Group 7-day waking average?

. @eggyg your menu sounds delicious and your friends are very lucky that you've gone to so much trouble
I love cooking and entertaining but don’t do it as much as I used to as it can be stressful at times. I always try to do things I know will be successful and can be prepared mostly in advance. Luckily, I made the arincini and gnocchi two weeks ago and froze them, both can be cooked from frozen. I could make a ragu in my sleep and Mr Eggy has volunteered to do the ravioli. He’s practised twice and I think by tonight they will be perfect. If they’re not it doesn’t matter we’ve known each other for many years and there’s no pressure at all.
Morning all from Cornwall. Another grey day, but at least it's dry.

7.5 first thing with a very flat line.

Forgot to mention but when we were in the cinema Julian said the chap sitting next to him scanned his arm a couple of times and then proceeded to stuff his face with crisps and popcorn throughout the film!

Off to meet friends in town this afternoon as we normally do on a Saturday. Then home for the rest of that everlasting chicken pie!

@eggyg good luck with your dinner party, hope all goes well. It certainly sounds fantastic. We love entertaining, but of our regular guest list 2 have gone to the dinner party in the sky, 2 are in their late 80s/90s and only venture out occasionally and 2 couples have moved away. Lots of other friends but they don't really do dinner party socialising, it's more meeting up at a venue somewhere.

@zippyjojo we knew Blewbury quite well in the early 80s when we lived in Wokingham. We used to go over to Sebastopol Barn wine outlet to get our favourite white Chateauneuf-du-pape and have lunch in the Blueberry Inn which did lovely food back then. Looking at TripAdvisor/google the pub seems to have changed a lot and the wine barn seems to have disappeared altogether.

@Grannylorraine you have so much energy! Who are all the cakes for?

Have a good day all....
Morning all from Cornwall. Another grey day, but at least it's dry.

7.5 first thing with a very flat line.

Forgot to mention but when we were in the cinema Julian said the chap sitting next to him scanned his arm a couple of times and then proceeded to stuff his face with crisps and popcorn throughout the film!

Off to meet friends in town this afternoon as we normally do on a Saturday. Then home for the rest of that everlasting chicken pie!

@eggyg good luck with your dinner party, hope all goes well. It certainly sounds fantastic. We love entertaining, but of our regular guest list 2 have gone to the dinner party in the sky, 2 are in their late 80s/90s and only venture out occasionally and 2 couples have moved away. Lots of other friends but they don't really do dinner party socialising, it's more meeting up at a venue somewhere.

@zippyjojo we knew Blewbury quite well in the early 80s when we lived in Wokingham. We used to go over to Sebastopol Barn wine outlet to get our favourite white Chateauneuf-du-pape and have lunch in the Blueberry Inn which did lovely food back then. Looking at TripAdvisor/google the pub seems to have changed a lot and the wine barn seems to have disappeared altogether.

@Grannylorraine you have so much energy! Who are all the cakes for?

Have a good day all....
Oh - small world! The Blueberry Inn from then is no longer a pub I don't think. There's another pub that was called the Barley Mow and that is now called the Blueberry and there is also the Red Lion - there also used to me the Load of Mischief. Yes Sebastopol Wines closed before we moved there in 2006. I do miss being a village to some extent but am very happy up on our hill in the Lakes and we've got three lovely villages close by - although it would have been a different story if I still had children at home and needed to ferry them around!
Morning to you all on this bright sunny day, a light frost last night here which is slowly clearing now.

Anyway, it was a 5.5 for me earlier this morning. Have a good day everyone.
Nice run this morning, did 8.5 km, watch thinks I did 12.75km so no idea where it went that I didn’t. was lovely and sunny and actually pleasant.

@Pattidevans - cakes are for family, friends and some of the ladies at the running club who support me and sponsor me with all my fundraising events, so my way of saying thank you, and fruit cakes are my favourite thing to bake, I love the smell of them from when the dried fruit is soaking in brandy and orange juice to the delightful smell of them baking.
Good afternoon everyone! 5'6 this morning, tho it wasn't a waking reading. It was the first reading I got an hour and a half after waking up, realising it was the time I usually leave the house for work, getting ready in minutes and rushing out the door. I was lucky that some random neighbour started playing piano and I looked at my watch thinking "who's the idiot who is making noise at...wait, 6 already?!". So I have to thank this idiot for waking me up o_O :rofl:

We are getting fully into festive mode at work. The decorations are on and they look beautiful, Michael Bublé (Mikey Bubbles as I heard someone affectionately call him) is on the playlist and my bosses are already stressing about work on Christmas Day. Aakash! Is beginning to look a lot like...!

@eggyg I like the sound of everything in that menu. Lucky guests and Mr. Eggy!
It was a 6.4 for me but like @Robin it took 2 JBs overnight and quite some time just below the line in the red sand, despite another Levemir reduction down to 3units now. I have dropped my morning dose by 2 units today, although my levels through the day were pretty good yesterday and for the first time in 10 days I didn't get the 7pm surge in levels, but I think the higher daytime dose is impacting in the middle of the night.
Disappointingly my nose has started running again today when I thought I was over that stage. I am going to try a walk up the hill this afternoon with feed and haylage. Just one trip on foot to see how I manage and will do the rest by car later. Really missing the exercise.
Looks like a 5.5 Club has sprung up this morning and I'm taking out membership too. Wet start here, and got wet when it started to rain again during our walk to get a newspaper, but sun's out now.

Thursday, so swim day, and with no one in their offices today I have a choice of cars. Might even stay in town for lunch if there's a space in the 2-hour free parking zone just off the town centre.

