Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning and another early bird. 5.4 on this very cold and frosty day. -3. Temperature not expected to get much above freezing but there’ll be some sun. 😎

After a bad start yesterday my two hour ironing stint didn’t bother my back, after lunch I stood and made a shepherds pie and then walked to and from Aldi, two miles. I felt positive. This morning I feel positively fed up! Been awake since 4.15 unable to get comfy so I’m icing and heating and hoping for a good rest of the day because it’s busy. Zara coming at 8.30, I’m taking grandson into town at 11, he stayed over last night, as he needs some new jeans for his work Christmas party. Mr Eggy wants new walking socks and a packet of Darjeeling First Flush and then I’m meeting girlfriends at 12.30 for lunch. Zara will still be here when I get home so will spend a couple of hours with her. Grandson will need a lift home which is a 40 mile round trip, think I’ll send Mr Eggy. I haven’t even began to prep for our hols. Tomorrow is another busy day! I think I’ll go back to work for a rest! 😉

Have a good day all, hope it’s not too cold where you are.
Morning all! 5.8

First session today of the physio gym class thing. It’s through the physio that’s been looking after my Achilles injury but it’s at a very well equipped local gym.
It’s designed to give those with lower limb injuries the confidence to get back to the gym. Obviously there’s fear about both undoing the healing that’s already taken place or injuring the leg in some new and fantastical way so the idea is that by having physios in the gym they can advise/tweak/encourage and there’s the safety blanket that they provide.
I’m curious about what it’ll be like.
5.6 on this icy cold morning
busy day, lots of deliveries, meat from local butchers, family presents Hope they arrive here this morning as swimming this afternoon also hope it’s a bit warmer then.
Presents for son and granddaughter in California due to arrive today as well ( fingers crossed). daughter in law is checking and secreting them away until Christmas.
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5.5 on this cold Berkshire morning, though no frost. Our garden thermometer says it's 0.8 degrees out there. Pleased to see a mid-5 as my wife made some carrot & lentil burgers yesterday and I had a couple with a salad for tea, and as it was something new I tested 2 hours later and got 7.7, so I'm guessing that was the red lentils. Still in post-meal range but higher than usual. Food diary has a new entry.

Wednesday's a washday but otherwise nothing special planned, although I do have to take one box of tiles back to Wickes for a refund as our plumber didn't need as many as he thought. They told us we could return any we didn't need as long as it's an unopened box.

Enjoy your day.

5.7 today, think it will be a cold run tonight although hopefully dry. A very disappointing weigh in with 1/2lb lost, I know it is still in the right direction, but I had had a very good week. Oh well, ironically yesterday I heard from the other weight loss program that my diabetes nurse referred me to back in the summer it is run by Oviva, and is the soup and shake diet, I am going to give them a call but as I have lost 1st 4lbs, I am wondering if that ship has sailed now, and also I don’t want to do a soup and shake diet on Christmas Da, so wouldn’t start it until the New Year now as have to dedicate 12 weeks.

Penultimate day of my squat challenge, I will carry on doing some everyday as I am in a routine especially in the morning while waiting for my coffee to make, but I don’t think I will do 100 everyday, trying to find a new daily challenge, it has to be something I can break down in small sessions, it won’t be something I sign up to for charity though.

@khskel - congratulations on yesterdays HS

@Lanny - congratulations on your HS, annoying that it was a different consultant yesterday and you didn’t get consistency.
Morning folks. 🙂 8.0 here. I thought Dawn was staying with you atm @Robin.😛

Lesson planning this morning. Then I need to distract myself this afternoon and not think about the Estyn (Welsh Ofsted) inspector that’ll be at my class this evening. I just hope my BG behaves! 🙄:D
Another unfortunate 11.3 unfortunately blood sugar hasent been good the past few days and apparently been 51% percent in range for the past 3 days which isn't great but that's what happens when your ill. I'm trying to get a handle on it though I've upped my basel

Spent 5 hours in a and past night as a doctor wanted me to go. But ended up being told there was nothing wrong with me
Well done @Lanny on your HS. A 4.7 for me this morning. It's currently foggy outside with a temperature of -2°C

Very excited to report 7.6 this morning and when I glanced at about 5.45 (it was 5.8) and I think on looking at my Libre that overnight resembles a flat line. I was very thoughtful about what I ate (or didn't eat) last night as made a prawn curry but didn't have any starchy carbs with it, just piles of green veg and some chicken pakora on the side and NO SNACKS (sorry to shout). Very cold & frosty here this morning - I've got my horticulture course and I've had to defrost the green house and squeeze myself in to get my secateurs out. I used some boiling water and had visions of me cracking the glass but luckily I put it carefully in the right places and that didn't happen. Have a great day everyone x
Morning everyone a bright sunny and frosty morning here and a happy 5.4 for me an hour ago.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Good morning all! 4.2 this morning for me but that was mainly thanks to a correction at 3:30am ! Still, at least I managed to pull BG back into range!

@Grannylorraine - well done on your SW loss, I used to get half pound losses on a lot of weeks, especially as I neared target weight so don’t be discouraged. It is still a loss 🙂

@eggyg sorry to hear you are still suffering, this cold weather won’t help I’m sure. Take care of yourself!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning from Boris and me! Had a really bad night with huge phantom pain spike. Now 10.4! Only woke 40 minutes ago to get call that wheelchair man was half-an-hour away. He was here in 10 minutes and now sitting on bed waiting for new inner tube to be fitted.

Yesterday was a long day arriving for my Limb Fitting appointment 30 minutes late with mega wait afterwards. En route back an unsecured wheelchair fell on my foot and now have fourth wound.

Update: Wheel back and fitted...

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