Group 7-day waking average?

5.8 for me this morning and it's a bit milder than yesterday. 🙂

Good morning everyone! Been really busy at work with all day Teams calls this week trying to sort a major problem, just thankful I no longer have to do on call so I have this weekend off at least! Mind you, very busy yesterday and will be today once we get moving. Everything seems to pile up this time of year somehow. Not helped by us having rearranged the lounge and now looking at getting new furniture. But I’m sure the end results will be worth the effort.

Anyway, an embarrassing 9.6 this morning for me:( Thanks to some comfort food yesterday evening and underestimating insulin. New sensor this morning which I’m waiting to warm up, so new start and a plan to do better!

@eggyg - love the pictures! Hope the driving wasn’t too bad for you though.

Stay warm everyone!
@eggyg After your snowy pics I give you this from rural Poland…

Hmm, an anomaly surely? this morning an 8.0, I was out yesterday and didn't eat properly, well that's my excuse. However my meter is now telling me my 7 day average, after a run of reading down in the fours, is 5.2. It wont last...
Assumed the shop opens at midday but just checked and it opens at 10am so going to get a wriggle on and let you know if my expedition pays dividends later! x
@eggyg - love the pictures! Hope the driving wasn’t too bad for you though.
We were lucky we came Friday. We wouldn’t have made it yesterday. We are snowed in though as we’re parked behind the cottage and that’s not been gritted! When we do our annual LD holiday we never use the car, we make a point of walking everywhere. We don’t need to visit any further afield as we can do that anytime. Here’s Camille on the right, she ain’t going anywhere anytime soon!


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Morning all. 4.1. Not sure whats going on with levels atm, they are low whatever i do and plenty of JBs are being consumed to stop hypos. Possibly the cold weather.

@eggyg lovely photos. I hope everyone is ok up there and you enjoy your break.

@ColinUK post a photo of the hat, it sounds lovely and warm. I think hats are lovely and have a couple of nice ones but usually have to buy bobble hats. My head must be quite small and most hats balance on the top of my specs and can swivel around :rofl: .

No snow here though it looks like we've had some sleet which has frozen on the grass. Off out to visit a relative this morning then back home to relax in the warm.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
Great photos @eggyg - I did City & Guilds Photography at college and like to think I can spot a great photo when I see one.
Very pleased with 6.5 this morning and my TIR on my Libre sensor is at 73% in the green, 25% yellow and only 2% red which is a massive improvement from before I started with the Lantus. I ate my first jelly baby yesterday as the alarm went off late afternoon - it wasn't extremely low as I've set it for 4.8 to be safe. Last night my son and 3 friends arrived up by train and this morning at 7.30am they set off to drive up to Ullapool as heading over to Harris for the week. I was quite worried that they wouldn't get up the drive as it's very steep but yesterday I went out with a plastic crate and a snow shovel and pilfered some salt/grit from the big box out on the fell which they put on the drive last night and it was just the job. We've missed the really heavy snow over here but it's very pretty up where we are - probably very slushy down in Penrith I should imagine. I'm going to the Advent Carol Service this evening so looking forward to that and I think I'll try to unearth my Christmas decorations after the move but can't get my tree yet. Have a great day everyone and stay warm. @eggyg enjoy your winter wonderland holiday; @rayray119 I'm so sorry to hear about your job
Yesterday I also stopped at the Post Office to buy stamps. I plan to send many Christmas cards this year and I found an assorted box of 24 for 1£ in a charity shop. I didn't like ALL of them but there were many nice ones. I'm glad the cards were so cheap because those international mail stamps aren't! At least they had the seasonal design ones, which is a nice touch.
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First through the doors at the vintage shop but alas the hat was sold yesterday.
To console myself I’m breakfasting at Dishoom which is somewhere I’ve been meaning to come to for ages but today’s the first time here so not all is lost.
I’ll head to another branch of the same shop afterwards and see if there is a similar hat there. If not then it simply wasn’t to be.
Morning all 12.6 for me this morning.been higher than that all night no alarms going off Think I might be coming down with a cold throat seems a bit tickly We've had another dumping of snow during the night Temps still -1 Get this house work done Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all and 5.3 for me.

Misty and murky but milder than yesterday when I finally dug the big coat out.

