Group 7-day waking average?

And it’s a 4.8 for me this fine morning.
Good morning. 5.7

Quite nippy this morning.

The NHS was struggling yesterday. Hospital was heaving, car park over-flowing, so I was not surprised, if unhappy, to find I had to park a long way from cardio-respiratory and climb 2 long flights of concrete stairs between the carparks. Clinic was running an hour and a half late so getting up at 6.30 for my 9.30 appointment began to feel a bit of a waste of effort by 11 a.m. Ordered to chest x-ray and a change of inhaler. Back down the carpark steps to an unventilated x-ray suite which was stowed out - at least 50 people and all chairs full. I hastily ascertained that their quietest time was after 5 p.m. and headed for Aldi and home. Sorted my multipacks into single servings, quartered 6 chickens, packed freezer, mucked out pony, fed dog, ate "tunch" and back in the car. Very few waiting patients but almost no staff so an hours wait, a hasty X-ray, and back home. 64 miles driving all told - you townies don't know you're born.

Still can't complain - I got lots of exercise. Not just the steps but the marathon from main entrance to x-ray twice - I think the morgue must be nearer. And also some amusement spotting the obese. Around 20% of patients, slightly lower percentage of staff, although one did win the prize. She must have been almost a metre in diameter and was causing as much disruption to flow in the corridor as an HGV in a carpark. I felt quite svelte by comparison.

Hope everyone has a good day, that we have a ceasefire in Gaza, and that we all get a financial benefit from the Autumn Statement (although the last seems pretty unlikely).
@Grannylorraine congrats on the HS. The pie looks amazing.

@eggyg and @rebrascora i hope you both continue to feel better.

Currently battling high levels (17s) caused by extreme stress at work today. I walked out in tears tonight and met a friend. I'm dreading tomorrow.
Large digital hug. I hope you have a better day today. Your firm's management needs a good kick up the bottom. They need to recruit more staff instead of dumping on good, experienced people like you. Suggestions that you are on the dot rather than early make sense as lessening chance of people dropping extra work on to your already heavy load.
Morning all - 8.3 this morning which is the lowest I've been in a long while. A combination of the 10 units of Lantus but also knowing I'm going to be taking that and having the sensor has definitely stopped my carb snacking. I was ravenous at bedtime so I had some slices of ham and a chunk of cheese which did me better than crisps & biscuits. Only 3 days left of my Libre but nurse calling me tomorrow so hopefully she might suggest I pop in and pick up the other one she'd quietly mentioned. She's so lovely and I'm very pleased to have moved up here and got into such a good practice. She even commented on the phone, when she rang me yesterday to see how my first night with the insulin had gone, that she'd made the SP, BNS, beetroot & feta bake that I mentioned to her last week and how delicious it was. Have a good day everyone. I've got my horticulture course today so far only one raindrop showing on the weather forecast so you never know, we might have a dry session which will definitely make a change. Plant ID test on weeds which I feel semi-confident about but for some reason keep getting stuck on Dockweed (Rumex Obtusifolius) - can't think why :rofl:
Morning good folks. 6.4, it’s damp but very mild for the time of year.

I am not sitting with a bag of peas placed against my buttocks. I’ll take that as a win. I feel a bit stiff, as if I’ve been for a very long walk but, fingers crossed, no pain as such. I pootled about a bit yesterday, filled the bird feeders, put a bit of laundry away, watched Mr Eggy fight with the cobwebs in the dining room and win. I must say he doesn’t do the cleaning very often, but when he does it’s not a quick flick with the duster and a Hoover round, he really goes to town, moving furniture, cleaning skirting boards, mopping the floors and tops of things get a going over too. I’m tempted to pretend my back is still in agony and he might do the bathroom next! 😉

We’re going shopping today for food and drink for our dinner party on Saturday, I also need to pick up a LeMieux gilet from the local equestrian shop for our 11 year old granddaughter, this was on her Christmas list. Wow! These things aren’t cheap especially as she’s just gone into a ladies size 6, she’s tall for her age. It’s an expensive hobby riding, as I’m sure @Robin @TinaD and @rebrascora know. At least she can pass it down to her little sister, I like to get my money’s worth!

