Group 7-day waking average?

Ah, that’s a shame but Hayes is lovely to visit. We’ll probably pop in on Friday on the way to Coniston after we’ve been to our favourite butchers in Ambleside and we’ll have some lunch somewhere. Enjoy your visitors, are they going to Grange in Borrowdale or Grange over Sands? We won’t be a million miles from Grange over Sands today, lovely place. So is Grange in Borrowdale too, purported to be the wettest place in England!
Whichever one is near Cartmel? Grange over Sands I think. Have a lovely day today x
Morning all - wet and grey today, but no frost.

5.3 this morning with a flat line.

Lots to do today and we have a video call arranged with our neice in California at 6pm our time, 10am her time. We are going to "meet" our new great nephew for the first time! It's quite exciting! We've only "met" her husband over video call. So it'll be nice to get to know him a bit better too.

Glad the dinner party went well @eggyg.

Have a super Sunday all.

Morning all.6.2 for me this morning.Had a mishap whilst reading pattidevans post yesterday hit the wrong button and can Not get rid of her message without putting my own underneath . Sorry patti thought deleting draft would have worked.Also eternal has your phone been hacked .I received a like from you 12 times off the belt and quite a few more during the day Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning everyone

It’s a happy 5.3 for me today on a very wet morning.
It was a 9.0 for me this morning and yet I needed a JBs through the night for a 3.8, despite having gone to bed on 6.9, so having a big drop and then a big DP and I hit 9.4 by the time I injected my Fiasp and Levemir..... literally 2 mins later. Thankfully the Fiasp got to work on it and it peaked out at 10.1, so only a smidgin over target.

Hope your child is better now and can from hospital @42istheanswer

Congrats of your House Special again @Anji53
Hi. It was 10.2 and blood suger being very stubborn today it's curennty at around 17!. Now it's decided to go the opposite then it has been but I'm actually not very well. In fact I was sent home from work yesterday.
Good Morning Everyone, got up at 10 having been in Rome for 4 days my regime was a little out, still i had mass with the Pope so i'm whiter than white, the previous week i had my annual consultant appointment lots of changes, but one he did say because i suffer from Dawn Phenomenon if over 10 i should take a correction even when i don't eat breakfast, never do, anyone else find it works
Afternoon, hope you enjoyed Rome. I suffer dawn phenomenon always over 10. What's a correction? My Diabetic nurse isn't very good and neither is my GP
Afternoon, hope you enjoyed Rome. I suffer dawn phenomenon always over 10. What's a correction? My Diabetic nurse isn't very good and neither is my GP
It’s for people on insulin, when they take a small injection of extra insulin to bring down a figure that’s higher than they’d like. Not an option for people who aren’t on insulin, which I don’t believe you are.
.Also eternal has your phone been hacked
Ooo, not that I am aware. I did have loads of likes from @42istheanswer on here, so maybe the forum has been hacked? I have just changed my password on here and added two factor authentication just in case! Thanks for the heads up!
Hi everyone! 5.4 for me on waking, dropped to 5.2 when I took my bolus for breakfast.

Busy day yesterday with grandchildren then rearranging the lounge (plus cabling needed for Sky, Ethernet for Apple TV along with trunking around the skirting boards and re-wiring the surround speakers). Still got a bit more to do which I’ll attempt today after work. Feeling really achy now after all that work yesterday!

Not had much chance to catch up on here, so I hope everyone is well, sending hugs and care to those who need it.
Good evening not morning today.

6.2 at 8 am. Did read some posts whilst drinking my cuppa this morning, but then rushed around as we were going into Truro today. to do some Xmas shopping.

Stopped at Matalan on the way as I had a 20% off coupon. Treated ourselves to a new duvet set - we've been saying for ages that all ours more resemble tissue paper than cotton! We've now unpacked and decided we like it, so may go back for another as I got another 20% off coupon when I paid. J got a few things for himself that were badly needed. We decided to skip the park and ride as you often have to park miles from the bus stop and the weather has been uncertain all day. In the end I got 5 stocking fillers for Julian and a couple of small presents for a g/f who is spending Xmas with us. I already have her main pressie. Plus a box of Xmas crackers. We then had a sandwich and a coffee in M&S (where my low alarm decided to screech - shopping always does it!). One more stop before staggering back to the car park pretty laden and at the moment we left the last shop it decided to hiss down and it was a fair walk to the car park! Typical! All in all it was a very satisfying days shopping even though I am thoroughly exhausted. Going down to the local for a meal shortly, so no cooking for me tonight!

Congratulations @Anji53 on your HS

@42istheanswer I do hope your child is alright and can come home soon.

@ColinUK will be interested in your take on Napoleon.

Hugs to everyone who needs one!