Group 7-day waking average?

A nice round 5 for me today. 🙂 And -2°C outside.

5.3 this morning, which is good as I doubt I was under 130g carb for yesterday having eaten out for both lunch and dinner. Waddesdon Manor trip yesterday was well worth it, although it was bitterly cold on the light trail through the woods. No frost here this morning but it was a little misty when I got up and still is. Weather forecast says there's an outside chance we'll wake up to snow tomorrow morning.

Planning a day at home today, unless we pop into town, as we were out for most of yesterday and will be again tomorrow, and on Monday when we go Xmas shopping. Have chosen Winchester this year as we haven't been there there since the pandemic.

Enjoy the start to the weekend.
Winchester Christmas market is lovely I’m in Winchester Tuesday for grandsons 3 rd birthday
Does the biscuit factory still have an impressive chimney? Mum always said that, in 1944, when she was in labour for 3 days with my brother (always an awkward s.o.b) that was all she could see out of her window by way of distraction.
You know what? I can’t for the life of me remember. I’ll investigate. ie ask my youngest daughter who’s husband has an engineering business just opposite and does lots of work for them. Is your family from up here? Or was your father in the military based at Carlisle Castle, you’d get a good view of the factory from the barracks there.
Morning all. 7.3 and a unicorn.

In Coniston in a lovely old former farm workers cottage. It’s the best cottage we’ve had this year. Huge kitchen and bathroom and very clean. But best of all it doesn’t have anyone else’s sugar, rock hard coffee and half bottles of oil lying around. My absolute bugbear, I don’t want leftovers thank you very much. Yuk! Anyhoo, it’s been snowing, it looks beautiful. Today I’m going to attempt a walk around the village and down to the lake. Back a bit achy today but I’m sure once I’m moving it’ll improve. I won’t be climbing up the Old Man ( no, not Mr Eggy @ColinUK ) today. Maybe later on in the week.

Have a good day all.

This is my view from the back door. I don’t know what that fell is but I will endeavour to find out. Mr Eggy’s got an app for that!

****Edited to add its Yew Pike.
I love Coniston, well all of the Lake District.
Some friends have an Air B&B and they are amazed by the food stuffs people just leave behind.
You know what? I can’t for the life of me remember. I’ll investigate. ie ask my youngest daughter who’s husband has an engineering business just opposite and does lots of work for them. Is your family from up here? Or was your father in the military based at Carlisle Castle, you’d get a good view of the factory from the barracks there.

You know what? I can’t for the life of me remember. I’ll investigate. ie ask my youngest daughter who’s husband has an engineering business just opposite and does lots of work for them. Is your family from up here? Or was your father in the military based at Carlisle Castle, you’d get a good view of the factory from the barracks there.
Thanks. No, she obtained the view from the nursing home - no NHS deliveries then. Dad was RAF and they were living in lodgings in Carlisle. Typical RAF kids - not really from anywhere - Grandparents a mix of Highland Scots and Yorkshire farmers/soliciors/teachers. Doubtless the bloodlines explain my careful control of expenditure (aka parsimony).
Morning all on this sunny, frosty day.

8.3 on the Libre, 5.8 on the BG meter. I usually find the Libre accurate to dose off, but clearly not this one and I don't have a spare. I put it on 24 hours ago without giving it time to bed in as the last one ended in the middle of the night and took me by surprise (though it was predicted) and it clearly hasn't settled. Fortunately I have an unopened pack of 50 strips.

I looked at Waddeston online after you gave a link @Martin.A it looked beautiful. Wish it was close enough to visit for us. There are a lot of celebrations/lantern parades/bonfire on the hill/craft stalls that go on in Penzance on the Winter Solstice, but can we be bothered to go into town on a freezing night??? Ditto Mousehole lights. We have been lots of times in the past.

Julian put up most of the Christmas decorations yesterday whilst I did a big pile of ironing. Still the tree to do, but that will likely be tomorrow as we're off into town this afternoon to meet friends and restock batteries for various ornaments/lights. Home for "one I made earlier" out of the freezer Oxtail stew to warm us up

Glad you love the cottage @eggyg. Re: other people's leftovers, drives me crazy too. We once had a beautiful apartment in Portugal, but it had every darn thing previous occupants had ever left behind - buckets/spades, inflatables, flippers, etc etc in every cupboard and drawer, so much so that there was no room to put our own things away. A TripAdvisor review said "the owners provide all manner of useful things!" I thought no, they just never chuck away anything that's left behind!

