Group 7-day waking average?

A very late morning or early afternoon. A 6.6 for me.
The temperature has just got to a barmy -0.1
Have a good rest of the day. Hubby and I are popping out for a few extra Christmas bits for my nephews / niece we’re seeing tomorrow …..once he’s defrosted the car !
Pleased to hear the buses are back on the road and you have transport to get shopping in. Yes, the amount of extra walking you have been doing will definitely cause your levels to drop and with me it is always my overnight levels that are affected by walking, but I am not doing much walking as I have been down with Covid, although I did have one trip up the hill with feed for the horses yesterday lunchtime. I struggled the last 200yards, but then I have been out of action for a fortnight so not really surprising, but I cut my evening Levemir to 0 to account for it.

Would you mind saying what problems you had with Amitriptyline? I am currently on 2x 10mg at night but building up to a higher dose to help my mental health. I am a bit reluctant to increase it any more just at the moment, until I get these nocturnal hypos sorted. I am just wondering if the medication is inhibiting my liver output. If so, maybe it is a new application for it with Type 2 diabetics!! I suppose theoretically, if it is helping with my stress and anxiety, then that would influence my liver output. The body is a complex and fascinating beast.
I was also taking it for depression it actually made me a lot worse but everyone is different.Weaned myself off them for a long time but had to see my gp in September.Been rock bottom for a long time.People were getting worried about me .Put me on duloxetine .Was already taking it for nerve damage Ain't much use for that either.Just have to keep plodding on as I'm on my own now .
I was also taking it for depression it actually made me a lot worse but everyone is different.Weaned myself off them for a long time but had to see my gp in September.Been rock bottom for a long time.People were getting worried about me .Put me on duloxetine .Was already taking it for nerve damage Ain't much use for that either.Just have to keep plodding on as I'm on my own now .
I appreciate you giving more info on that. I hope you didn't feel that I was prying.
Really sorry to hear that you are also struggling with mental health problems and that you are on your own. It is good that you have your dog though and that there are people who care enough about you to worry. It is tough, particularly at this time of year.
Sending (((HUGS)))
I appreciate you giving more info on that. I hope you didn't feel that I was prying.
Really sorry to hear that you are also struggling with mental health problems and that you are on your own. It is good that you have your dog though and that there are people who care enough about you to worry. It is tough, particularly at this time of year.
Sending (((HUGS)))
No your not prying I say it how it is after waiting an hour for a bus .Just got on one now
No your not prying I say it how it is after waiting an hour for a bus .Just got on one now

Blooming heck! Waiting an hour for a bus in this temperature!! Hope you are home in the warm soon.
I looked at Waddeston online after you gave a link @Martin.A it looked beautiful. Wish it was close enough to visit for us.
As well as the light trail through the woods they'd done a wonderful job decorating the inside of the house, themed around the books Alice in Wonderland, Peter & Wendy and The Snow Queen. They also had a large Xmas market in the grounds, as you'd expect.
It was 9
. something this morning I lost my job yesterday so had made things even more diferncult because I'm so upset
03:29, so body clock IS moving round a bit more, BS 8.6. Ah well, didn’t need two biscuits before bed, then or, maybe just one? BS was 6.9 & it seemed borderline to me as I had been dropping lower all day yesterday despite the basal reduction & using less NR as well! My injury raised my BS more than I had realised & only just lowered my basal in time, really? o_O My hand just seemed to turn a corner by about lunchtime & I could actually see just HOW swollen it had been when I noticed all of a sudden how flat it was back to being! Then, just before bed & now actually it’s intermittently EXTREMELY itchy so, been giving it a good scratch! 🙄🙂 To restore the circulation, I think? :confused: Can take a bit more weight but, still a bit iffy on the twisting & turning front so, still need to be careful of my left hand. :confused: But, it’s getting there. 🙂

A bit later & approaching normal operating hours for a Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

It’s a bit warmer this morning, thank goodness! 🙂
Morning all. An excellent night of sleep last night for me. Thanks to the cold and the dose of night time Sudafed (well the Boots dupe of it anyway) I slept from about 11pm pretty much straight through to 6:30!
Still got the cold but it’s moved from head to slightly more chesty. Hopefully it’ll bugger right off soon!

