Group 7-day waking average?

3.6 first time around at around 1am, couldn't get back to sleep for hours
been back to bed for another few hours and a more respectable 6.2
Also lost my poor sensor to doorframe yesterday 🙄

Anyway onwards today!
Plenty of folks needing a hug today so I will just leave a pile right here to help yourself to as many as you need [HUGS]
Good morning, 4.9 and learning how to use left hand as I broke my right wrist. I can just about put a meal together but washing up is difficult. The joys of living alone!
I wish you all a good day.
When I did that fortunately I had help at home but the most difficult thing was pulling my trousers up and putting underwear on. I bought an arm sleeve to cover the plaster in the shower which worked well.
Well it's 9.7 I'm probably not having breakfast today to see what happens. It's not following proper background tests because I am a bit coldly and have got pain and other stuff going on(if certain pain doesn't go away soon by next week I might have to have to go to doctors again because I can't help but wonder if that along with other stuff is a sign of yet another infection). So I'm away I may need to repeat when nothings going to interafire but it will still give an idea of what do about adjusting for tomorrow when I'm elfing again. though I may decide letter that maybe I better eat something due to certain stuff.
Well this is the result of not eating breakfast I'm looking from around 8 this morning


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Good afternoon! Boris is sleeping in his hidey hole. A late posting today as I had to be ready early for Patient Transport that came after my appointment time!

Please with a 4.5 this morning as yesterday afternoon had a pain spike. I was using my prosthetic and stepping sideways when my knee started to give in the varus-valgus plane (side to side). Luckily I managed to get back to the wheelchair before falling. The knee was agony but then the old phantom pain cut in feeling like the top of the foot was burning. Lost about three hours!
Thank you everyone for your support today. It means a lot. I stayed in my car today until 5 mins before start time then went in. I also spoke to management but we'll see how it all goes. I've done what i've been asked to do and things i should be doing on a daily basis (but haven't the last two days for one reason or another) i've kept a note of why its not been done to show the reason. Today was a better day and it helped having had a moan yeaterday and you reading/listening.

@Grannylorraine well done on the weight loss. I'm definitely taking a leaf out of your book and standing up for myself more.

@eggyg it sounds like the pain is easing. I would definitely play on it and let Mr Eggy do the bathroom though.

@rebrascora 98% TIR while your ill?!! Thats amazing! Well done!

@TinaD i shall be sitting in the car again tomorrow until 9. I might take a coffee with me while i read as well.
Morning all and it was 6.4 for me.

A great show last night. Surprisingly busy for a damp Tuesday in Seattle. Those of a certain age may have recognised one member of the audience. Lene Lovich cane to the show, which was nice.

Next stop Portland.

Have a good day everyone..
Good morning from Boris and me! A 7.3 today.

Back to Ophthalmology just after lunch (hopefully transport will be more on time than yesterday) to complete what was not completed a month ago. They said they would have me back in a week but these things never happen these days!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Hopefully my friend will turn up today after being away for 2 weeks in Uganda. Hopefully he will turn up for tea tonight.

I have to do lots of practice today, which I will enjoy, but before that I have to 'discover' the chords and notes for a couple of the songs which can be quite a lot of work. I will do a tiny amount of exercise later. Mind you I did 150 minutes walking yesterday going to my eye appointment. Amazingly, my wife, having said she would not come along, surprised me and did so. A great walk it was too. To our shame after the appointment we went to McDonalds and had some chicken nuggets. They were great as a treat!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all and a surprise 5.2! Woke to a 4.7 on my Libre, no chance that’s right I said, although I could see I’d skimmed the bottom of the graph most of the night, checked on the meter and there it was, that special little number so I’m taking it!

That’s the good news, now for the bad news, peas are back out the freezer this morning. Thought I’d done well yesterday, didn’t go shopping as I thought it would be too much, but I did make a curry. It was a total of about 40 minutes chopping and stirring, agony ensued, so I rested the rest of the afternoon watching rubbish on the telly and reading my book. Have woke a few times through the night and back has twinged. At least I know I’ve an appointment first thing tomorrow morning.

Have a good day all.


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Morning all. 12.3. My TIR is taking a battering this week!

Congrats on the HS @eggyg. I hope the pain eases off a bit for you.
Morning it was 11.8 i had had a biscuit after going low(this one I didn't end up double chrcking I had forgotten where my metter was) I did see I was going high and thought In check in s bit athpigh guess I didn't. athough the rise us happens quite a bit after.(I had gone up to 14) I had the biscuit. I was going to take half a unit of my livermer this morning due to droping yesterday without brackfast and then again when lunch had worn off and I'm working today. Bur now I'm not so sure. Maybe we'll see. I'm still not feeling quite I've over corrected though. As I'm now 6.3 with an arrow down.
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Morning all. 🙂 A cute little 6.0 for me.

Well, I tried to have a lie-in this morning, but woke up at 6.15 with a head full of lesson plans! :confused::rofl:Got my eye screening this afternoon, paid for by me of course since the NHS in Wales have switched to doing them every two years for some patients, isnit.🙄

Happy Thursday folks.
Good morning - 5.8

On Tuesday I went for my diabetic and blood pressure check and all was fine.
I also was given the 'flu and covid vaccinations and . as usual following those injections. my reading on Wednesday was high at13.8. Last year both were in one jab but this year it was 2, one in each arm. The weather is getting colder, only 2 degrees right now.
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Morning all - 7.8 this morning which I'm really pleased with except that my Libre said 9.8 - which do I believe? Tomorrow is the last day of the Libre so do they start playing up near the end? I had netball again last night which was such fun and I picked up 3 lovely ladies from the village just below us and gave them a lift so it's so lovely that I'm starting to meet some people having lived up here for nearly 9 months (I've our immediate neighbours from the few houses and farms up here and they're all lovely). I twinged my piriformis in the warm up (which I did last week too) and it did hinder me quite a bit and is very sore now - It's a hard one to stretch but I must keep trying as really want to do netball again next week. I'm just waiting until I inevitably sprain my ankle but am keeping quite well away from people and not being very serious with my marking as it's SO easy to fall over or tread on people :rofl: Hospital driving today and unfortunately I'm already seeing problems - My first two pickups are after I'm even due to have left home - I rang control and queried this and the response was that every patient is aware they might need to wait up to 1½ hours after their appointment - which would then have a knock on effect for my lunchtime pickup who I know is a dialysis patient who will have been collected this morning at 06.45am and will just want to get home. I'm going to come to a compromise and leave earlier than they said but I'll still get there a bit late - all very well but I know it will be me that gets moaned at :( Anyway - have a good day everyone.