Group 7-day waking average?

Laughing at Mr @eggyg not really thinking nowt!
Honestly Colin, I could have cheerfully punched him. The present was on the table, he picked it up and mumbled something about the present and card. I said yes and I haven’t any room in my bag. I assumed ( makes an ass of you and me) he’d picked it up. No he hadn’t, got to venue and his excuse was “ you deal with those things”! Grrr!!!!
Honestly Colin, I could have cheerfully punched him. The present was on the table, he picked it up and mumbled something about the present and card. I said yes and I haven’t any room in my bag. I assumed ( makes an ass of you and me) he’d picked it up. No he hadn’t, got to venue and his excuse was “ you deal with those things”! Grrr!!!!
He has his mind full of Camille so you’ve got to do everything else!
Good morning from Boris and me! A none to brilliant 8.9 for me (probably a legacy of yesterday).

Podiatry this morning. Just hope Patient Transport have sorted themselves out as Podiatry being in the community and a not a hospital environment do not see you if you are more than 10 - 20 minutes late. Didn't happen when a hospital service! :(
Morning all, 6.2 here, Dawn seems to be having a lie in, but I did need a jelly baby round about 3am.
I have a friend, @ColinUK , who can never go up to any high cliffs, church towers, etc, because she says she gets a weird urge to throw herself off.
Is it just us up here or is it very cold anywhere else? It’s now -5.6. It’s getting colder as we head towards sunrise. I’m worried about my rosemary! :(


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Is it just us up here or it is very cold anywhere else? It’s now -5.6. It’s getting colder as we head towards sunrise. I’m worried about my rosemary! :(
Our rosemary has survived -10 in the past, it’s OK if the soil is dry ish, but if it’s cold and wet, that’s when we tend to lose stuff, we lost a load of penstemon last winter for that reason. It was only -2 overnight here, and it’s already up to -1. Funnily enough though, the previous couple of nights, the lowest temperature was a sudden dip just before the sun rose.
Our rosemary has survived -10 in the past. It was only -2 overnight here, and it’s already up to -1. Funnily enough though, the previous couple of nights, the lowest temperature was a sudden dip just before the sun rose.
It was the same yesterday. Went from -3.5 at 6am to -4.5 at 7.30am.
Fingers crossed my rosemary will be fine. Lost our bay last year in the frosts.
Starting December with a 5.6 on a cold and frosty Berkshire morning. Still below freezing says our garden thermometer.

Normally check BP on a Friday but the people at Our Future Health checked it yesterday and it was 123/75, so a toe over the line into that zone known as High Normal. 1.79m when they checked my height. I read recently that by the time they get to my age men, on average, are 38mm shorter than they were at 40. I was exactly 6ft when I was younger, so maybe that's right.

Day out today as my wife and I are heading out to Waddesdon Manor near Aylesbury this afternoon to see their Xmas Lights Display. Looks spectacular (

@ColinUK - I'm with you on the bunged up step, although it's slowly clearing following a squirt of Sinex. Felt a bit under the weather yesterday afternoon and evening. That'll teach me to go swimming on a bitterly cold day, or is that just an old wives' tale? Had some Lemsip before bedtime, slept like a log and feel a bit more normal now.

@MikeyBikey - hope it goes well at Podiatry

@eggyg - glad you're feeling better after your Osteopath session

Have a good day, everyone - wrap up warm if you're going out.
Morning all, 6.2 here, Dawn seems to be having a lie in, but I did need a jelly baby round about 3am.
I have a friend, @ColinUK , who can never go up to any high cliffs, church towers, etc, because she says she gets a weird urge to throw herself off.
It’s odd. It’s never happened before like it did yesterday.
I had to literally wedge my legs in up against the front of the circle balcony thing so that I could feel that they were trapped in place.
It wasn’t really that unpleasant but just more seriously distracting.

thank you for mentioning your friend though as are least now I know I’m not alone.
@Martin.A I think it’s an old wives tale. But I have bought Boots’s version of Sudafed this morning just to see me through…
Morning all. 🙂 6.2 here.

Oo, I never knew that about rosemary. I hope it’s mild enough here on the coast to keep our big bushes alive - we’ve got the flows-over-the-edge-of-a-wall type. The wall’s ugly old breeze block, so nicely hidden by the rosemary. 😛

Oo, ow, @Lanny - sorry to hear about your hand. I hope you get it sorted out today, and some pain relief too.

I’m the same as your friend @Robin. o_O Can’t be doing with a sheer drop. I’ve done a few sections of Wales’s coastal path, but would rather be on the beach, tbh. Eek!