6.7 this morning which isn’t a at all bad considering the cold etc.

Nothing really planned for today but may see if a local vintage clothing shop still has the fur (I’m assuming fake) trapper hat they had there during the week. It’s a little too big so it slightly swamps me but given how cold it was and will be again I’m saying Pah! and Fooey! to fashion and I’ll gladly plonk it on my balding head like a cosy on a boiled egg!

Saw this yesterday:


No urge to try flying this time.

They’d taken three scenes from the poem as inspiration for the ballet and honestly neither me or my friend had a clue what was going on! Regardless of that fact we both wept at the very end as for some reason we couldn’t identify it just hit us both squarely in the feels.

I’ll possibly do a fuller CCC on this one after I’ve re-read the program.
Good morning from Boris and me! Surprisingly good 8.3 considering between 00:30 and 01:00m it rose from around 8 to 15.3 with phantom pain. One tries to balance insulin, food, and exercise (limited in my case) but this phantom pain keeps bowling increasingly curve balls! :(
Good morning. 6.7

A filthy wet and windy day after a worse night when the weather kept waking me up. Feels quite cold but I am resisting a voyage outside to check the thermometer. Yesterday reached a balmy 3 degrees by lunch time.

Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
Morning all. 6.3 from a very snowy Coniston.

Yesterday turned out to be my favourite day in the Lake District, ever, and I’ve been coming since I was a babe in arms. ( I’m still a babe but I doubt anyone would want to carry me!). It snowed all day, big fat snowflakes and within hours everything was covered. We left the cottage about 1ish to have a walk through the village and down to the lake, it’s not far at all. Cars abandoned, shops shut as staff couldn’t get in but it was so beautiful. I can honestly say I have never seen snow like it. I was just in awe and snapped photos the entire walk. It started to snow really heavily about 2ish and we got ourselves back, looking like snowmen. I could barely see as my specs were just covered. It was only a few hours later when we saw the news that the area was in chaos, cars unable to move, folks stuck on roads. About a foot of snow has fallen, Hawkshead, Ambleside and Grasmere, amongst others, opened their schools and church halls etc to shelter these poor people who had to abandon their vehicles and walk. Apparently it’s years since it’s been so bad. Luckily, it hasn’t snowed through the night, I saw the flashing lights and and heard the snow plough/ gritter go past the cottage twice in the early hours. Fingers crossed everyone is safe and able to get to their destination today. It might be beautiful but heavy snow can be dangerous too.

We’re hoping to walk to Tarn Hows today, it’s about a five mile round trip. The sun is supposed to shine later today so it should look spectacular. We’re all kitted out for this weather and I’ll use my poles if needed. My back was good yesterday although I was worried I’d slip and go back to square one, still going canny!

@Michael12421 I hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself.
@ColinUK buy the hat! I have a fake fur Russian oligarch’s wife type of thing, it’s too big for me but it keeps my lugs warm!

Have a super Sunday all.
Here’s some photos, the sheep and tree one is Mr Eggy’s, the rest are just from my iPhone as I broke my proper camera in Cornwall.


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The forecast possibility of waking up to snow this morning was way off as we don't even have a frost.

Sorry to hear you're still suffering with a cold @ColinUK - thankfully mine's pretty well cleared up now, just in time for tomorrow's Xmas shopping trip to Winchester. That would have been no fun otherwise.

Sorry to hear you're lost your job @rayray119, and just before Xmas too. Hopefully it'll only be temporary.

6.1 this morning, so another rare step over the line into sixland. My own fault - my wife spent most of yesterday putting up our Xmas decorations and she opened the tubs of Celebrations and Heroes. No one likes the Bounty ones so they're left for me. Obviously had one too many.

