Group 7-day waking average?


5.3 this morning, so pleased with that after eating more carbs than usual yesterday. Today, I have the asthma nurse and then running this evening, still some Christmas decorations to put up.

@freesia - happy 60th birthday,

@rebrascora - congratulations on yesterday’s HS, but sorry to hear you are still having issues with your levels.

@eggyg - lovely photos.
Morning all.

A cheeky 5.5 for me when I was gently wafted from my slumber by the shrieking rage of a tiny hound outraged by the lack of breakfast.

Gloomy and wet here this morning. Just about managed to get the other dog out for a loop before the relentless rain started. Doesn’t seem like daylight will be making much of an appearance today!

Happy 60th @freesia 🙂

So near and yet so far @Grannylorraine !
6.8. getting worried it’s getting higher. It’s getting on for 3 months without metformin. I’m still eating low carb and haven’t introduced anything new but it’s still creeping up. I’m due blood tests in a couple of weeks though with it being near Christmas may not be until after.
Well done on yesterdays HS @rebrascora and a very Happy Birthday @freesia. 🙂

A 5.3 for me today.

Oh this is getting ridiculous! I put three units of Novorapid in, had a protein bar of 10 carbs, and went and did the weekly shop as normal. Usual routine, done it for years, I’m normally around 8 when I get back, and then tail off down to baseline. This is what happened this morning! Even if my novorapid has mysteriously stopped working since yesterday, there’s no call for my BG to overreact like that! (And finger prick agrees)
Well 10.4(I probably should have checked with a finger prick before correction as this sensor has only been one of since last night but didn't). It's sloped up at around 4am after intailly falling I think I might set my high alarm to 10 overnight now so I can catch it as zoom as it happens. I'm still very upset about my job the term were great and I got on with everybody(it seems like the person that called me to give the news wasn't entirely honest with me).
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

Oh dear we've had a leak at the studio. One of the pipes for the sprinkler system burst. Not sure how much damage done. It looks like it's missed most of the gear so fingers crossed.

Have a good day everyone.
Mine's been like it since I had a violent stomach bug at the beginning of November. I'm wondering if I’ve disrupted my gut bacteria in the process, and it’ll settle down again when I’ve regrown some.
My TIR has dropped to below 70 for the first time ever, but it’s because I’m 30% above target, and only 2% below. I’m not going very high, but I keep straying just above the 10.
You can get gut bacteria capsules from H & B to help restore your gut bacteria or live yoghurts should also help.
Oh this is getting ridiculous! I put three units of Novorapid in, had a protein bar of 10 carbs, and went and did the weekly shop as normal. Usual routine, done it for years, I’m normally around 8 when I get back, and then tail off down to baseline. This is what happened this morning! Even if my novorapid has mysteriously stopped working since yesterday, there’s no call for my BG to overreact like that! (And finger prick agrees)
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This is the sort of thing I get with many phantom pain hits but doesn't offer an explanation unless you fell down the stairs or walked into a wall!
This is the sort of thing I get with many phantom pain hits but doesn't offer an explanation unless you fell down the stairs or walked into a wall!
Think it happens to all of us Did to me Saturday night for no reason.Hadnt eaten or drank anything.Think the diabetes god had a wicked sense of humour. Doesn't seem to like your time in range going up I was in the low 90 s till Saturday night.Dropped to 70 s yesterday.take forever to get back .
Morning all on this wild, wet day. Vile out there and a grocery shop is needed :(

6.9 on the finger prick and 8.0 on the Libre... getting closer, but no prizes for accuracy. Yesterday lunchtime Libre was saying 5.8 and bloods were 3.7.

Got the tree up finally yesterday afternoon. See pics with lights on and again with them off so you can actually see the ornaments. We bought the tree in Los Angeles 36 years ago - had fun getting it home through the airport and on the plane! We collect one or two ornaments every time we go on holiday, so lots of lovely reminders of good times past when we dress the tree.

Gorgeous wreath @Grannylorraine

@eggyg - you are brave walking in all that snow with a bad back. Pics are lovely though.

@Michael12421 3.2 is a bit low. Are you still not taking insulin?

@khskel I do hope your instruments have not suffered damage from the leak.

Finally A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY @freesia


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Good morning 6.1 - although far from early...

I like a degree of routine in life but not available this morning. Normally it is quick pee, bloods, dog and pony feeds, pills, cup of Rosey Lee, check in here while I eat breakfast...Not today however.

Barely sat on loo before Wolf began his "there really is someone on the yard" bark. 3 Highway men and 2 lorries...later a rather nosey neighbour joined in the fun. After much discussion about "jetters", poking rods down holes, walking back and forth down the road side, some desultory shovel work on the verge etc we reached a conclusion - they are to dig out the Highway drains (which will last until the next blasted vehicle drives into them) and to build me a sleeping policeman across the drive entrance ( which will resolve my problem long term). It'll be a bit like von Braun's view on rockets (he sent them up but it wasn't his department where they came down) the road water will just roll on down the hill and not into my drive.

Supposedly they will start today - indeed as I type Wolf barked again and I found a chubby chap in a yellow jacket come to request permision to park his spoil removel trailer. I would be jumping about with glee, my 7 year campaign having achieved a result, must have been me mentioning the dreaded Ombudsman last time I rang their department, but I'll have to wait until the steroids kick in...Wolf and Peachy gave me some cold looks when food was eventually delivered (pre-finger prick). Never mind - it will be an excellent Christmas present to have a long term problem solved.

Hope everyone has a happy day.
3.0 for me this morning and back undulating in and out of the red sand. I pushed my levels up to 11 last night and still came sliding down into the red. No evening Levemir and no Fiasp since 3.40pm when I jabbed 3 units, so only my morning Levemir which I have dropped again this morning by another 2 units.
I don't understand how that can be my morning Levemir from yesterday causing those lows. The injection marked was this morning's Levemir which was late because I slept in. I am knackered!!

I feel your frustration @Robin. At least I get to eat JBs rather than stick needles in. That said, my teeth are going to be rotten at this rate with JBs almost every night for a fortnight! Took 6 again this morning. Normally 1JB fixes it!

Fingers crossed there isn't too much damage at the studio @khskel

@freesia Wishing you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I will be joining the 60s club in Feb, so not far behind you and just ahead of @Colin g it seems.

@eggyg Gorgeous photos Hope you don't suffer too much from the ordeal of getting them. Love that you both had a giggle falling about in the snow at the start though.
I feel your frustration @Robin. At least I get to eat JBs rather than stick needles in. That said, my teeth are going to be rotten at this rate with JBs almost every night for a fortnight! Took 6 again this morning. Normally 1JB fixes it!
Do you think if we capture the Diabetes Fairy and play tennis with her between your house and mine until her teeth rattle, it might make her see sense?
Do you think if we capture the Diabetes Fairy and play tennis with her between your house and mine until her teeth rattle, it might make her see sense?
Sounds like a good plan. I will hunt out my racket!