Have a super Saturday all...
I am giving you a gold star for your knowledge of colloquial English. Very impressive even if a tad inappropriate language for the forum. o_O 🙄 :rofl:
My apologies, you know I'm just trying to learn... 😉 I've adapted to colloquial English over the years, next thing you know I'll be throwing "mate" and "innit" in all my conversations! 😛
My apologies, you know I'm just trying to learn... 😉 I've adapted to colloquial English over the years, next thing you know I'll be throwing "mate" and "innit" in all my conversations! 😛
We had a young waitress in Greece who used phrases like "Bob's yer uncle" and "Everything's tickety boo". It amused us no end.
I love Coniston, well all of the Lake District.
Some friends have an Air B&B and they are amazed by the food stuffs people just leave behind.
My hairdresser’s parents have three holiday cottages and she has told me the same. Half packets of sausages in the fridge etc. do they think someone will be grateful or is it just bone idleness?
This is our first visit to Coniston and so far, we only arrived 4pm yesterday and have only ventured to the Coop so far, it looks fabulous. The snow is making it look magical.
Morning all on this sunny, frosty day.

8.3 on the Libre, 5.8 on the BG meter. I usually find the Libre accurate to dose off, but clearly not this one and I don't have a spare. I put it on 24 hours ago without giving it time to bed in as the last one ended in the middle of the night and took me by surprise (though it was predicted) and it clearly hasn't settled. Fortunately I have an unopened pack of 50 strips.

I looked at Waddeston online after you gave a link @Martin.A it looked beautiful. Wish it was close enough to visit for us. There are a lot of celebrations/lantern parades/bonfire on the hill/craft stalls that go on in Penzance on the Winter Solstice, but can we be bothered to go into town on a freezing night??? Ditto Mousehole lights. We have been lots of times in the past.

Julian put up most of the Christmas decorations yesterday whilst I did a big pile of ironing. Still the tree to do, but that will likely be tomorrow as we're off into town this afternoon to meet friends and restock batteries for various ornaments/lights. Home for "one I made earlier" out of the freezer Oxtail stew to warm us up

Glad you love the cottage @eggyg. Re: other people's leftovers, drives me crazy too. We once had a beautiful apartment in Portugal, but it had every darn thing previous occupants had ever left behind - buckets/spades, inflatables, flippers, etc etc in every cupboard and drawer, so much so that there was no room to put our own things away. A TripAdvisor review said "the owners provide all manner of useful things!" I thought no, they just never chuck away anything that's left behind!

Have a super Saturday all...
The cottage we had in the Highlands in April was like a jumble sale! The drawers in the kitchen were full of half used cling film, tin foil, freezer bags, odd pegs. All just shoved in. The under sink cupboard had bottles and bottles of half empty cleaning products. But the worst was the canisters of solidified sugar and instant coffee and a half jar of damp salt! The whole place was just a dumping ground for previous holiday makers rubbish. We inadvertently left our picnic mat, no doubt it’s made it’s way into one of the bulging cupboards!
Morning all.

And on a sunny morning without any frost, it was another 5.1 for me.
The cottage we had in the Highlands in April was like a jumble sale! The drawers in the kitchen were full of half used cling film, tin foil, freezer bags, odd pegs. All just shoved in. The under sink cupboard had bottles and bottles of half empty cleaning products. But the worst was the canisters of solidified sugar and instant coffee and a half jar of damp salt! The whole place was just a dumping ground for previous holiday makers rubbish. We inadvertently left our picnic mat, no doubt it’s made it’s way into one of the bulging cupboards!
Bearing in mind we have all but once been abroad and flying to our destination, I don't mind tin foil and cling film as it's not like foodstuffs that could be contaminated. Usually the hosts leave a small supply of tea bags/coffee, sometimes a bottle of wine/water and some milk and those are very welcome if you arrive late at night.
Bearing in mind we have all but once been abroad and flying to our destination, I don't mind tin foil and cling film as it's not like foodstuffs that could be contaminated. Usually the hosts leave a small supply of tea bags/coffee, sometimes a bottle of wine/water and some milk and those are very welcome if you arrive late at night.
There was a pint of milk in the fridge and a gift box from a local company with Kendal mint cake ( my hypo remedy of choice) some lovely biscuits and some local damson and gin jam. I don’t mind those being left for us.
I used the cling film etc but it was the fact it was all just shoved in the drawer, packets torn and scruffy. It was the sort of drawer if it was in your own kitchen you wouldn’t want anyone opening it!
Don’t wave at the biscuit factory you’ve gone too far, you’ll miss the service!
We have a beautiful catherdral, we were there earlier in the year for a candlelight classical concert, it was glorious. Although I am fully paid up member of the atheist club I do like to visit a cathedral wherever I go. Enjoy the service.
There was a pint of milk in the fridge and a gift box from a local company with Kendal mint cake ( my hypo remedy of choice) some lovely biscuits and some local damson and gin jam. I don’t mind those being left for us.
I used the cling film etc but it was the fact it was all just shoved in the drawer, packets torn and scruffy. It was the sort of drawer if it was in your own kitchen you wouldn’t want anyone opening it!
Still battling the red sand overnight. 2.9 on the Libre this morning (finger prick was 3.9 when I got the BG meter warmed up enough to operate). My graph looks like the Loch Ness monster and it took 6 JBs to get me through the night with no evening Levemir. I have reduced my morning dose again. 🙄 Has to be either the Amitriptyline or the Covid.
TIR for the last 7 days is down to 83% but all the rest is in the red ie. a whopping 17% below range, all nocturnal hypos. Doing my best by reducing Levemir, but clearly failing 🙄

