Group 7-day waking average?

I know what you mean. A friend sent a parcel from over here to the middle of Canada, it arrived in 5 days. My sister in lae sent a card to us 4 weeks ago, we still haven't received it and she lives 4 miles away.

Morning all. 8.6. Running very late this morning. Overslept badly.
Conggrats @Michael12421
I know what you mean. A friend sent a parcel from over here to the middle of Canada, it arrived in 5 days. My sister in lae sent a card to us 4 weeks ago, we still haven't received it and she lives 4 miles away.

Morning all. 8.6. Running very late this morning. Overslept badly.
Conggrats @Michael12421
Yep my sons present sent from here to California arrived 5 days later on the day I was told it would
Parcel Force! Dreadful waste of space. The van arrived, my parcel wasn’t delivered, the van Rang their call centre, to be told: “Your house is unoccupied, that’s why the parcel wasn’t delivered”. The dogs were in the garden barking, the car was parked on the hard stand, and I was stood at the open front door smiling in anticipation...unoccupied? o_O :confused: I rescheduled the delivery online for the next day, and it was delivered. The mind boggles.

Morning all. 🙂 3.7 here.

Well, I planned last night’s lesson meticulously but Estyn didn’t turn up (are they a subsidiary of Parcel Farce?), so my class wasn’t observed/assessed. Phew!
Morning all

5.3 today, not feeling great, congested throat, back ache stomach ache, muzzy headache. Hoping I feel well enough for yoga later. To run yesterday I had 3 long sleeve tops, a Gilet and a running jacket and two pairs of leggings, despite wearing gloves my hands were still cold.

@Michael12421 - congratulations on your HS.

@Anji53 - another one here who has issues with parcel force and Royal Mail in general, I now rank them below Evri and Yodel for deliveries.
Well done @Michael12421 on the HS. 🙂 A 4.6 for me today.

I stubbed my toes during a nocturnal visit to the bathroom. 😱 Still bloomin' hurts. Why is it when you can only limp that everything you want is either upstairs or downstairs depending where you are? 😡

Stay safe everybody.

A nice round 5.0 on this cold and frosty Berkshire morning. Not a hard frost, though - cleared it off the car with just the de-icer spray and didn't need the scraper. Still just below freezing out there at the moment.

Got my appointment with Our Future Health people shortly. Their trailer is parked up in Morrisons car park. Shouldn't take long and I can pick up the newspapers and a few bits & pieces while I'm there. Normally I would have been there and back by now but didn't see the point in making two trips.

Hope everyone has a good day. Anyone got any snow?
6.3 this morning 🙂 🙂 🙂 Yesterday I had my horticulture course and we were outside all day so I had three layers on. Once we started moving barrowfuls of compost we soon warmed up. I then had netball in the evening and didn't get home until gone 9.30pm so was a bit stuck as to what to eat. I had eaten a cereal & nut bar in the car before netball and had planned on having some soup when I got back but didn't feel like it so I had a snack bowl of crisps 🙂oops🙂, pickled onions, cheddar cheese, ham & marinated anchovies - it hit the spot and barely registered on my Libre. I reduced my Lantus to 8 units (consultant's advice when exercising in the evening) and it seems to have all worked out well. I've got an appointment with the Diabetes Dietician this morning at Penrith Hospital which will be interesting. A bit of snow on the ground here this morning, just enough to make it pretty in the sunshine but no digging out necessary.

@Lanny Is that Brussels pate as in Brussel sprouts? or just Brussels meat pate?? Where are you in the world
@ColinUK get well soon - when are you off to Krakow?

Have a great day everyone x
Morning everyone

Frost and fog and a 5.5 starts my day here.
Parcel Force! Dreadful waste of space. The van arrived, my parcel wasn’t delivered, the van Rang their call centre, to be told: “Your house is unoccupied, that’s why the parcel wasn’t delivered”. The dogs were in the garden barking, the car was parked on the hard stand, and I was stood at the open front door smiling in anticipation...unoccupied? o_O :confused: I rescheduled the delivery online for the next day, and it was delivered. The mind boggles.

Morning all. 🙂 3.7 here.

Well, I planned last night’s lesson meticulously but Estyn didn’t turn up (are they a subsidiary of Parcel Farce?), so my class wasn’t observed/assessed. Phew!
We had a parcel from Grape Tree 'delivered' by Yodel, they e-mailed the delivered picture of the front door but we realised it was NOT OUR FRONT DOOR. We tracked it down to the same house number in the next street. A perplexed old lady came to the door and handed it over.
We had a parcel from Grape Tree 'delivered' by Yodel, they e-mailed the delivered picture of the front door but we realised it was NOT OUR FRONT DOOR. We tracked it down to the same house number in the next street. A perplexed old lady came to the door and handed it over.
We were due a parcel from Dunelm, stayed in all day. Got an email to say it had been delivered along with the photo. The photo wasn’t of our front door! After a bit of detective work we found it two houses away at number 3, we’re 5. Not only the wrong house but they’d just left it on the door step! The courier shoulda went to Specsavers!
We were due a parcel from Dunelm, stayed in all day. Got an email to say it had been delivered along with the photo. The photo wasn’t of our front door! After a bit of detective work we found it two houses away at number 3, we’re 5. Not only the wrong house but they’d just left it on the door step! The courier shoulda went to Specsavers!
Interesting listening to a consumer rights lawyer the other day saying that the proof of delivery photo has to be of your open front door showing both you and the parcel clearly in shot otherwise it legally cannot count as proof of delivery.
He said that courier/delivery companies are basically trying their luck when they say they’ve a photo proving delivery that is just of the closed front door.
Morning all and 5.2 for me, although glucose was required.

Cat on a course of antibiotics that's always fun to administer.

Reported faulty sensor on Tuesday and replacement due to be delivered today.

Have a good day everyone.
Had my cholesterol checked at my Our Future Health appointment a short while ago and was pleased to see that it's down from 4.4 at my last DN review to 3.85, and HDL, LDL and Trigs numbers are all good too.

@Michael12421 & @khskel - congratulations on your HSs this morning.
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