Group 7-day waking average?


9.0 on the left 5.1 on the right, I always double check if the figure is 7 or over as this has happened before. Today is weigh day, I have been good considering how many Christmas cakes I baked, mincemeat made and Xmas pudding done, I had one sneaking little bit of the mincemeat and one dried apricot, I know I would normally eat loads of the mincemeat and pudding mixture.

@Lanny - happy birthday, hope your appointment goes well. I am with you in the weight loss journey, but if we both keep going we will get there, I know I get disappointed when it is only 1/2lb a week, but it has been pointed out to me, that it is still a lose and going in the right direction however slow.
5.6 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Usual Tuesday swim before lunch but, unusually for a Tuesday, no cars so bus it is. Won't mind the walk to and from the bus stops if the weather stays like this, though.

Hope everyone manages to have a decent day.
Morning it was 8. I've gotten myslef Abit concerned as I was the burning sensation I'm feeling I was feeling in my chest(which a and e decided was a muscle thing). I'm klnow felling in arm. I checked my ketones was I was feeling quite sick they 0.7(I checked with a figdt prick for blood suger to make sure it dexcom was accurate and it was) so they were a little high but shouldn't be high enough to cause problems and I've hadnt eaten yet at that point I think I have come down with something else as well. But with the burning sensations I can't help but be a little worried.
Hi Ray - might be worth giving 111 a call, just for some reassurance, as otherwise you'll probably carry on worrying - I hope you feel better soon.
Morning All - 8.8 for this morning. Woken up early by husband in Australia who thought he was still on Singapore's time zone! Went back to sleep and then woken again by delivery drivers (new bed for spare room) telling me they're an hour away - they could have told me when they were 20 minutes away and I would have had an extra 40 minutes sleep. My friends from our old village came yesterday and it was so lovely seeing them. I hadn't realised how much I'd missed seeing people I know really well - that's the hard bit about completely moving to a new area. I'm going out for lunch with them at Cartmel on Sunday. Have a lovely birthday @Lanny and a great day everyone else. @eggyg take it easy with the ironing x
I’m posting this now, while I’m still up & remembered! 😳🙄:D

It’s my 52nd Birthday & I just sang Happy Birthday to me & had a few childish fishing attempts on my iPad mini trying to get Siri to say Happy Birthday, Lanny: he DID about 50% of the time; BUT, just cannot get him to sing it to me! :rofl: I’m haven’t been THIS childish with Siri for QUITE some time! 🙄😉:rofl:

I’ve been AWFULLY distracted, I know 😳, these last 3 weeks while watching Wonderland of Love which is just now, 27.11.2023, over with just 40 episodes rather than the original 46: the rules for airing dramas was just changed earlier this year that all dramas over 40 episodes have to be aired in two parts with each part being at least 4 months apart; WOL was nearly finished post production when those rules were announced & they delayed airing it by about 6 weeks & re-edited the 46 episodes down to 40 so, it could be aired in one go! I only realised this quite late last week when the finale was announced as episode 40. But, I did think it was very fast paced, faster than usual, & I DO think that splitting it in two would have been detrimental! The drama is, I think, a lot better for it without those extra 6 episodes as it’s tighter/faster paced! 😛😎:D

Just about to go to bed as I have a face to face diabetic review at the hospital tomorrow, on my Birthday, & it’s definitely getting easier to put on my socks now so, I’m still losing weight very slowly! 🙂 That’s not to say my belly is looking noticeably smaller, though! It’s SO easy to pile it on & SO slow & hard to shift it! 🙄:rofl: But, it’s going in the right direction now! Still on 68 tresiba as I DID struggle the first week after my cycle & was just about to put it back up to 70 the following week when it started to ease a bit so, now on week 3 when there are signs of BS going a bit low overnight. May go down a bit more now this week, the week starts on Thursday because that’s the day I first put the libre on! See what the doctor thinks tomorrow?

So, a Very Good Night, if anyone is still up, & I’ll try to remember to post tomorrow & more regularly now that I’m not SO distracted! 😳🙄😉
Happy Birthday, hope all goes well today
Hi Ray - might be worth giving 111 a call, just for some reassurance, as otherwise you'll probably carry on worrying - I hope you feel better soon.
I got an appointment with doctors this afternoon I'll mention the burning sensation a couple of hours letter ketones had come down to 0.1. Obevolssy I will try and keep an eye on them might be need some more strips though I haved asked for presation and I put in the comennt box can they can they do it today.
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A gelated good morning from Boris and me. Overslept and then had to russh as Limb Fitting appointment this morning - still waiting for transport. Need to win the lottery so I can have a full time chauffer and valet. But then I would also have a personal physio and see a brilliant vascular surgeon in King Edward VII.

NG was 7.3 on waking but within 30 minutes ogf getting yup and rushing around 8.9.

Had a result yeaterdfay. Not hearing anything from the wheelchair people I chased them after lunch. Spoke to a very helpful lady - they now have a new inner tube and are fitting tomorrow between 8:00 and 18:00 (yet more waiting). I cannot get why common parts are not carried in the mechanics vans (I refuse to call all and sundry engineers, and get fed up the term is constantly misused!).