I went to see a ballet with some friends years ago @ColinUK but I didn’t think to mention my fear of heights to the friend who sorted out the tickets. We were right up in the gods, terrifying! Luckily, the usher said it happens a lot and found me an empty seat away from the edge, phew!
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I had a bit of a disturbed night's sleep with a dull ache in my poor old toes, but they are certainly not are sore as yesterday. Four of them have now turned a lovely shade of aubergine. 😱 It's currently -3°C outside. Stay warm people!

Oops nearly forgot my reading which was 6.0 🙂

Thank you for your kind response to my post! As to the devices I mention: The "pod" I refer to is actually my Omnipod insulin pump. In the normal course of events it doesn't have alarms except a very quiet one to remind you it's about to expire. The one I had on yesterday was faulty. Depending on the alarms you set yourself on the Libre it will alert you to the fact your BG is going low, or high, or it's lost contact with the reader/phone you use with it. I only have the low alarm set. This alarm is immensely useful as it goes off when my BG falls into the low 4s. This enables me to take some Dextro (hypo correction of your choice) to ward off a hypo. In the last 90 days I have 0% time in the red (under 3.9). I wouldn't be without a sensor now. I personally find it extraordinarily accurate and only finger prick once or twice when I apply a new sensor. I regularly dose off it.

As to how much use it would be for you as a T2 I'm unsure, but it would show you patterns in your BG and would show you how different foodstuffs and exercise affect your BG. e.g.. I ate a potato and I rose 3mmol or I ate a potato, dug out some footings and I didn't rise at all - sort of thing.

FWIW you can have a free trial of a Libre 2 see which would give you some idea of how useful it would be to you before shelling any hard cash out!

Once again, thank you for your generous response 😛
Thanks - most informative. I was considering the Libre 2 as a potential menu widener/exercise checker and did know about the Libre 2 free trial offer. As you probably realise I live a slightly unconventional life - working like a demon when my body will let me and doing zero when it screams or won't breath - so I thought it might be easier than finger pricking every 2 hours when eating something new or when going wibbly-wobbly. However you apparenty need a smart phone which,since there is zero reception at home, would be a bit of a wasted investment. My 10 year old dim mobile suffices for car emergencies otherwise I am land line dependent. So I will be sticking to the finger pricks for pattern establishment/wobble checking as spending the required thousand quid for a smart phone makes it far from free...Sadly one small potato after 2 hours works out at about 10 or 12 mmol increase over and excercise doesn't help a lot in bringing it down as checking at 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 hours demonstrates. Fingers like a Victorian seamstress to get a pattern! Nevermind - its a sunny day and this mornings score is 6.2 after a good night so I'm off to take the dog out and then have some breakfast.

Hope everyne has a good day.
Morning everyone (7.1) - very cold here his morning but I haven't got an outside thermometer so it's probably the same as @eggyg although we're up a hill so maybe a bit different. I'm new to this gardening lark so am now worrying about my Rosemary :rofl: (I've only got a small one in a pot that we brought with us when we moved). I did though move 15 lavender bushes last weekend so goodness knows if they're going to survive. @ColinUK I'd love to know what you said to the theatre person as your reason for wanting to move seats. It reminded me that when I was doing my gardening course on Wednesday one of our tutors is sweetly obsessed with health & safety and everything we do comes with a warning. The newly laid terrace at Askham Hall where we were working this week had some very icy patches on it and I noticed that at least ½ the class couldn't resist keep seeing just how icy and slippery they were. @Lanny hope your hand gets sorted. @Gwynn you remind me of the organist at my Dad's old church (my Dad was a vicar) - Mr Brown - he was absolutely passionate about his music and whenever we went round we were always intrigued by his organisation of recordings, sheet music etc. When we got married years after my Dad had died Mr Brown came and played at our wedding in my husband's old school chapel - it was lovely. @eggyg so pleased that you're in a better place with your back before you go on your holibobs and can't wait to see pics and hear all about it. My appointment with the Diabetic Dietician went really well yesterday and it was great to have the Libre data to show her. I was very honest about my old snacking habits and the fact that I now feel more focussed which seems to be being reflected in my BG. She also reassured me because she mentioned that my GP always goes along to the Diabetes education session that the Diabetes Team from Carlisle run - I know the GP's child has Type1 diabetes so that is a positive thing for her diabetic patients too. Have a great day everyone and keep warm.
@zippyjojo Whenever I’ve had reason to ask to move seats I’ve always been honest to some degree.
I said I was feeling vertiginous. Sometimes I’ve said that the leg room wasn’t enough for my leg (and I’m on their boobs as having a physical disability) another time I said the seat was fine, the view perfect but the person next to me stunk too high heaven!
They’ll always move someone if possible.