Group 7-day waking average?


6.3 think I have a cold coming, had a really sore throat yesterday, upset stomach but today more of keeping a tissue constantly fixed to my nose. As was not feeling well yesterday it was a sod the diet day and ate carbs.

@ColinUK - strange the thing with heights, my hubby hates going onto the balcony if we are in a high room on holiday, it is not a fear more that he thinks he might try jumping off to see if he can fly, I often think when we are in the cheap (although in reality not cheap) seats at the 02, dont lean forward and over balance as who know where I might end up.

@eggyg - the present situation sounds like the sort of thing that happens in our house.
Good morning everyone! 5'3 today.

You are not alone @ColinUK , I've had this weird feeling as well when going near cliffs. I remember mentioning it to a teacher in a school trip and she said it "seems to happen to a lot of people, must be some natural desire to fly" :confused: Doesn't affect me too much but I do stay a bit away from the edges. Also because I have the fear of tripping and actually falling! But when there is a barrier as in the theatre I feel safe. I can also get unpleasant thoughts when I'm using sharp instruments. Never wanted to do anything like that, or jumping off cliffs, but the ideas popping in the mind is a bit disturbing.

Aaanyway, moving on to something more cheerful! I left this little "present" for myself last night, to start December. The box on the left is a tea advent calendar, a different flavour every day, I like the variety and it shouldn't affect BGs 😛 And the box on the right is where I keep my decorations. As you can guess the collection is quite small, I'm getting a few bits each year. I'm not decorating yet but just wanted to remember what I have before I buy anything new.
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@zippyjojo Whenever I’ve had reason to ask to move seats I’ve always been honest to some degree.
I said I was feeling vertiginous. Sometimes I’ve said that the leg room wasn’t enough for my leg (and I’m on their boobs as having a physical disability) another time I said the seat was fine, the view perfect but the person next to me stunk too high heaven!
They’ll always move someone if possible.
On their boobs or on their books?
The box on the left is a tea advent calendar, a different flavour every day, I like the variety and it shouldn't affect BGs 😛 And the box on the right is where I keep my decorations. As you can guess the collection is quite small, I'm getting a few bits each year. I'm not decorating yet but just wanted to remember what I have before I buy anything new.
Another cold and frosty morning but a happy 5.1 for me.

Have a good day everyone and stay warm....
Morning all - clear skies and sunshine. +5 on the garden thermometer.

7.3 this morning (after a bathroom visit) and that was BG as my sensor ran out sometime in the night. I hadn't realised, so had to put a new one on this morning and activate it right away.

Nothing much on today except some ironing and possibly shortening Julian's new trousers.

@TinaD you don't have to have a smartphone, you can get a reader, but you'd have to pay for it. They're around £50 from Abbott. Though there are some silly prices showing online, some as much as £235.

Hugs to all those coming down with colds.

As to heights, I share wierd feelings. Though I don't want to throw myself off, I actually have the feeling that they're going to tip over and throw me off. We got up to the roof on Casa Mila (Gaudi building in Barcelona) and Julian left me whilst he took some photos. He came back to find me clinging to a chimneypot with my eyes firmly closed. By the time we got to the stairs down I was on all fours. The guide looked at me, nodded and said "vertigo". He then cleared the queue to let me off the roof. It really shook me.

Have a Fab Friday all.
3.4 for me and 4JBs overnight to get me there despite another Levemir reduction. My levels are nice and stable until I go to sleep and then they head south. The worst of it is that I seemed to spend all night last night having a dream about chasing my cousin around at a family party because she had my bag with all my diabetes kit in it and every time I caught up with her she gave me my bag but when she had gone it magically changed and it wasn't my bag and didn't have my insulin in it and then I had to try to find her again as I needed my insulin.... when in reality I needed glucose. Maybe I am subconsciously injecting insulin in my sleep and that is why I am going low!

