Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone

A light frost overnight and a 5.3 for me this morning.

Have good day all and stay safe.
Morning all. 7.6 on this positively balmy day, almost 3c!

Last night went absolutely fantastic, everyone loved the food and I must say my focaccia was absolutely sublime, the last couple of times it’s not been quite right, too dry or over cooked but I smashed it! Mr Eggy’s crab and ricotta ravioli also turned out amazingly well. The stuffed pasta bake, although simple, was well received too. All in all clean plates all round. We had a ball, laughed all night and it was so nice to be able to hear everyone and join in the conversation which when we all go out to the pub or restaurant I really struggle with over the noise. Everyone had left by midnight, one couple were leaving their home at 2.30 to catch a 6am flight! We got lots of the dishes done, my china is hand wash unfortunately and there was eight each of starter bowls, side plates and dinner plates! Plus salad bowl and various dishes with sides. Now to put them away. I did get the dining room tidied up though and it looks like nothing happened. Today I’m not doing much at all, the frozen peas have made an appearance this morning. Too long on my feet probably. No cooking though as we have leftovers. Every cloud….

Have a super Sunday folks.
I forgot to take photos of the starters so here’s the antipasti, my brilliant focaccia and the stuffed pasta Bolognaise before it went in the oven, looked much more appetising when it was cooked and all those lovely cheeses had melted into the sauce. Yummy.


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Morning all.

Will someone please take the DF from my house? I'm getting highs at night, lows in the day, my TIR is now less than 70% for the week! Yesterday i struggled to get levels to stay above 4.3 then overnight i think that all the glucose worked in one go.
Good morning 6.6. Bad night - looks as though a flare may be starting up.

I am a bit worried about Type 1s, with the best intentions, recommending high carb food to diet controlled Type 2s. One of our contributors says "I try to keep my carbs under 130". Well, if I go over 20 I am nowhere in the HS range and at 40 my BG goes stratospheric and takes upto 48 hours to decline to healthy levels.

Everyone is different, of course, and experimentation is to be encouraged or our taste buds would die of boredom but I do suggest we put a caveat on any post suggesting spuds, bread, puds etc to Type 2s. Try a smidgeon, test at 2 hrs, 4 hrs etc to see how the BG is doing is what I suggest. I find salad a bit of a bore in cold weather, altho' it goes OK with steak, but my best friend is my wok into which a goodly mix of above ground leafy veg can go - altho' one has to be very careful about sauces.

CH is playing silly b%$%$%s so not very warm in the house. I am off out to the woodshed to load up with logs. Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday.
I forgot to take photos of the starters so here’s the antipasti, my brilliant focaccia and the stuffed pasta Bolognaise before it went in the oven, looked much more appetising when it was cooked and all those lovely cheeses had melted into the sauce
@eggyg it looks amazing! Can i ask a question though...with the pasta shells, do you fully or partly cook them before stuffing? I ask because i had a go at the BBC Good Food recipe and it said to partly cook as it soaks up extra liquid from the sauce while in the oven. Well, my sauce was a little liquidy as the recipe said but the pasta stayed undercooked.
@eggyg it looks amazing! Can i ask a question though...with the pasta shells, do you fully or partly cook them before stuffing? I ask because i had a go at the BBC Good Food recipe and it said to partly cook as it soaks up extra liquid from the sauce while in the oven. Well, my sauce was a little liquidy as the recipe said but the pasta stayed undercooked.
I pre soak them in boiling water for about 20 mins. Although yesterday it was more like 30 as I got distracted! Some were a bit soft and had torn but I had plenty and used the best ones. It’s the BBC Good Food recipe I use too. I wish I’d covered it with foil towards the end as the tips got a bit crispy for my liking but the others liked it like that.
5.4 this morning, I stopped taking metformin 2 weeks ago (with advice from the diabetic nurse)... was put on it after I'd had pneumonia and was given steroids to help that....... had three months worth, and now hopefully back on track with diet control only......
am a bit worried about Type 1s, with the best intentions, recommending high carb food to diet controlled Type 2s. One of our contributors says "I try to keep my carbs under 130". Well, if I go over 20 I am nowhere in the HS range and at 40 my BG goes stratospheric and takes upto 48 hours to decline to healthy levels.

Everyone is different, of course, and experimentation is to be encouraged or our taste buds would die of boredom but I do suggest we put a caveat on any post suggesting spuds, bread, puds etc to Type 2s. Try a smidgeon, test at 2 hrs, 4 hrs etc to see how the BG is doing is what I suggest. I find salad a bit of a bore in cold weather, altho' it goes OK with steak, but my best friend is my wok into which a goodly mix of above ground leafy veg can go - altho' one has to be very careful about sauces.
I think that was me in this thread. However I did precede it with the caveat that "I am Type 1 on insulin and therefore have more leeway". I then went on to recommend low carb substitutes for potatoes etc. such as Cauli mash, Cauli rice etc. I definitely didn't recommend high carb foods. I recommended Butternut squash in lieu of rice with chilli. Butternut squash is 12g carb per 100g whereas rice is 28g per 100g. For a lot of T1s 130g is very modest. In actual fact I probably only consume around 80g per day. I certainly didn't mean to offend T2s. I do commend the testing regime you suggest and I should have added that too.
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Morning all - wet and grey today, but no frost.

5.3 this morning with a flat line.

