Group 7-day waking average?

@Martin.A why would the cold put people off swimming?
When I've parked the car, or got off the bus, and walked the rest of the way to the pool on a cold day (or a wet one, or both), I've often wondered whether I really wanted to be out & about for the sake of a swim. Often been tempted not to leave the house.
When I've parked the car, or got off the bus, and walked the rest of the way to the pool on a cold day (or a wet one, or both), I've often wondered whether I really wanted to be out & about for the sake of a swim. Often been tempted not to leave the house.
A quick slap around the chops with a cold wet flannel might suffice.
I accidentally made the most delicious soup for lunch.
Mushrooms (two big punnets full) were very past their best as was a single red onion. Shoved the whole lot into the blender raw and blitzed them up. Bit of olive oil as needed. Salt. Pepper. Dollop of butter as you do.
Half the resultant grey sludge in a spaceman with a scant cup of water and more seasoning. Bring up the simmer. Dash of cream to finish.
Sorry @ColinUK but the idea of you somehow capturing a spaceman, opening his visor and pouring grey sludge in just warranted a giggle! Pleased you enjoyed the soup! Gotta love predictive text!
@Grannylorraine and @Pattidevans i shall certainly be doing my best to keep it up! I'm quite enjoying the quiet time in the car with a book.
Well done @freesia. Certainly not worth working extra time (for free) in a job that's making you so stressed.

It's hard to say no and stand up for yourself but you have to. I should apply that too!
Good evening everyone! Well, not sure if is evening already but is getting dark so I'll go with it. I had a 4'8 this morning, similar to yesterday.

The past two days at work have been not particularly stressful, but very long. Also, new manager got sacked after barely one month of work. There goes the hope of having his help at Christmas... As much as I love the festive season, it can be very hard when you work in hospitality. The hotel gets very busy and like @freesia @Grannylorraine and many others, we suffer the effects of short staffing.

Today I'm off and that's convenient because I had a very sore throat yesterday and my voice got totally F'd up, so I decided to spend the whole day at home, relax and not speak with anyone if possible. I finished Project Overbed and cleaned the room a bit, the heating should start working soon so I am waiting for the bathroom to get a bit warmer before I take a shower. Then probably watch some Netflix, I recently found out not one, but 3 series I enjoyed had a season I haven't watched yet 😱 Plus the Philomena Cunk mockumentary, that's pretty funny. Now I don't know where to start. I don't watch Netflix that often, some months I wonder why I'm still paying!
Morning all and 4.6 for me.

It's official, Portland Oregon is my favourite place on the planet. Last night's gig was in a proper old school goth/ deathrock venue called the Coffin Club.

Happy thanksgiving folks.
I lived in Hillsboro, outside Portland, for a little over a year and loved that part of the world. Definitely my favourite work assignment in the US. Be careful of the brewery beer, though - it can sneak up on you :rofl:
@ColinUK when I was in school (about 9 years old) they had a swimming match in February in an out door, unheated pool on a cold day. It was dreadful. I only had to swim 2 lengths. Most of the swimmers came out blue!!! Amazingly no one died from cold shock. The initial dive into the very cold water was the worst bit, as was the swimming and getting out into the cold outdoors.

Why did they allow such torture?
@ColinUK when I was in school (about 9 years old) they had a swimming match in February in an out door, unheated pool on a cold day. It was dreadful. I only had to swim 2 lengths. Most of the swimmers came out blue!!! Amazingly no one died from cold shock. The initial dive into the very cold water was the worst bit, as was the swimming and getting out into the cold outdoors.

Why did they allow duch torture?
Reminds me of rugby once. It was so cold that the individual blades of frozen grass were like little daggers that were designed to peel the skin from any limb that came into contact with them.

Then again that beats the time we did javelin whilst another class were teeing up to play golf just a little bit below us on the hill we were standing atop... It wasn't pretty. It was the last time the school did javelin.
In the same school we had a matron who made Rambo look like a real wimp!!

She forced me to eat egg whites at breakfast. Not so bad I hear you say. Well the mere smell of them made me retch. Eating them was a guaranteed result. Not pretty. And yet she forced me to sit in the dining hall, by myself until I ate them. This happened on a regular basis.

I still cannot face egg whites and I don't think it did me any good at all.
I accidentally made the most delicious soup for lunch.
Mushrooms (two big punnets full) were very past their best as was a single red onion. Shoved the whole lot into the blender raw and blitzed them up. Bit of olive oil as needed. Salt. Pepper. Dollop of butter as you do.
Half the resultant grey sludge in a spaceman with a scant cup of water and more seasoning. Bring up the simmer. Dash of cream to finish.
I never quite get the texture of mushroom soup right, it always seems to split and is very grainy.
I might give it another go as we love mushroom soup.
Morning all - what a grey day, but at least it's not raining - at the moment anyway.

7.1 this morning. Didn't have time to turn the laptop on yesterday, but yesterday's FBG was 8.9 which heralded an awful day BG wise. Went to my friend's for lunch (Covent Garden soup, French bread, smoked salmon with blinis, cheese and more bread and lemon tart.) I kept on doing corrections but BG stubbornly rose to 20.6. Rushed home at 4:30 and changed my pod, which was due anyway. Met friends in the pub as per normal on a Wednesday and came home for dinner. As I was still 15.6 I just had a slice of chicken with gravy for dinner. So I am pleased to be back to a reasonable figure this morning. That's ruined my TIR.

Off to see Napoleon this afternoon. Julian is really keen to see it. I hope it's good! Chicken pie this evening - that chicken is going a long way!

@Grannylorraine the "love" was for the way you are sticking up for yourself, not for the way you feel physically - I am sending a hug for that.

@freesia glad to hear you had a better day yesterday and please continue doing what you are doing. FWIW I know how it feels to be so stressed out with work. It's blooming awful. In the job before my last I walked out of a meeting in tears, got signed off sick by the GP and I never actually went back as a previous manager offered me a job where she had gone. So you and @Grannylorraine have my complete sympathy.

@eggyg, @Barrowman and @everydayupsanddowns congratulations on your HSs.

@eggyg fingers crossed your back pain subsides.

Have a good day all.
Napoleon’s battle scenes with the horses was filmed above our old village on the Berkshire Downs. It was great fun going up with our binoculars and spying on them which we did most days for 4 or 5 weeks
@eggyg I drove past the McVities factory today with the Carr water biscuits up on the wall! Such a funny coincidence after all our chat on water biscuits IMG_7193.jpeg
@eggyg I drove past the McVities factory today with the Carr water biscuits up on the wall! Such a funny coincidence after all our chat on water biscuits View attachment 28290
You guys inspired me to have cheese, cold meats and crackers for dinner today! Well, this and the fact of having a new and exciting box of assorted crackers, and not feeling like cooking, and the fridge not being very full ... :D