver than me going out in that snow!! I hope it clears up a bit so you can get out easier and enjoy the rest of your break.

@Pattidevans the tree looks gorgeous. How you ever got that on a plane and through security i'll never know.

@Robin and @rebrascora i really hope your levels settle soon.

It has absolutely thrown it down with rain here all last night and all of today.
I’m in. :D
Oh wow. I am guessing you are close enough to @Robin to play doubles. I wonder if @eggyg will partner me and then we can use the whole country as our court. She won't know what's hit her..... I have a mean back hand. 😉
Very late on parade today after having left early for our Xmas shopping trip to Winchester. Shouldn't have bothered as we didn't find any of the things we wanted, plus it rained the whole time we were there. Decided to have lunch at Pret, go back to the car and go on to Guildford instead. So pleased we did. On reflection Guildford would have been a better choice. Came home with everything we'd wanted, plus a few extras. Might be worth another visit before the big day.

Still just over the line in sixland this morning with a 6.2 following a 6.1 yesterday. Still trying to shake off the last remnants of my cold so that won't be helping, plus I've undoubtedly been over my daily 130g carb target for three days in a row on account of eating out more than at home. Aiming to get back in control, starting tomorrow.

A belated well done on yesterday's HS @rebrascora, and a Welsh Pen-blwydd Hapus i ti @freesia.
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Oh wow. I am guessing you are close enough to @Robin to play doubles. I wonder if @eggyg will partner me and then we can use the whole country as our court. She won't know what's hit her..... I have a mean back hand. 😉
I’ve never played tennis in my life unless you count with toy bats in the garden with the kids or those hard bats with a small ball you buy in Greece/Spain etc and you play on the beach. I’m rubbish at them all, I’m even afraid of the swing ball we have got for the grandchildren! :rofl:
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Yesterday was good. My wife put up half the Christmas decorations. My friend came to tea. The squirrels had a feast. Carols practice went well. No exercise tho (very unusual, but it was raining cats and dogs).

Today very predictable but good


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Still got my cold. Feel awful this morning.
Good morning - 6.5 at 6:00

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. Drum roll please. 5.2!

It’s our anniversary today, not wedding, but of courting/ stepping out/ dating etc., up in Cumbria we say “ gan out with”. It’s sounds so romantic. Happy Ganoutaversary to us! 48 years, I’m not quite sure how that happened, one minute we’re 15, sweet and innocent, the next we’re 63, with three kids and soon to have six grandchildren! Time really does fly when you’re having fun. :rofl:

We tried to have a walk yesterday but the thaw, then rain made everywhere treacherous. We managed 1.5 miles before we turned round. Mr Eggy said we’d better go back before he fell and broke his camera or I fell and broke my back. Wise words. Popped in the Coop on the way back for a bottle of vino for our anniversary dinner tonight. Spag Bol! We know how to push the boat out!😉

Have a good day everyone. Only two photos today. Both self explanatory.


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