Lots to do today and we have a video call arranged with our neice in California at 6pm our time, 10am her time. We are going to "meet" our new great nephew for the first time! It's quite exciting! We've only "met" her husband over video call. So it'll be nice to get to know him a bit better too.

Glad the dinner party went well @eggyg.

Have a super Sunday all.
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I think that was me in this thread. However I did precede it with the caveat that "I am Type 1 on insulin and therefore have more leeway". I then went on to recommend low carb substitutes for potatoes etc. such as Cauli mash, Cauli rice etc. I definitely didn't recommend high carb foods. I recommended Butternut squash in lieu of rice with chilli. Butternut squash is 12g carb per 100g whereas rice is 28g per 100g. For a lot of T1s 130g is very modest. In actual fact I probably only consume around 80g per day. I certainly didn't mean to offend T2s. I do commend the testing regime you suggest and I should have added that too.
It wasn't pointed at you Pattidevans - altho' the 130 was yours - but quite a lot of other people joined in with suggeted substitutes, many of which, in conjuction, would rapidly exceed my 20gm a day. Not intending to offend T1s! I agree with you that "test, test, test" is the only way to establish a personal benchmark.
Looks like Libre died a little early this morning. (due to be replaced this afternoon, so no big deal) It said 2.9 when I woke up and levels had been buried in the red sand for several hours. Had a JB to placate it even though I didn't feel hypo and I didn't jab my morning Fiasp, just my Levemir. Got up, which without Fiasp is usually enough to increase levels by 4-6mmols in half an hour. Got my Beecham's which is probably another 5g carbs and drank it slowly but 40 mins later Libre still saying 2.9. 🙄 Put the BG meter on the heater for 5 mins to warm it up and was honoured to get a reading from it first time of 6.6, so I clearly was a bit low on waking but definitely not 2.9. I jabbed my Fiasp for breakfast and suddenly Libre woke up and started to rise and got to 5.0 before it headed south again and the low alarm went off and back to 2.9 where it stuck! Thankfully the new sensor was applied last night so I have started it a bit earlier than intended.
So I don't really know what my reading was this morning. I did contemplate trying to suggest it could have been 5.2, but I know you guys like evidence of these things and clearly I have none.

So pleased your dinner party went well @eggyg

@zippyjojo Dawn Phenomenon is the early rising sister to Foot on the Floor. Not sure if you are aware but you don't need to double check your BG with a finger prick every morning or every time you use Libre. The main times to double check are when Libre says you are low or when how you feel doesn't correspond to what Libre says or when you get meal time insulin and your levels are high and you need to calculate a correction dose. Generally a finger prick BG takes precedence over Libre for reliability. I deliberately try to avoid using the word accuracy, as neither are particularly accurate but if they are somewhere within 2 mmols of each other that is workable.

Sounds like @khskel is living up to the rock star image of partying till dawn! Did you recognize Lene Lovich or did someone point her out. Not sure I would recognize her after all these years! Sounds like you are having a blast. Hope you enjoy your remaining gigs.
Finally caught up reading but won't comment directly on all the older threads of conversation as some of them have blurred a bit in my memory (haven't had much sleep which is part of the reason for finally catching up).

@Elenka_HM yes we get paid early for December. To be fair, we would get paid a bit early anyway as our payday is 26th or if that's a weekend or bank holiday then the last date before that which isn't, so this year that would make 22nd Dec just by that, but I think they're bringing it a couple of days earlier to 20th. I think I might try to find time before the Dec deadline to submit all my outstanding mileage to get that pay a bit higher because of that increased time, though I already have bought most of my kids Christmas presents (which are the ones I spend most on).

Most of my FBG have been under 5.4 the past few weeks, mostly 5.3 though not 5.2 :rofl:. This morning it was 6.0 iirc but that was after a post- midnight snack of a slice of buttered white toast (one of my kids got admitted overnight to hospital last night, still here at present but hopefully will be going home soon) and very little sleep (the parent bed is not very comfortable plus obs etc). So I still took the CSW up on the offer of toast (white again ofc) for breakfast, and when fiancé had arrived and we were given the OK to go to the hospital restaurant for lunch I had the "Sunday roast" option which came with mash and roast potatoes (didn't eat all the mash cos it tasted of margarine, though the allergy sheet said dairy in it, so maybe the only dairy was milk not butter enjoyed all the roasties) and had a brownie too. Way more carbs than I would usually have, but given I've not yet had any tea and not sure when I'll get some (declined an offer of toast when the night staff came on as not in the mood for that really, and fiancé couldn't have it so easier to both eat together what we can find in my cupboards when home) I'm not regretting choosing the more substantial option rather than the falafel salad.
one of my kids got admitted overnight to hospital last night, still here at present but hopefully will be going home soon) and very little sleep (the parent bed is not very comfortable plus obs etc).
I hope they are ok @42istheanswer
Morning all. 6.7
Quick call late last night with a friend who lives between LA and Palm Springs. We’ve not seen each other for four years but regularly text etc. very rarely call but chatted shit for almost two hours last night and laughed so much!

I had intended to go to the big Jewish solidarity march yesterday but something else came up yesterday that needed my focus. Ended up being a really chilled day finished off with watching El Conde on Netflix.

It’s a black comedy about Pinochet in fact being a 250 year old vampire who just wants to die.

Good morning - 6.4

Have a great day everyone