Well done @TinaD and @goodybags on your HSs

@Robin that all sounds so familiar

Whatever your plans, enjoy the day.
I dream of that average. Can’t get below 10 at the minute no matter how I try.
Serious diet changes underway.
I dream of that average. Can’t get below 10 at the minute no matter how I try.
Serious diet changes underway.
When you say 'serious diet changes' I'm left wondering what might be in your diet that's keeping your levels up?
When you say 'serious diet changes' I'm left wondering what might be in your diet that's keeping your levels up?
Winter/comfort food. I know what healthy options I should choose but honestly, I want potatoes, baked beans etc.
I’m only just the correct weight for me so as I get bored with salads, I tend to go for stews, casseroles.
I make a meal plan, then by mid afternoon, I’ve relented and snacked.
Winter/comfort food. I know what healthy options I should choose but honestly, I want potatoes, baked beans etc.
I’m only just the correct weight for me so as I get bored with salads, I tend to go for stews, casseroles.
I make a meal plan, then by mid afternoon, I’ve relented and snacked.
I went low carb as soon as I was diagnosed but it took me a while to settle on something that I liked and was sustainable, although I still tweak it a little now and again. Salads feature a lot. What do you have with yours? I like something hot with mine, usually chicken, fish or an omelette. Tonight it's a couple of my wife's homemade burgers (minus the buns). My favourite is a Chicken Caesar.

I get why you would want potatoes and baked beans. One of my favourite meals used to be a baked potato with bacon and beans and a dollop of Daddies sauce. History now, of course.
I get sooo bored with salad but tonight it’ll be hot chicken salad with a dollop of coleslaw. I’ve chosen the coldest day of the year so far to eat salad
I do like homemade soup - my lunch staple.
I’m in rebellious mode, but I try every day. Just been a bad week, must try harder!
I get sooo bored with salad but tonight it’ll be hot chicken salad with a dollop of coleslaw. I’ve chosen the coldest day of the year so far to eat salad
I do like homemade soup - my lunch staple.
I’m in rebellious mode, but I try every day. Just been a bad week, must try harder!
I hate salads in cold weather, so I tend to shred loads of different veg into strips, usually a mix of peppers, courgette, pak choi, broccoli, (whatever's left in the fridge drawer) and stir fry them in a tsp of oil, then put a dollop of mayo on, and put a bit of grilled salmon, or chicken piece on top. It seems much more comforting when the food's warm.
I get sooo bored with salad but tonight it’ll be hot chicken salad with a dollop of coleslaw. I’ve chosen the coldest day of the year so far to eat salad
I do like homemade soup - my lunch staple.
I’m in rebellious mode, but I try every day. Just been a bad week, must try harder!

No reason why you can't have warming casseroles and stews and curries but use low carb veg instead of potatoes.
You can make a cottage/shepherd's/fish pie and top it with mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potato and plenty of cheese of course. You need to drain the cauli really well before mashing and it improves with a good dollop of cream cheese and a spoon of wholegrain mustard and then topped with plenty of cheese of course. I have pork casserole with leeks and swede and carrot and butternut squash and I usually add an apple since the trees were laden this year. I tend to cook it in cider and then add psyllium husk/chia seeds/oat bran to thicken it.
I have a lovely recipe for cauliflower and halloumi curry to which I usually add butternut squash and a tin of chick peas and you can either have that either on it's own or on a bed of cooked shredded cabbage or use konjac rice (available in supermarkets often under the brand Bare Naked) which is pretty well carb free.... you have to drain and rinse it really well because the preservative fluid that it comes in is weird and makes it smell fishy before zapping it in the microwave but it works really well. You can also get konjac noodles to have with a stir fry.... talking of which, stir frys are low carb and warming and quick to cook. Chilli is another staple which can be eaten with a salad or just coleslaw or on a bed of veggies like green beans or broccoli or konjac rice. Basically there are lots of warming winter low carb meals/recipes to try, so don't feel you have to eat salads. I have a thing for cabbage at the moment and I am learning all sorts of different ways to incorporate it into meals. I love cabbage bhaji from the takeaway, so I have learned how to make that and I even eat the leftovers for breakfast sometimes it is so good. You can make a bubble and squeak with it and butternut squash and onion and have it with eggs and bacon. Lots and lots of options!!
Winter/comfort food. I know what healthy options I should choose but honestly, I want potatoes, baked beans etc.
I’m only just the correct weight for me so as I get bored with salads, I tend to go for stews, casseroles.
I make a meal plan, then by mid afternoon, I’ve relented and snacked.
You have had some great ideas in the posts already, but you may find that this link will point you in the direction of some foods which you can still have and will be filling and tasty so help you not to feel the need to snack or at least snack on better things.
I do have a bit more leeway because I am T1 on insulin, but I like to keep my carbs under 130g a day. I can still enjoy a huge variety of foods. As others have already said, there are substitutes you can use for the carb element of your dish. I use cauli mash instead of mashed potatoes. We eat chilli with a roasted butternut squash. Cut it in half length wise, cut the bowl off and hollow it out before roasting (no need to peel) and pile your chilli in it as you would a jacket potato. Do you know how to make Cauli rice? Grate a very fresh cauli and then stir fry in a little oil... add a few chopped veg and a beaten egg for chinese rice. Using a veg peeler make strips of courgette and stir fry in butter in lieu of pasta. So many things you can do and so many veg you can enjoy. Just ask for a recipe for any veg on the forum and you'll get tons of recipes and ideas! Hugs!

PS I hate salad!