I need to pop out to buy some door hinges as one of them on the living room door decided to snap last night. It's now hanging at a precarious angle.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning Sunday 7.1 today, was 6.9 yesterday

I have missed a few days posting last week (it was a tough week at work) and on Thursday & Friday BS was silly high anyway I’m ashamed to say (down to what I’ve been eating recently ) on Friday waking Bs was double figures which isn’t good 😳

Dr phoned on Friday and told me (following the scan I had earlier in the week) something that was a bit of a shock, it gave me a much needed wake up call - my liver is showing signs of developing fatty liver,
so need to change what I’m eating and take more exercise, I think that is what he said, he actually phoned unexpectedly at a time when I was already on a teams call (work related)
GP requested my bloods to check Hba1C & I’ve a referral this month to Diabetic consultant at the hospital this month, although that’s only a phone call hopefully can talk about that also.

Healthy eating day yesterday, has a Lazzy lay in today (as I often do on non working days) as we’re usually up just before 6am, we’ve no snow here yet but I think a dusting is due later.

Have a super Sunday and stay warm everyone 😎
Morning all

It was a 4.6 for me on waking earlier this morning, I forgot to have my two pieces of chocolate
before bed last night which usually keeps me in the five range.

It's raining here at the moment and it is 4.4c as opposed to -3.1c at bedtime last night. Have a good
day everyone and stay safe and warm......
Morning all - grey and rainy on and off.

5.8 on the meter but 7.4 on the Libre. Do any of you think Abbott will replace this one? I'm not confident to bolus with it, since 1u would bring me down 3mmol and from 7.4 that could be nearing hypo-land.

Got absolutely soaked yesterday. The rain started the minute we stepped off the bus in town. Bought a £2 umberella in Poundland. It's quite pretty, pink with white spots. Julian said it is "garish". He he! In his opinion anything other than black or navy is garish. Ho hum... you all get pretty snow, we just get drenching rain!

Putting the finishing touches to the decorations today and finally - the tree.... the sherry is chilling in the fridge as is our little tradition for when we dress the tree. Dinner is all prepared, just needs to go in the oven. I've stuffed a fillet of pork with apricot, prune and date stuffing and wrapped it in Serrano ham. The stuffing isn't very diabetically friendly but hey ho.. I shall only eat a little bit (said she!)

@rayray119 so sorry to hear you have lost the job you liked so much.

@Grannylorraine you have my complete admiration at how energetic and creative you are!

@ColinUK hope you find another hat!

@Elenka_HM I share your dismay at the cost of posting. This year I am only sending cyber cards.

Enjoy the magical scenery @eggyg, fab photos.

To all those feeling "under the weather" a big hug and hope you all feel better soon!
Sorry was excited to post these pics of the Christmas wreath I made today, thankfully temperatures were a little milder at a balmy 6 degrees, although very wet, for the course in a marquee, but had a fab day with a non diabetic or slimming world friendly pulled pork in a brioche roll and a scone although I didn’t have any jam or cream.


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Just realised I didn't post this morning.... I was waiting for my photo to download and then forgot by the time that I had read everyone else's posts.
Afraid my phot isn't anywhere near as picturesque as @eggyg's or @Grannylorraine's but I was happy with it...... especially as there was no red sand involved....
Pushed my levels up to 10 with some midnight curry with no bolus and no evening Levemir and levels still dropped 5mmols and continued to drop after I got up which rather caught me out and I just touched the red before breakfast brought me up. Really don't know what is going on with these overnight levels. It is like the DF has taken all my glucose created a wormhole and sucked it through into @Robin. I can't understand not having DP or FOTF. It has been so reliable for years and required 1.5-2units and suddenly nothing and even then still dropping. Down to 20 units of Levemir in the morning which is my lowest for probably over a year and I am not doing nearly enough activity to warrant it and no alcohol for a couple of months. Just weird! It is like the extra insulin I needed for Covid is now taking effect or probably most likely that Covid depleted my liver of glucose. Presumably normal service will resume in due course. Have to confess I woke 4 or 5 times during the night to check my levels because the hypos have been so regular the past 8 days.

@rayray119 Really sorry to hear you lost your Santa's elf job, especially when you were enjoying it. Something else will hopefully come along soon.