@TinaD I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed for a ceasefire and the release of the hostages, I’m also not too hopeful of a good budget. More for the rich and less for the poor is the expectation.
@freesia it must be awful feeling like that all the time, stick to your guns like @Grannylorraine and just work the hours you’re contracted. Good luck today. Big hugs.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Strangely when I get to sounds and alarm tone I just see custom & standard but I can't actually go anywhere from there. I wonder whether it's because I'm on the free trial?
Same here - the app software doesn’t let you choose anything other than custom or standard and they’re both pretty much an annoying beeping.
Well it's 9.7 I'm probably not having breakfast today to see what happens. It's not following proper background tests because I am a bit coldly and have got pain and other stuff going on(if certain pain doesn't go away soon by next week I might have to have to go to doctors again because I can't help but wonder if that along with other stuff is a sign of yet another infection). So I'm away I may need to repeat when nothings going to interafire but it will still give an idea of what do about adjusting for tomorrow when I'm elfing again. though I may decide letter that maybe I better eat something due to certain stuff.
Good morning 7.1 today it’s been a busy few days
so much going on at the moment
and work is slight stressful but everything’s good really
Morning all - 8.3 this morning which is the lowest I've been in a long while. A combination of the 10 units of Lantus but also knowing I'm going to be taking that and having the sensor has definitely stopped my carb snacking. I was ravenous at bedtime so I had some slices of ham and a chunk of cheese which did me better than crisps & biscuits. Only 3 days left of my Libre but nurse calling me tomorrow so hopefully she might suggest I pop in and pick up the other one she'd quietly mentioned. She's so lovely and I'm very pleased to have moved up here and got into such a good practice. She even commented on the phone, when she rang me yesterday to see how my first night with the insulin had gone, that she'd made the SP, BNS, beetroot & feta bake that I mentioned to her last week and how delicious it was. Have a good day everyone. I've got my horticulture course today so far only one raindrop showing on the weather forecast so you never know, we might have a dry session which will definitely make a change. Plant ID test on weeds which I feel semi-confident about but for some reason keep getting stuck on Dockweed (Rumex Obtusifolius) - can't think why :rofl:
When I started on insulin I started eating better as I felt I should. It’s odd isn’t it? Well done anyways, good old cheese and ham when you’re peckish, can’t beat it. Have you tried Carrs Water Biscuits, the regular ones not the giant cheesy ones? They’re only 2.5 grams of carbs each, perfect accompaniment to your cheeses and ham, and guilt free even if you eat four.
Good luck on the weed test.
A nice round 4.0 for me this morning.

Plans to rearrange the living room are building, starting to get some cables, etc. to move things and we have 3 carpenters coming the next 3 nights to quote for the built in media wall (or whatever you want to call it). Would love to do it myself, but feel my carpentry skills aren’t quite up to it, but at least we can design it ourselves and get exactly what we want to fit in the available space. Dreading to see how expensive it will be though!

@freesia - so sorry you are being put upon at work and getting so stressed. I hope you can take a stand and just work your contracted hours and not feel obliged to take on more. Easy to say as I know it can be difficult to say no to people.

@rebrascora - hoping you are ok and feeling better.

@eggyg - glad to hear you are in less pain and on the mend.

Take care everyone, have a good day!
A 5.6 for me today. 🙄
A lot less colder than the previous few days.

Morning all

5.1, so just a whisker away to day, lost 2 1/2 lbs at weigh in, got my club 10, in a lower stone and 5 1/2lbs from target. I did work late yesterday, but I told them I would be out for an hour as I wasn’t going to miss my weigh in, especially as I have finished the course that was free to me as I was referred by a nurse, and I am now paying. Same today I will work late, but I am going running, so I will work until 6.45 and then from 8 to 8.30, and I made it very clear and I no longer ask them if that is ok, I tell them what I am prepared to do. I also when. Asked to do extra stuff pointed out I was already doing 2 peoples work and I could add it to my to do list and might get it done next week, suddenly they were able to do it themselves.