@Lanny Hope there is nothing too serious amiss with your hand and it heals quickly.
It feels a lot better today, ironically but, best to have it checked out, I suppose. Haven’t needed painkillers, yet! I’d already had 6 500mg paracetamol by this time yesterday! But, didn’t need anymore after lunchtime, thank goodness! Being seen by the GP at last made me feel better & I think a lot of the nerve pain is psychological? I’m also, more used to NOT using the left hand unnecessarily now! I have to use the iPad case & prop it up to a table so I’m hands free, as it were, to use my iPad! My left hand can’t take any weight at all & turning it is be avoided. My right hand is doing everything at the moment!

Just back from x rays & they’ll know by the end of the day. GP will call me if there’s anything broken & I need to go back up to get a cast? Hopefully NOT? :confused:
Oh! Forgot to mention my BS is doing surprisingly well despite the injury & just reduced tresiba so, it DID need reducing. DSN has no cover AGAIN until 04/12. Both the hospital AND my Health Centre are short staffed right now! 🙄 So, I’m pretty much on my own. Good thing I’ve got libre which is a BIG help! 🙂
I was just about to remark on that too. :rofl:
I guessed it was a typo but I thought, maybe is a colorful expression I don't know about...
@MikeyBikey - hope it goes well at Podiatry

Well for the second day in a row I missed an appointment as Patient Transport arrived 50 minutes after the appointment time! With spending most of Tuesday afternoon waiting to come back from Limb Fitting it has to be Patient Transport's worse week yet! Only podiatry and physiotherapy next week - just hope I actually get there. Getting up early to be ready for Patient Transport two hours before the appointment to me is doubly exhausting when they let you down!
This made me laugh.
I genuinely thought this could mean something like "I'm getting on their nerves" ... Isn't there a expression like "you are getting on my tits" or something? Sorry if I'm confused, remember English is not my first language :rofl:
I genuinely thought this could mean something like "I'm getting on their nerves" ... Isn't there a expression like "you are getting on my tits" or something? Sorry if I'm confused, remember English is not my first language :rofl:
I am giving you a gold star for your knowledge of colloquial English. Very impressive even if a tad inappropriate language for the forum. o_O 🙄 :rofl:
02:37 BS 3.9 & I was wriggling up & down for hours between mid 3’s & mid 4’s. I THOUGHT I gave it too much NR with 40 for vegetable soup just before bed? I felt awfully light headed & had 2 JBs. A better 02:47 BS 5.4, 03:18 BS 6.3 as I start this post sitting up in bed. Still feel a bit headachey & hungover, going low hangover.

No call from GP yesterday so, hand must be ok? It feels a lot better now & CAN take a bit of weight but, not for long so, still avoid using it when I can!

A bit later but, still a VERY early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

BRRRRR! It was freezing last night & still freezing now: actually fell asleep in my dress & bolero with the heater on yesterday about 17:00 & BOY! Do I need it now sitting up in bed! I’ve mentioned before I usually sleep in my birthday suit! 😱 It’s earlier this year but, I need the heavy guns out already & put the throw on top of continental quilt! At this rate I’ll need the two hot water bottles too? A Shivering Covered in Ice emoji!

Ok…03:32 BS 6.8 & my headache has nearly gone as I typed this! 🙂 THINKING about breakfast in a bit: still cold in bed with the heater set at 20 C & the kitchen will be like a freezer! It’ll have to be a quick dash in, get a portion of vegetable soup, ding it microwave & quick dash out again! :D And not too much NR going by yesterday! 🙄:confused:

Oops! 😳 Editited to correct early morning mistake I woke on BS 3.9. I posted BS 5.4 but, it was 5.4 10 minutes later after 2 JBs.
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You know, I did say to the consultant on Tuesday’s review that I don’t think I ate any less these few months to deliberately lose weight & it was just the insulin coming down but, I MUST be eating less & less often? I was probably FEEDING all of that extra insulin before & I’m not doing that anymore? :confused: