Group 7-day waking average?

Congratulations @TinaD on your HS today - as you say, roll on the longer days again!
3.8 for me and another lengthy spell just under the surface of the red sand. Slept really well although I did wake up on 2.9 (Libre 🙄 ) and ate 2JBs but for some reason they didn't pull me out of the red and I was back to sleep within 2 mins of eating them. You can see a slight blip on the graph where I ate them but it's no more than a mole hill. Normally 2 JBs would lift my levels by 3mmols, this looks like less than 1mmol. Sometimes I really think my body just likes to be at this level when I sleep. Unfortunately Libre now showing 15% in the red over the past 7 days which really is naughty! I have been reducing my evening Levemir. I assume it is either the Covid virus (still got a strong/fast positive lateral flow result yesterday, but then I'm still snotty and coughing) or the Amitriptyline having some impact on my levels. Daytime I am still on 24 units Levemir, which is holding me nice and steady, but would like to get it down to my normal 22 again soon. Night time dose is down to 2 but may need to knock it on the head tonight.

Many congratulations to @TinaD and @Lanny on your House Special achievements today. @Lanny you do know about compression lows with Libre don't you? Just wondering if your low through the night may not have been a genuine low. What do you have your low alarm set at? I have mine set at 4.5 but I am getting far too good at sleeping through it or I wake up acknowledge it and go back to sleep like it is a snooze button on a wake up alarm. 🙄
Good afternoon everyone! 6'6 in the early morning, of course after three days off I came back to a 6 am shift!

Getting really into Christmas planning mood, I blame the YouTubers 😉 Don't have that much to plan really: meal for one, sending cards and getting presents for a few people. Thought about waiting and getting them when I arrive to Spain, so they have a chance to change them in the shop if it's not their thing. But picture this: in Spain is traditional giving presents the 6th of January, and my chances for shopping would be the 4th and 5th, which would be similar to go shopping on Christmas Eve 😳 . Then I decided is not worth waiting until last minute, having a full month here in England, I'll buy with my best intentions and hope they like it. No clothes where I can mess the sizes! And they won't be big presents as they have to fit in my carry on suitcase. I've got to make a list for both cards and presents, it started really simple but then I feel like adding some aunt, or some friend, but then feel like if I write to/buy for one I should do for all of them and it gets a bit much! o_O

Also looking forward to go to some Christmas markets, I have Exeter and Totnes in mind. I've been to both and enjoy them, they are different styles, the inconvenience with Totnes is it's open only on Tuesdays, just for 3 weeks.
Afternoon all. It's been sunny and dry today.

9.3 first thing.

What a hoo ha went on this morning. Had my shower and cleaned inside the shower whilst I was still in it. Then whilst I was cleaning my teeth my water pick ran out of charge. Took it to the charger points in the study. Then my toothbrush ran out of charge half way through brushing. Took it to the charger points. Then went to borrow J's base, that was flat as a pancake! But then I realised it was an old one and his base was still on the sink in the other bathroom. Back to 3rd try of teeth brushing having borrowed his base. All this time with a mouth full of toothpaste and wet hands.... next thing I knew J is tapping me on the shoulder and telling me there's an alarm going off. Since I am half-deaf as one ear is still blocked I cannot tell where the sound is coming from and anyway I can hardly hear the piercing noise (thank goodness). We both go looking to see what's going off. Me still with a mouthful of toothpaste and half-brushed teeth. Eventually we realised that it was my pod alarming. Why? No idea! It had been on less than 12 hours. The PDM wasn't showing any warnings. Only thing to do was pull it off, find a paper clip, pull off the backing and poke the paper clip in a teeny hole. Could we find a paper clip? At this point my Libre decides to join the party and do a low alarm. Eventually we stopped the horrid racket and I go to get a Dextrose tablet with a mouth still full of toothpaste! By the time I was dressed, made up and had rung Omnipod it was lunch time! What a pantomime! Off to get some essential groceries after lunch and here we are... time to go meet friends for our regular Weds evening drinks.

Congratulations to @TinaD and @Lanny on your HSs.

Hugs to @rebrascora.
Afternoon all. It's been sunny and dry today.

9.3 first thing.

What a hoo ha went on this morning. Had my shower and cleaned inside the shower whilst I was still in it. Then whilst I was cleaning my teeth my water pick ran out of charge. Took it to the charger points in the study. Then my toothbrush ran out of charge half way through brushing. Took it to the charger points. Then went to borrow J's base, that was flat as a pancake! But then I realised it was an old one and his base was still on the sink in the other bathroom. Back to 3rd try of teeth brushing having borrowed his base. All this time with a mouth full of toothpaste and wet hands.... next thing I knew J is tapping me on the shoulder and telling me there's an alarm going off. Since I am half-deaf as one ear is still blocked I cannot tell where the sound is coming from and anyway I can hardly hear the piercing noise (thank goodness). We both go looking to see what's going off. Me still with a mouthful of toothpaste and half-brushed teeth. Eventually we realised that it was my pod alarming. Why? No idea! It had been on less than 12 hours. The PDM wasn't showing any warnings. Only thing to do was pull it off, find a paper clip, pull off the backing and poke the paper clip in a teeny hole. Could we find a paper clip? At this point my Libre decides to join the party and do a low alarm. Eventually we stopped the horrid racket and I go to get a Dextrose tablet with a mouth still full of toothpaste! By the time I was dressed, made up and had rung Omnipod it was lunch time! What a pantomime! Off to get some essential groceries after lunch and here we are... time to go meet friends for our regular Weds evening drinks.

Congratulations to @TinaD and @Lanny on your HSs.

Hugs to @rebrascora.
You are a joy @Pattidevans I have been contemplating getting one of those nifty Libre/Omonipod-y etc things but put off by the prices (Type 2 pay as I understand it). After your post, which had me rolling in the aisles, I decided against even considering it until they are shown on here (by actual users) as being as reliable as the good ol' finger prick. Your narration of the toothpaste filled mouth, over-ridden by the need to identify the alarm, was classic. Glad you are OK (but want to suggest you might take up sketch writing.)
I picked up some wagyu and horseradish sausages today and I'll get a celeriac or something like that and have bangers and mash one day this week I think. Not made mash in yonks but celeriac or cauliflower mash is such a simple substitute that it's ideal comfort food. Heck I could even make a little batch of "real" mash and cut it with cauliflower or celeriac.
Thank you for suggesting celeriac. I had no idea what it was or what to do with it.
However, mashed it with veg and spicy sausages. Loved it, have frozen the leftover mash for future dinners. Planning to try mixing it with swede and herbs.
Afternoon all. It's been sunny and dry today.

9.3 first thing.

What a hoo ha went on this morning. Had my shower and cleaned inside the shower whilst I was still in it. Then whilst I was cleaning my teeth my water pick ran out of charge. Took it to the charger points in the study. Then my toothbrush ran out of charge half way through brushing. Took it to the charger points. Then went to borrow J's base, that was flat as a pancake! But then I realised it was an old one and his base was still on the sink in the other bathroom. Back to 3rd try of teeth brushing having borrowed his base. All this time with a mouth full of toothpaste and wet hands.... next thing I knew J is tapping me on the shoulder and telling me there's an alarm going off. Since I am half-deaf as one ear is still blocked I cannot tell where the sound is coming from and anyway I can hardly hear the piercing noise (thank goodness). We both go looking to see what's going off. Me still with a mouthful of toothpaste and half-brushed teeth. Eventually we realised that it was my pod alarming. Why? No idea! It had been on less than 12 hours. The PDM wasn't showing any warnings. Only thing to do was pull it off, find a paper clip, pull off the backing and poke the paper clip in a teeny hole. Could we find a paper clip? At this point my Libre decides to join the party and do a low alarm. Eventually we stopped the horrid racket and I go to get a Dextrose tablet with a mouth still full of toothpaste! By the time I was dressed, made up and had rung Omnipod it was lunch time! What a pantomime! Off to get some essential groceries after lunch and here we are... time to go meet friends for our regular Weds evening drinks.

Congratulations to @TinaD and @Lanny on your HSs.

Hugs to @rebrascora.
Really torn between the "Haha" and the "Oh no!". I mean, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes this morning but it did make a fun read!
Afternoon all. It's been sunny and dry today.

9.3 first thing.

What a hoo ha went on this morning. Had my shower and cleaned inside the shower whilst I was still in it. Then whilst I was cleaning my teeth my water pick ran out of charge. Took it to the charger points in the study. Then my toothbrush ran out of charge half way through brushing. Took it to the charger points. Then went to borrow J's base, that was flat as a pancake! But then I realised it was an old one and his base was still on the sink in the other bathroom. Back to 3rd try of teeth brushing having borrowed his base. All this time with a mouth full of toothpaste and wet hands.... next thing I knew J is tapping me on the shoulder and telling me there's an alarm going off. Since I am half-deaf as one ear is still blocked I cannot tell where the sound is coming from and anyway I can hardly hear the piercing noise (thank goodness). We both go looking to see what's going off. Me still with a mouthful of toothpaste and half-brushed teeth. Eventually we realised that it was my pod alarming. Why? No idea! It had been on less than 12 hours. The PDM wasn't showing any warnings. Only thing to do was pull it off, find a paper clip, pull off the backing and poke the paper clip in a teeny hole. Could we find a paper clip? At this point my Libre decides to join the party and do a low alarm. Eventually we stopped the horrid racket and I go to get a Dextrose tablet with a mouth still full of toothpaste! By the time I was dressed, made up and had rung Omnipod it was lunch time! What a pantomime! Off to get some essential groceries after lunch and here we are... time to go meet friends for our regular Weds evening drinks.

Congratulations to @TinaD and @Lanny on your HSs.

Hugs to @rebrascora.
Think I would have gone back to bed Patti! Just needed Jeremy’s trousers to fall to his ankles a la Alan Rix to complete the morning. 😳
Good morning. 8.1 and full on cold. My throat feels like it’s been sandpapered.

Gym physio yesterday was good.
23:33 BS 7.1 after reduction of tresiba to 64. 🙂

Already just had my 2nd meal of the day & decided about right to post as you lovely start to get up at a normal time! :D😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

@rebrascora it not just the overnight as I’m been going a bit low during the day as well. My body clock is still a wee bit out of sync as going out always tires me out so, slept through most of Tuesday after I got back from hospital appointment. I didn’t actually spent a lot of time awake on my Birthday but, did treat myself to some smoked salmon & Brussels pate on toast sandwiches & some tempura king prawns. No cake as I didn’t fancy any! 😛 It’s a strange, not your average food combination but, it SO works. One of my nephews who loves to try different things in the kitchen came up with one family Christmas on little melba toast crackers & I love that combo on toast! Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! :rofl:😉
Good morning. 6.2

Nasty cold, dank,sort of day. Forecast is for it to improve and even a chance of that big yellow thing being visible in the sky.

Next door Mark has been beating for a big shoot again - pheasant delivery later today. Looks as if I can have as many as I can eat this winter so favorite recipes for pheasant casseroles would be most welcome.

Have a good day folks.
Good morning - 5.0

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 6.4 on my meter as my sensor fell off through the night! I woke at 4.15 and reached for my phone and I was faced with “ please replace sensor” ( after I’d put my specs on) and it was barely hanging on by a thread. Looking at my graph it didn’t even make it until midnight. RIP Libre 2 sensor, you were brilliant, I’m sure you’ll be happy up in tech heaven. 😛 Four days left to run too, I won’t report it as I know it was my fault. I thought I’d caught it yesterday whilst I was getting dressed, it was hanging off a wee bit and I pressed it down hoping I’d saved it, but alas, I hadn’t.:(

Had a lovely lunch in a Greek restaurant yesterday with my friends. Food was absolutely sublime, clean plates all round, unfortunately, I think they’d forgotten to put sixpence in the gas meter as it was freezing, and every time someone opened the door we were treat to an icy blast! TBF Cumbria was the coldest place in the country yesterday and it never got above freezing. Luckily I came home to a roaring coal fire, after sitting with my coat on for half an hour and then a blanket over me I finally thawed out and true to form, by the time Pointless was finished I was boiling! And more of the same today -3.6 so far this morning and I have an osteopath appointment at 8.30, best start thawing out the car! Back feeling lots better but I’m still icing and heating this morning to loosen it up a bit before I go.

@Michael12421 congratulations on your HS.

Have a fab frost free day, if you can.
All this talk of cold weather I thought I’d check in on Kraków… next week the temperature has lows of -12 with positively balmy highs of -1
I am resisting the urge to equip myself with clothes befitting a polar expedition by reminding myself that:
1. They have shops
2. I quite fancy the excuse to pop to C&A
3. I’m sure that it won’t be cold inside anywhere
4. I’m still nicely insulated :rofl:

I have bought new waterproof and insulated hiking boots though as there’s already snow on the ground and it’s forecast to snow quite a lot more before I visit.
5.1 this morning Don’t know if I’m going to get my walk today
excuse me while I rant about Parcelforce. With hubbys surgery/ hospital appointment/docs etc decided to pay for named day delivery for grandsons Christmas present. Supposed to be yesterday. Tracking said delivery between 3.15 and 19.15. All good Checked 4 ish van other side of town. An hour later still in same place. An hour later still in same place
never arrived. Planning to ring when depot opens at 8
good news is granddaughters present arrived in California
How come a parcel can get from Utah to a rural area of north California on the right day but one can’t get from Basingstoke to Salisbury!