My job yesterday was putting the twinkly lights up outside. Not much fun up a ladder on a freezing cold day but I got it done. I was wearing fingerless gloves and I couldn't feel my fingers by the time I'd finished. Was glad to be handed a cuppa after I'd put the ladder away.

Have a good Sunday, your weather permitting.
Morning all, 8.3 here, I was 6.2 at 5am, but that’s far too early for me to call it morning.
On the subject of delivery drivers..daughter was leading our pony down the drive from the field to the yard yesterday, and as she walked him past a Royal Mail van, the driver slammed the back door of the van extremely loudly (OK, presumably not having seen her). So poor pony jumps out of his skin, and she’s left wrestling with him spinning and spooking and trying to drag her towards home, with one hand near his headcollar and the other hand full of the loops of lead rein.. and the Postie said to her..'Can you take these letters to the yard for me, luv?'. Er….no?
@eggyg There’s something truly magical about a huge dumping of fresh powdery snow. It’s the sound quality that is so special for me I think. Yes it looks great but the sound as it falls in fat flakes quietening everything, and then that underfoot squeak as you compress it with each stride I find magical. Enjoy!

Oh and I’m going to buy that hat if it’s still there don’t you worry!
Morning all, 8.3 here, I was 6.2 at 5am, but that’s far too early for me to call it morning.
On the subject of delivery drivers..daughter was leading our pony down the drive from the field to the yard yesterday, and as she walked him past a Royal Mail van, the driver slammed the back door of the van extremely loudly (OK, presumably not having seen her). So poor pony jumps out of his skin, and she’s left wrestling with him spinning and spooking and trying to drag her towards home, with one hand near his headcollar and the other hand full of the loops of lead rein.. and the Postie said to her..'Can you take these letters to the yard for me, luv?'. Er….no?
“Sure. I’ll take the letters and you take the horse you just spooked!”
@eggyg There’s something truly magical about a huge dumping of fresh powdery snow. It’s the sound quality that is so special for me I think. Yes it looks great but the sound as it falls in fat flakes quietening everything, and then that underfoot squeak as you compress it with each stride I find magical. Enjoy!

Oh and I’m going to buy that hat if it’s still there don’t you worry!
I know exactly what you mean. I love the squeak, and yes it is truly magical.

5.5 today, off to make my Christmas wreath today, and due to putting up Christmas decorations, today and tomorrow, very little housework to do, although it will catch up with me as I will need to do it Tuesday evening. Had a nice run yesterday morning, although very grey as it was misty and cold, no frost but it was grey, breakfast was ok, but the cafe we went to was short staffed so having 10 people in one party as well as other customers right after opening, meant we had a long wait for everyone’s food to arrive and some of ours was a bit over cooked, it is a community cafe in a local church so understandable in the circumstances.

@eggyg - your pictures are beautiful, I love looking at pictures of snowy scenes, but dislike it snowing where I am, to be honest living in the South East, it is a long time since I have seen snow that deep, here we usually get about an inch of snow, which turns to ice and the whole area grinds to a halt.

@rayray119 - so sorry to hear of you losing your job yesterday,

@ColinUK - go buy the hat, I have long since stopped worrying about what I wear, especially in cold weather.

@Michael12421 - take care hope you are feeling better soon.
Good morning everyone. 6'9.

It's 5 degrees outside according to my phone, yesterday it said -4°C when I left the house at 6 am. Brrrr! Luckily today at that time I was still sleeping, as I should. Everyone at work was commenting on how cold it was. I wore an extra layer under my uniform: a pair of basic leggings under the trousers and a "thermal layer" top from Primark which I got this year and I'm pretty happy with it. It's thin but does help to keep me warm and it looks like a regular plain long sleeve top, so I don't mind if I have to take the jacket/jumper off. I had it in black, yesterday I went back to Primark to get a white one. I also have a couple thermal tops from a sports shop but I don't see them that practical for day to day use.