@freesia - so sorry to hear you are stressed with your work, I agree don’t go in early, even if it means sitting in your car or a nearby coffee shop/cafe until time to go in. Also I know it is hard, and has taken me months of CBT sessions and zoom calls to get to a place where I will stand up for myself, but try to be firm with say no if your workload is too much, and if you need to, take time off and speak to your GP, as you sound like I was, feeling sick about work, goes beyond stress, as it starting to make you feel anxious and possibly even depressed.

@ColinUK - I have been to the cake and bake show a couple of times, an ok show but much Preferred Cake International, but sadly they no longer have a London show, although their Nov show at NEC is their flagship show. I no longer go to Cake International every year now, because of the cost of travel, hotel and simply having no self control with buying stuff I don’t actually need while I am there , but enjoy if you do go.
5.1 on a rather chilly Berkshire morning, but at least it's dry. Our plumber's here and currently taking out our downstairs toilet so he can seal the floor before tiling it. Bought the tiles yesterday. Pleased we're getting it done at last as we've been thinking about it for ages, and since the toilet won't flush anymore it seemed as good a time as any to bite the bullet and get on with it.

@rebrascora hope you're feeling better this morning, Barbara

Midweek washday otherwise no special plans. Hope everyone's day goes well.
Strangely when I get to sounds and alarm tone I just see custom & standard but I can't actually go anywhere from there. I wonder whether it's because I'm on the free trial?
I doubt it, but I guess you have a different version of the app to me.

Have you tried clicking on “custom” or “standard” to see if anything pops up? They don’t look like buttons, but try it.
6.3 for me this morning and with my increased insulin my levels are behaving pretty well apart from in the evening when I have to stack a couple of corrections which seems to be a pattern. I am feeling well enough to walk up and down stairs 10x but it is having no effect on my levels even with stacked corrections and my lungs complaining and muscles burning, so my body is still needing a lot more insulin than I would like. I am up to 98% TIR for the last 7 days though, so feel like I am managing illness well, just a little apprehensive about when the increased doses become too much. Like, am I going to drop off a cliff edge??
Disappointed to report I have lost my sense of smell in the last couple of days. I tested it with my spice rack last night and I couldn't even smell the ground cloves and my taste is definitely a bit numb, so looking for spices and pickles all the time to jazz up my food. Really hope it isn't permanent and that my taste doesn't totally go. Other than that I am definitely getting better, thanks for all your well wishes.

Many congratulations to @Grannylorraine on your weight loss.
Hope you are having a less fraught day today @freesia but walk out if it gets too much!
6.3 for me this morning and with my increased insulin my levels are behaving pretty well apart from in the evening when I have to stack a couple of corrections which seems to be a pattern. I am feeling well enough to walk up and down stairs 10x but it is having no effect on my levels even with stacked corrections and my lungs complaining and muscles burning, so my body is still needing a lot more insulin than I would like. I am up to 98% TIR for the last 7 days though, so feel like I am managing illness well, just a little apprehensive about when the increased doses become too much. Like, am I going to drop off a cliff edge??
Disappointed to report I have lost my sense of smell in the last couple of days. I tested it with my spice rack last night and I couldn't even smell the ground cloves and my taste is definitely a bit numb, so looking for spices and pickles all the time to jazz up my food. Really hope it isn't permanent and that my taste doesn't totally go. Other than that I am definitely getting better, thanks for all your well wishes.

Many congratulations to @Grannylorraine on your weight loss.
Hope you are having a less fraught day today @freesia but walk out if it gets too much!
Sorry you lost your smell when I assumed I had COVID in the summer because I had lost my taste along with the flu like symptoms (I couldn't test because I can't afford to keep tests around now there not free) it did come back so shouldnt be permanent I'm away of that others have different experiences though. Hope things return for you.