The car said it was -5 last night when I was up giving the horses their warm mash supper and the field is white with about 2 inches of snow. I am not complaining though. Far better than cold, wet windy weather and the sky was sparkly with stars. Just an extra chore breaking and removing ice from the water trough and defrosting the stand pipe at the yard twice a day, but I can live with that. Trudging through mud in the rain is depressing. Walking on hard, crisp whiteness is quite joyful I think.
Afternoon all running a bit late today.Twas a 6.4 for me this morning.Well out bus drivers called off the strike I can now venture over to m and s to get food shopping in this afternoon Hope everyone is ok
Still battling the red sand overnight. 2.9 on the Libre this morning (finger prick was 3.9 when I got the BG meter warmed up enough to operate). My graph looks like the Loch Ness monster and it took 6 JBs to get me through the night with no evening Levemir. I have reduced my morning dose again. 🙄 Has to be either the Amitriptyline or the Covid.
TIR for the last 7 days is down to 83% but all the rest is in the red ie. a whopping 17% below range, all nocturnal hypos. Doing my best by reducing Levemir, but clearly failing 🙄

The car said it was -5 last night when I was up giving the horses their warm mash supper and the field is white with about 2 inches of snow. I am not complaining though. Far better than cold, wet windy weather and the sky was sparkly with stars. Just an extra chore breaking and removing ice from the water trough and defrosting the stand pipe at the yard twice a day, but I can live with that. Trudging through mud in the rain is depressing. Walking on hard, crisp whiteness is quite joyful I think.
I had a lot of problems with amitriptyline a few years back Doc had to take it off me .I've been experiencing a lot of lows this week .Put it down to all the walking and extremely cold weather .Only walked to Houghton twice this week .Bus drivers back now so go over galleries this afternoon get me and the dogs food shopping in and another 3 bags of jbs Hope you get sorted soon xx
I had a lot of problems with amitriptyline a few years back Doc had to take it off me .I've been experiencing a lot of lows this week .Put it down to all the walking and extremely cold weather .Only walked to Houghton twice this week .Bus drivers back now so go over galleries this afternoon get me and the dogs food shopping in and another 3 bags of jbs Hope you get sorted soon xx
Pleased to hear the buses are back on the road and you have transport to get shopping in. Yes, the amount of extra walking you have been doing will definitely cause your levels to drop and with me it is always my overnight levels that are affected by walking, but I am not doing much walking as I have been down with Covid, although I did have one trip up the hill with feed for the horses yesterday lunchtime. I struggled the last 200yards, but then I have been out of action for a fortnight so not really surprising, but I cut my evening Levemir to 0 to account for it.

Would you mind saying what problems you had with Amitriptyline? I am currently on 2x 10mg at night but building up to a higher dose to help my mental health. I am a bit reluctant to increase it any more just at the moment, until I get these nocturnal hypos sorted. I am just wondering if the medication is inhibiting my liver output. If so, maybe it is a new application for it with Type 2 diabetics!! I suppose theoretically, if it is helping with my stress and anxiety, then that would influence my liver output. The body is a complex and fascinating beast.