Group 7-day waking average?

Interesting listening to a consumer rights lawyer the other day saying that the proof of delivery photo has to be of your open front door showing both you and the parcel clearly in shot otherwise it legally cannot count as proof of delivery.
He said that courier/delivery companies are basically trying their luck when they say they’ve a photo proving delivery that is just of the closed front door.
That irritates me, especially as they are on private property. What rights do that have to photograph your property, possibly with you in the frame without your given permission? And where do all those photographs end up?...
That irritates me, especially as they are on private property. What rights do that have to photograph your property, possibly with you in the frame without your given permission? And where do all those photographs end up?...
It's that the have to legally show proof of delivery to the customer in order to fulfil their obligations under their contract. To just photograph the item in the vicinity of a closed front door only shows that they were in that location and not that they were actually delivered.
Getting forgetful again, (and no it's not dementia) especially when I have much on my mind, which is why I forget to do a test yesterday. Today though down to a 4.3. Tomorrow I have my first annual eye screening to look forward too...
Eye screening is not a huge deal really. It takes moments. You know your eyes well so if you think they won't need to dilate your pupils then insist that they don't as the ointment stings and you can't drive afterwards.
I have that argument every time. They then tell me that if they don't dilate them and then they can't do the screening I'll have to reschedule. They've never had an issue though.
It was another 2.9 on the Libre for me this morning (3.6 finger prick), despite another basal reduction and several JBs through the night.... I have reduced my morning Levemir dose this morning to see if that helps.
Congrats to @Michael12421 and @khskel on your House Specials this morning.
It's that the have to legally show proof of delivery to the customer in order to fulfil their obligations under their contract. To just photograph the item in the vicinity of a closed front door only shows that they were in that location and not that they were actually delivered.
I can only recall two couriers who do this, maybe the fact that they are the two worst couriers mught explain it...
Eye screening is not a huge deal really. It takes moments. You know your eyes well so if you think they won't need to dilate your pupils then insist that they don't as the ointment stings and you can't drive afterwards.
I have that argument every time. They then tell me that if they don't dilate them and then they can't do the screening I'll have to reschedule. They've never had an issue though.
I'm grateful that they take the time to monitor me. I had an eye condition a while back and was under the main eye hospital whilst they monitored things. The frequency of having drops applied often became a bit tiresome, just before my scan they remarked that the screening wouldn't show up anything they didn't already know about. Yes, thankfully the procedure doesn't take that long...
You are a joy @Pattidevans I have been contemplating getting one of those nifty Libre/Omonipod-y etc things but put off by the prices (Type 2 pay as I understand it). After your post, which had me rolling in the aisles, I decided against even considering it until they are shown on here (by actual users) as being as reliable as the good ol' finger prick. Your narration of the toothpaste filled mouth, over-ridden by the need to identify the alarm, was classic. Glad you are OK (but want to suggest you might take up sketch writing.)
Thank you for your kind response to my post! As to the devices I mention: The "pod" I refer to is actually my Omnipod insulin pump. In the normal course of events it doesn't have alarms except a very quiet one to remind you it's about to expire. The one I had on yesterday was faulty. Depending on the alarms you set yourself on the Libre it will alert you to the fact your BG is going low, or high, or it's lost contact with the reader/phone you use with it. I only have the low alarm set. This alarm is immensely useful as it goes off when my BG falls into the low 4s. This enables me to take some Dextro (hypo correction of your choice) to ward off a hypo. In the last 90 days I have 0% time in the red (under 3.9). I wouldn't be without a sensor now. I personally find it extraordinarily accurate and only finger prick once or twice when I apply a new sensor. I regularly dose off it.

As to how much use it would be for you as a T2 I'm unsure, but it would show you patterns in your BG and would show you how different foodstuffs and exercise affect your BG. e.g.. I ate a potato and I rose 3mmol or I ate a potato, dug out some footings and I didn't rise at all - sort of thing.

FWIW you can have a free trial of a Libre 2 see which would give you some idea of how useful it would be to you before shelling any hard cash out!

Once again, thank you for your generous response 😛
Well, evening all! It's been unusually cold for this neck of the woods. Down to 0 degrees. We are not used to it at all "down along ere" and I absolutely abhor it!

Was woken by Libre with an alarm and 4.1 at 7:30. Took 2 Dextro. Lay for a while thinking "might as well get up" and the next thing I knew (after a vivid dream about eating cream cakes with my ex-flatmate and her mum) it was 10:10 am and I was in a frantic rush! BG was 6.8

Met my friend in town for lunch - a rather yummy chicken schnitzel sandwich on a toasted bap with spinach and parmesan mayo. Ate less than half the bun and stayed in range all afternoon. The restaurant got colder and colder as people kept opening the door. Eventually we ventured forth into the Arctic temp and after a whole 20 metres decided to give shopping a miss and dived into a (warm) cafe for cappucino and a good gossip to pass the rest of the afternoon.

@zippyjojo I am still chuckling about the idea of a sprout pate! Many years ago we had both our mothers at Christmas time. There was a pile of sprouts that hadn't been cooked and I had a recipe for sprout soup. MIL volunteered to prepare the sprouts whilst I did something else. I then made the soup and we all sat down for a bowl of it for lunch. MIL declared "the soup is delicious, what is it?" I said "well, you prepared the sprouts". A look of horror spread over the two mum's faces and both dropped their spoons and wouldn't eat any more! BTW glad to hear your Lantus is helping now.

@Grannylorraine and @ColinUK hope you both feel better soon.

@Michael12421 and @khskel well done on the HSs.

For Martin.A - Fowey this morning - taken from my friend's front window.


