Group 7-day waking average?

You can have it back any time.. :rofl:
Is the switch to reverse the process at your end or mine because I don't see it here?
I am guessing the DF has it on remote control and is waiting for us both to get into a new routine to manage the new situation before she presses the button. The evil minx! 😡 In the meantime it is one less injection for me and in fact probably 2 because my low carb meals are not needing any protein correction afterwards either. Normally a 2 egg omelette would need a couple of units 2 hours later, but I am getting away with it.
Is the switch to reverse the process at your end or mine because I don't see it here?
I am guessing the DF has it on remote control and is waiting for us both to get into a new routine to manage the new situation before she presses the button. The evil minx! 😡 In the meantime it is one less injection for me and in fact probably 2 because my low carb meals are not needing any protein correction afterwards either. Normally a 2 egg omelette would need a couple of units 2 hours later, but I am getting away with it.
I was in double figures by the time I got round to having a late breakfast this morning, despite shoving two units of Novorapid in first thing. So I had an even later breakfast by the time I’d injected and waited to start falling.
I can’t find any controls at this end either, I reckon they’ll come wrapped and under the Christmas tree, so we can spend Christmas sorting out our new routine.
@Robin That has me worried as firstly that is another 3 weeks and that could put me into the 20 or 30% below range category (consultant will have a fit!!), or I will be off insulin altogether by then :D or a walking zombie! I also don't do Christmas so no tree or gifts here, so I am not likely to receive any controls and will have to rely on you to sort it from your end.
PS. That was a whopping rise this morning for you! It really does seem like you are getting my share on top of your own. It's very odd!
@Robin That has me worried as firstly that is another 3 weeks and that could put me into the 20 or 30% below range category (consultant will have a fit!!), or I will be off insulin altogether by then :D or a walking zombie! I also don't do Christmas so no tree or gifts here, so I am not likely to receive any controls and will have to rely on you to sort it from your end.
PS. That was a whopping rise this morning for you! It really does seem like you are getting my share on top of your own. It's very odd!
Mine's been like it since I had a violent stomach bug at the beginning of November. I'm wondering if I’ve disrupted my gut bacteria in the process, and it’ll settle down again when I’ve regrown some.
My TIR has dropped to below 70 for the first time ever, but it’s because I’m 30% above target, and only 2% below. I’m not going very high, but I keep straying just above the 10.
Good morning from Boris and me! Don't know why I awoke at 4:30? But had a relatively pain free night and hope it continues for a bit. Started the Wordles but all going wrong so rethink @rebrascora need not worry.

Pitch black but seems less cold as Boris closer to the window glass (the double glazing isn't brilliant) :(

Oh, and BG 7.3 and now 58% IR!
Forgot to post this earlier. 01:36 BS 7.5 🙂

Couldn’t get back to sleep after a FREEZING cold trip to the little girl’s room & back. So, threw in the towel after shivering in bed 04:38 BS 11.6 when I had breakfast with a DP rise!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
Morning all. 7.1 this morning. Cold is easing but I’m a bit chesty.

Call with my ISVA first thing this morning then it’s call the dentist and see if they’re happy with me coming in for Hygienist 2 with my cold or not.

Meeting for coffee afterwards with a cousin I love dearly but really don’t get to see often enough.

C’est tout.
Good morning - 5.9

Have a great day everyone
GoodMorning 6.0 today

A busy morning today including (hopefully) new back door coming first thing, the door fitter due to be here @08:00, it will be nice to be able to open and use that door again.

congratulations on yesterdays HS @rebrascora, Happy Birthday @freesia

Have a great day everybody 😎
@freesia Happy Birthday to You!! May you have a run of 60 House Specials to celebrate!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

@freesia happy birthday

Nothing special planned for today. A bit of experimental wiring to do with my keyboard and some, Zzzzz, practice, practice, practice.

Ok, not really

My wife practiced on her keyboard herself yesterday for hours!!! I am so glad that she is enjoying it so much.

Have great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning all. Sharing the 5.9 step with @Lily123, and a unicorn to boot.

Still got lots of snow but I’m thinking it’s slowly starting to thaw, in the village at least, but after walking in some ridiculous snow drifts yesterday I think it’ll be around the area for a while! Our walk to Tarn Hows started off great, it was such fun walking through the snow, we both fell a couple of times which made us laugh as we couldn’t get back up. We weren’t laughing by the time we got there and saw the snow was even deeper to get down to the tarn. We trudged down anyways, I naively thought the fabulous accessible path around the tarn would have been cleared but alas it hadn’t, the tarn was frozen and did look beautiful but we just took a quick photo or two and headed back home. My feet were really cold and wet by this time and my back/ pelvis/ hips decided to misbehave, oh it was agony, pain killers and using my walking poles like crutches got me back. Six hours and five miles and apart from the first 200 metres and the last mile it was all through deep snow!
Staying in today more because our walking boots are soaked through. We like an adventure but sometimes they go wrong, did get some lovely photos, every cloud and all that! 😉

@freesia happy birthday and welcome to the 60s club, it’s not all bad, I’m just getting use to it and I’m heading towards my mid sixties now! 😱

Have a Happy Monday folks. Stay warm and cosy, don’t be like Eggy wandering through snow with a bad back, and heading towards her pension. It’s not big and it’s not clever! :rofl:

1. Virgin snow, we were having fun at this point.
2. Wondering whether we’d bitten off more than we could chew!
3. A bit of colour on a monochrome day.
4. Smiling for the camera even though I had soggy feet.
5. We made it!
6. Frozen Tarn Hows and not a soul to be seen, I wonder why?
7. Do we sit down for lunch?
8. That’s actually the road to get to the NT carpark!
9. Nearly back, beautiful sky over Coniston Water.
10. Just a few more metres and looking forward to a hot bath.


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Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

Happy Birthday @freesia !!!!!! I hope you have a fab day, week, can’t celebrate your 60th for just one day! 😉:D

Thanks for braving the elements to get the Tarn How’s pic @eggyg - I spent a week there every summer with my favourite cousins from the age of 9 to 21...must go back sometime. 😛:confused:
Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

Happy Birthday @freesia !!!!!! I hope you have a fab day, week, can’t celebrate your 60th for just one day! 😉:D

Thanks for braving the elements to get the Tarn How’s pic @eggyg - I spent a week there every summer with my favourite cousins from the age of 9 to 21...must go back sometime. 😛:confused:
We love Tarn Hows, haven’t been for two years, Storm Arwen had just hit and it was carnage. We managed to get round by climbing under and over fallen trees. We never make it easy for ourselves!