Group 7-day waking average?

Not sure what figure to quote for this morning - it was 4.2 at 5:46am when I woke, but had dropped to 3.3 two hours later when I crawled out of bed! Seems like DF missed me out today!

Another night in the red sand, albeit fairly level all night. I guess I should not be as heavy handed with NR bolus in the evenings (I’m too impatient in wanting the BG to fall back into range and can’t wait for the NR to wake up and smell the coffee :rofl:). I wonder whether spending the night in the red will damage my hypo awareness?

Really enjoyed reading what all you guys are up to and the various posts. @ColinUK - that unicorn house is like something from a horror movie!

Congratulations @eggyg and @Carlos on your HS today! @eggyg - hope your back pummelling session goes well today and does some good!

Take care everyone and enjoy your Friday!
Our plumber's here with our new toilet and DPD turned up early with our electric radiator, so hopefully we're close to having two loos again. 5.6 on waking and weekly BP check 118/67 - OK with both those. Friday, so Big Shop and a run out to the garden centre greengrocer once I've had my coffee and read the newspaper.

Well done with the HSs @eggyg & @Carlos

Have a good Friday, everyone.
Good morning - 5.8

My schools shut today for an occasional day because the light switch on is tomorrow.
My HbA1C on Wednesday is 36 by some miracle,and only 4% low

Have a great day everyone
Morning all.9.1:for me this morning.thought it would be a lot higher.Went to bed and they were dropping rapidly.Must have been the 14 miles I walked yesterday 5 jbs and 3 malted milk biscuits kept it in the high 8 range all night Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Good morning you lovely crowd! Finally posting early today instead of waiting for dinner time. It was a 4'6. Whatever is causing the sore throat and cough is not raising my BG. Other than that I feel well, and my voice is recovering.

It is payday for me and we got a reminder that December's payday is earlier than normal. They also added that January we get paid the last Friday of the month as per usual, which I think is important to keep in mind. You get money before Christmas (which is why they do it) but then is a longer stretch until the next paycheck.

I'm curious. Do you have that system in your jobs? Is it common practice in the UK? I know my previous job at Tesco did the same.
Good morning you lovely crowd! Finally posting early today instead of waiting for dinner time. It was a 4'6. Whatever is causing the sore throat and cough is not raising my BG. Other than that I feel well, and my voice is recovering.

It is payday for me and we got a reminder that December's payday is earlier than normal. They also added that January we get paid the last Friday of the month as per usual, which I think is important to keep in mind. You get money before Christmas (which is why they do it) but then is a longer stretch until the next paycheck.

I'm curious. Do you have that system in your jobs? Is it common practice in the UK? I know my previous job at Tesco did the same.
I’ve had jobs like that, it’s seems like a good idea at the time but it makes January a VERRRRY long month. I preferred just to get paid as normal as I did with my last job.
Morning everyone

It’s a happy 5 0 for me on this beautiful sunny morning here in Bedfordshire.

Have a good day all and stay well.
Morning all - just grey!

7.9 this morning with the flattest line ever. 94% TIR.

Napoleon was verrreeee long. He didn't come across as a very likeable character, but I suppose that's true to life. The actor who plays him does so without a hint of a smile ever. He claims that Josephine is the love of his life, but he's actually quite nasty to her at times, humiliating her in public and physically slapping her around. The battle scenes were quite spectacular though. @zippyjojo what was your old village? Hubby used to live up there before I met him.

God love me, there's still half a chicken pie to eat up... that'll be 4 nights in a row eating chicken. I can't face it! Off to the physio this morning and grocery shop afterwards, so I think I'll get a gammon for tonight and have a break. The chicken can do for tomorrow when I shan't have a lot of time to cook.

Congratulations to @eggyg (well done on 2 mornings running) and @Carlos on the HSs. The Unicorn in the bathroom is very peculiar, it appears to have 3 forelegs!

Have a good day all.
I’ve been for my osteopath appointment, I’ve had manipulation, a bit more vigorous than Monday, acupuncture and a sacrum toggle. She’s warned me I will be stiff for a day or two. Then back next Thursday at 8.30am for a final pummelling before my hols on Friday. Came back to Mr Eggy cleaning the oven, top and bottom, he’s had the doors off and all the glass. Maybe I need to have a bad back more often! ( Im joking, I’d rather have a filthy oven).
PS. I've had jobs where we got paid early in Dec. That was mostly because the offices were closing down over Xmas until 2nd January.
I am lucky we still get paid on the normal day.
I’ve had jobs like that, it’s seems like a good idea at the time but it makes January a VERRRRY long month. I preferred just to get paid as normal as I did with my last job.
I agree. In Spain they talk about "January's hill" to refer to the struggles to get back on track after the festive season. I'm sure this early payday makes that hill harder for many people...
It was 8.9 for me this morning after a 1 unit reduction in evening Levemir (down to 4) which clearly was still too much as I needed 5x 1 jelly babies overnight, so I definitely didn't over treat anything but then my levels headed skyward this morning. They do the same about 7pm, which has been a regular pattern since a couple of days before I got Covid symptoms and I need stacked corrections and trips up and down stairs to keep a lid on it. I took my evening Levemir early last night to see if that would help and no doubt that is why I was high this morning. It is probably because I am not doing my late night walks up the hill to sort the horses. Taking the car just doesn't work the same. Hopefully I will be back to yomping soon.

Many congrats to @Carlos and particularly @eggyg on 2 House Specials in a row and a unicorn! Go Girl for the hattrick!
@Pattidevans pleased it is not just me but I looked and looked at that picture and you really would think for that money they could get the basic physiology right.

Also many congrats to @Lily123 on a spectacular HbA1c result and obviously equally great TIR.
I'd be interested in your take on it if you do go to see it Colin
Possibly this weekend. Read a review that said they weren’t expecting it to be a comedy but they found Joaquim Phoenix’s absolutely deadpan delivery quite amusing at times.
They still gave it a solid 4* review.
Ridley Scott has said that the cinema version is the director’s cut and the version coming to Apple TV+ isn’t. He’s said that version is too long and that he was happy the cinema version is shorter. I think the streaming version clocks in at around 3 1/2 hours.