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Re: Delivery drivers, came home the other week to find 120 toilet rolls on our front step in the rain. The delivery driver said they'd been left in a non-existent enclosed porch! Fortunately they were wrapped in polythene or they'd have been papier mache.

Under The Consumer Rights Act 2015 and The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (for purchases made before 1 October 2015) the law says that any goods are the responsibility of the sender until there is absolute proof of delivery. That means they must be in the purchaser's ownership.
Re: Delivery drivers, came home the other week to find 120 toilet rolls on our front step in the rain. The delivery driver said they'd been left in a non-existent enclosed porch! Fortunately they were wrapped in polythene or they'd have been papier mache.

Under The Consumer Rights Act 2015 and The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (for purchases made before 1 October 2015) the law says that any goods are the responsibility of the sender until there is absolute proof of delivery. That means they must be in the purchaser's ownership.
A friend came home from work to find a ton of sand dumped on his drive, it transpired it was for his neighbour three doors down. We did have a laugh though.
00:20 BS 8.7 still in a bit of pain from injuring my left hand. Went to GP after queuing on the phone for AGES & AGES yesterday morning to get an appointment: things have gotten SO short staffed at my Health Centre & the queues SO long that only a certain number are ON the queue; if not on the queue you’re cut off & told to ring back later. I injured my hand last weekend on Friday but, it didn’t flare up to, what felt like to me with tingly neuropathy anyway, red hot pain until Sunday night. Been putting aloe vera gel on it when it’s red hot to cool it down. It’s not really red hot but, with my nerves heightened anyway it FELT like a bad burn! I was holding the iPad in both hands & getting up out of bed when my right hand slipped & I dropped it, reached for it with left hand & it landed on one corner on my left palm, I still dropped it anyway as it was too heavy for my hand! I’m going up to the hospital, again, for x rays as GP thinks I fractured the bone: by the time I got seen yesterday at 16:00 it was too late for x rays so, this morning! Been taking painkillers which only take the edge off the pain & aloe vera gel to cool things down when it gets hot! Not risking ingestion by putting on arnica as it’s the hand & ingested arnica speeds up heart rate: already have a fast rate!

Another VERY early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m a right Little Miss Bump! A Blue 3-D Smiley with Pigtails & A Bandaged Left Hand but, hopefully NOT a cast: see how the x rays turn out? :confused:
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

We don't have any white rabits but we do have squirrels.

Yesterday was totally full on. Got picked up early for a chat with our pastor (I look after the sound system in the church and play keyboard in the worship team). After the very good but long chat we (joined by a violinist) had a very long christmas carols practice. Finished at 12:30 worn out. Lots of arrangements and sound checks had to be sorted out. I enjoyed it all too.

Today, just practice, practice, practice.

The hardest part of playing the keyboard is lugging it up and down stairs. It's incredibly heavy.



Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Totally bunged up today. With cold rather than with a cork I hasten to add!


Popped to Covent Garden and saw this last night. Didn’t think I was in the mood for it beforehand and clearly I wasn’t.


Cav left me cold. Didn’t care about any of the characters. Pag was good though!

And I was reminded precisely why I don’t like sitting in the amphitheater. Yes the sound is superb up there but I have to fight the thoughts I have sometimes to nimbly vault over be ledge just to see what it’d be like to fly.

It’s weird and it’s not good. But there’s no hint of actually wanting to do it but just a teeny little thought that says “Go on! Try it!”

Clearly it’s an unpleasant thought and it’s only there at all if I’m in the front row of the amphitheater.

Honestly I think it’s a mix of vertigo combined with not being totally engaged with the piece I’m watching but even that tiny scintilla of a thought made me uncomfortable enough yesterday to ask to be moved during the interval.

Covent Garden are brilliant at doing that if a patron is uncomfortable and there is a spare seat anywhere. They moved me to a box much lower down.

I’m off to therapy this morning (three sessions to go before our hiatus) so I’ll probably bring this up with him in a “just one more thing doctor” type bombshell drop five minutes from the end.

Seeing the folks later. Back to Covent Garden tomorrow matinee for ballet - the Dante Project - with a friend and I’ve just gone through my bookings moving anything that in the amphitheater “danger zone” seats to things much lower down.

Tempted to book for La Boheme as well as that’s coming up and is such a lovely production but equally tempted to book for front stalls for the incomparable Tosca production and I can only spend the money once!

No additional CCC planned for Cav/Pag but I might do one later depending on how I feel. (With the cold and blocked sinuses.)
Good morning - 7.6

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

We don't have any white rabits but we do have squirrels.

Yesterday was totally full on. Got picked up early for a chat with our pastor (I look after the sound system in the church and play keyboard in the worship team). After the very good but long chat we (joined by a violinist) had a very long christmas carols practice. Finished at 12:30 worn out. Lots of arrangements and sound checks had to be sorted out. I enjoyed it all too.

Today, just practice, practice, practice.

The hardest part of playing the keyboard is lugging it up and down stairs. It's incredibly heavy.

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Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Have you thought about switching to a Stylophone?
Brrr indeed @silentsquirrel its -5.3 here! Anyhoo, 7.7 after a meal out last night for eldest granddaughter’s 17th birthday. Nice night out except we left her present at home. I thought Mr Eggy had picked it up, he thought, well nowt really as it turned out. 🙄 He’ll pop it into her workplace whilst I finish hoovering and cleaning before leaving for our holidays later on.

Osteopath went well yesterday, more acupuncture and she concentrated on the left side of my pelvis which bothers me the most. Feel mostly fine this morning.

Have good day all and keep warm.