Light cloud that could go either way.
Morning all

It was a happy 5.1 for me earlier this morning, the sun is shining and it is 8.3c here.
Morning all - look out the front and there's blue sky and sunshine. Out the back there is grey cloud cover pretty consistently. 2 different weather systems, it's often like that here!

7.6 this morning with a flat line. More often than not I can achieve a flat line overnight and don't suffer from DP... but that's the pump. I just wish I could do it in the daytime. Perhaps if I didn't eat?

Not much on today. Probably making Gnocchi with mushrooms and spinach in blue cheese sauce for dinner. @zippyjojo fortunately the chicken was finished off last Saturday - neither of us want to see Chicken for at least another week! LOL!
@Pattidevans Honestly I was a bit underwhelmed by Napoleon. Sure there are some impressive battle scenes but at no point was a made to give a damn about Napoleon or really about Josephine.
You have encapsulated exactly how we both felt about it! Julian said it was unfair for them to try to span 25 years in 2 hrs 40 and that they didn't acknowledge the lasting changes he wrought. i.e. he amalgamated all the outlying regions into one state of France. He reformed the civil service and brought in the Napoleonic code which was adopted all over Europe, but we are talking about the film and yes it was underwhelming.

@Lanny VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope your consultation goes well.

@rayray119 hope you feel better soon.

Have a good one everyone!
Morning all and it was a 5.2 for me. It's true the Diner and truck stop diet is the way forward. Sensor then promptly died and has now been reported.

Looks like I've brought some some SoCal sun shine back with me, unfortunately the temperature is more Seattle.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone

@Lanny Happy birthday

BG 5.3

Got up late at 6:30am and had to rush about to get ready...

Been out for an opticians appointment. It was a good appointment. The optician listened and was very thorough, very clear. He referred me to have laser surgery on the other eye ( I had one done about a month ago). I am so pleased as the 'operation' is easy, quick and effective.

Then I had a long Christmas carol practice on the keyboard. All going well. I have a 'formal' practice on Thursday morning at the church.

I made a beef stew on Sunday and its still going strong. My friend came to tea yesterday and enjoyed it too. It's beef stew for tea tonight and possibly tomorrow too.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Not exactly morning not 6.9.
Not very well today so resting really.
Hope everyone is having a good day. A lot of posts to catch up on.
5.4 this morning for me but shot up with breakfast and then the stress of going to the dentist and hygienist. However, that turned out to be fine - no problems and X-rays taken to confirm all ok as well. Phew!

@eggyg - hope your back gets better soon! Thinking of you!

Happy Birthday @Lanny !

Congratulations on your HS @khskel !

Have a good day everyone!
It was a 4.2 for me when I woke up and a lot of time in the red sand again. Think the Amitriptyline are knocking me out and I am not hearing the Libre alarm. I only had 2 units of evening Levemir though and probably not really hypo as Libre usually reads lower than BG.

Many Happy Returns to @Lanny! Hope your appointment goes/went well today.

A star for our Rock Star member @khskel for achieving a House Special off the back of an American Diner diet. Impressive!

Sending healing vibes to @eggyg. Really hope your back improves so that you can enjoy your holiday to the full.
Just when you get used to a consultant in comes another one so, a wee bit frustrating to have to go explaining things again to a consultant I’ve never seen before: made me feel a tad bit defensive when asked things like why do I take Tresiba at lunchtime; this time HE said I should take it at bedtime; last one said in the morning! My understanding is you can take it at ANY time as long as it’s regularly about the same time every day! 🙄 Things were running a bit late too with a student pharmacist, this time, as they inevitably do when student doctors are in alongside. I’ve lost another quarter kilo in the 3 weeks since I was weighed at the Health Centre & as I said I don’t really see or feel it EXCEPT when I’m putting on my socks when leaving the house: it’s definitely getting easier to do so over my ever so slightly flatter belly! :rofl:🙄😉

I did mention that I was thinking of reducing Tresiba again after being on 68 for nearly 3 weeks now on Thursday at the start of a new week but, he kept cutting me off & I’ll just call my DSN on Thursday & see what thinks? Only just beginning to go a wee bit when I sleep but, not hypo as yet which, to be fair he ask if I was going hypo. There’s no DSN phone cover on Wednesdays or I’d call tomorrow but, Thursday will do & maybe Friday before she calls me back. I’ll stick with 68 UNLESS I do start going hypo in my overnight sleeps & reduce it myself?

Oh! And the nurse who took my vital stats, as it were, DID wish a Happy Birthday when she asked & I answered what my date of birth was! 🙂
A VERY early awakening today, 02:02 BS 5.2 but, no smiley as I had actually gone into the red below 4 in the 3s for about an hour before I woke. So, had an early morning meal of, I made it yesterday, lamb & vegetable soup dinged in the microwave. I’m reducing tresiba today at lunchtime & I think I’ll go down to 64. Still call DSN on Thursday just to keep her updated.

A very early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Eaten & feeling tired so, see if I can get some more sleep? :confused: A stream of Zs emoji!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.8

My opticians appointment yesterday went really well and I got referred to have laser surgery. Yesss. The before/after vision is stunning.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing