Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.6.

Siting with the frozen peas at the moment. As expected it has to get worse before it gets better but I managed without painkillers yesterday from mid morning up to bedtime yesterday. But I must say after my morning routine I’m not crying today. As Professor Brian Cox once sang, “Things can only get better!” Or did he? Do drummers in bands sing, or just drum? :confused:

After a discussion last night with Mr Eggy, it’s been decided I have another rest day before I even think about prepping for our dinner party. So I’ll catch up with I’m a Celeb, I haven’t seen any yet. I’m not a super fan, I usually just dip in and out when I can, but local girl Grace Dent is on this year so I can’t miss that.

Sorry to hear you’ve succumbed to the dreaded Covid @rebrascora glad to hear you’re over the worst.
@zippyjojo mime is just set at 3.9 so I’ve never adjusted it but just go to the home page on the app, your name will be at the top. Go to alarms and then Low Glucose Alarm it should say on, you can change it there. Whilst you’re there, knock off signal loss alarm if it’s activated, you don’t need it, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. I think that might be the high pitched noise you’re describing. Drives everyone mad!

Have a good day folks.
There are many incidences of drummers singing, Ringo, Karen Carpenter and Keith Moon for starters...

5.2 today, so pleased to get a HS, yesterday was stressful and incredibly busy as my colleague has covid and is very unwell, I was unable to work late as mum and I were going to BakeClub and it was the last one of the year, and I wasn’t going to cancel taking mum out to something I had had on my calendar for best part of a year, we already have most of the dates for next year now. Work were not impressed that I couldn’t stay late, but the pay me from 8.30 to 5pm, doesn’t mean they own me.

Weigh day today, hoping for more than 1/2lb especially as I had a very boring tea of grilled salmon and steamed spring veg, didn’t have time to prep anything more exciting as I didn’t take a lunch break and that is when I would have prepped my dinner to take to with me to BakeClub.

@rebrascora - sorry to hear you have Covid hope you are feeling better soon.

@eggyg - pleased to hear you got an appointment yesterday, hope you start feeling the benefit soon.

Below is my hastily amended apple and blackberry pie, after my green Christmas trees looked like I had just thrown clumped together spinach on it.

As you can see, I haven’t set my meter up with date and time, but it was today.


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Morning All. Well that was a bit of an anti-climax. I haven't really seen any difference in my BG overnight from having 10 units of Lantus at 10pm (is that a tiny amount?) but my reading first thing was 10.1 so slightly down on the previous few days. The Libre is reading a tiny bit higher than a finger-prick so I wonder if it's because it's getting close to the end of the two weeks? Today I'm taking my Mum off to the bank to move some money (she could do it on her own but likes me with her even though that sets their hackles up and they suspect I've fraudulently dragged her in to move money (into HER account!)) :rofl: Then we're off to Carlisle or thereabouts to look for a new artificial Christmas tree for her as she got rid of hers when she moved up here. I've got to learn my 10 plants for my plant ID test at college tomorrow. This week it's weeds and I'm finding them quite hard. Why on earth does ground elder deserve such a posh botanical name (that sounds like a spell in Harry Potter) Aegopodium podograria o_O

@eggyg I'm so pleased that your session with the osteopath was successful and that you've got a few more lined up.

@Grannylorraine Good for you sticking to your guns and going to Bake Club with your Mum - your cake looks fantastic

Have a great day everyone and thanks for answering my questions yesterday - I've a feeling I'll have more ...
Then we're off to Carlisle or thereabouts to look for a new artificial Christmas tree for her as she got rid of hers when she moved up here.
Stay on the M6 until junction 44 and go to Houghton Hall. They’ll have some. They also have a fab greengrocers at the front door. All sorts of lovely stuff. Or there’s Dobbies on the A595 heading out of Carlisle towards Wigton. Not as big as Houghton Hall but worth a look. They’ve both got nice cafes. There’s nothing in town.
Well done @Grannylorraine on your 5.2. A 6.0 for me fter another restless night with a some sort of tummy bug.

5.3 this morning. Got a 4.7 when I tested, which seemed unnaturally low, so switched hands and did another test and got 5.9, so decided to add them together and divide by two. Me being me I decided to do a third finger and it was 5.4, so enough finger-pricking - 5.3 it is then.

Swim day so off to the pool later, and with our eldest WFH I have a car. It's so mild though, when you think it's December next week, that it wouldn't have been a big deal if I'd had to take the bus.

Off to buy some floor tiles for our downstairs loo later. We've been thinking about getting rid of the current floor covering for a while but we now have a broken flush in there so we've decided we might as well replace the whole toilet and get the floor tiled before the new one goes in. Our plumber's here tomorrow to get started.

@rebrascora - so sorry to hear you have Covid. When I had it I only had a couple of rough days so hopefully you'll be over it as quickly. The most annoying thing was feeling back to normal but still testing positive for a few days.

@eggyg - glad to hear things have got better for you

@Grannylorraine - an HS, congrats!

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
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7.3 for me this morning and definitely feel like I am over the worst. Thanks for all the good wishes.
Congrats to @Grannylorraine on your House Special again this morning and well done for sticking to your guns and going to Bake Club! Wow! That pie looks so professional! Really impressive.
@eggyg Hope having another day of rest helps and you are fit enough to manage your dinner party.
Stay on the M6 until junction 44 and go to Houghton Hall. They’ll have some. They also have a fab greengrocers at the front door. All sorts of lovely stuff. Or there’s Dobbies on the A595 heading out of Carlisle towards Wigton. Not as big as Houghton Hall but worth a look. They’ve both got nice cafes. There’s nothing in town.
Yes that's where we're heading Mum's been to Dobbies before and I've bent Houghton Hall. Think we'll go to Dobbies first ...
It’s difficult to plan for exercise so unless you’re planning on doing the Ullswater Way anytime soon I wouldn’t get too concerned about it. As you’re just on basal at the moment and it’s dark at 4 o’clock I don’t think you need to worry just yet. You’ll be an expert by the time the light nights are back!
Glycogen is meant to be for emergencies ie you’re unconscious snd someone else administrates it. Mine’s four years out of date! I’m not a lover of JBs I do use them if needed but I prefer Kendal Mint Cake. Luckily I don’t get many hypos. If you get the Libre on prescription or self fund you would get alarms through the night or you could set an alarm if neither of the above and check to see how things are going. Keep your chosen hypo treatments by your bed and your meter to double check before you gobble down sugary treats! Take one day at a time, they will all be different. But we’re all still here for you for any questions you have, remember nothing is too daft.

I think @zippyjojo has Glucogel not Glycogen. It’s basically a little tube full of pure glucose gel. I’ve had it, it didn’t taste of anything much, just very sweet, but it’s very easy to have too much of it. I think @eggyg you are thinking of the kit that someone has to mix up and inject into you. I’ve never had any of that.

I personally prefer Dextro tablets rather than jelly babies. The glucose is quicker acting. I have a tendency to overdo jelly babies as they don’t act fast enough fir me. A Dextro tab followed by half a biscuit is enough, but that’s since I have caught hypos before they really happen since having Libre. I do recall some of the frightening early ones that I would over-treat. Better than the alternative though.
Morning all

And it was a 4.9 for me earlier on a very damp one with a fine drizzle in the air.
Morning all - well it is just morning still. Bit mixed today, some blue and some grey sky. What's new?

5.9 this morning.

Had a good laugh over supper with our friends last night. Set the world to rights. They left at a reasonable hour, so why did we decide to sit and watch TV until the early hours?

Not doing much today, except it's linen change day and I'm roasting a chicken for dinner. Plenty of left-over potatoes/sprouts and runner beans to have with it, so minimal effort except for shoving garlic and herb butter under the skin and half a lemon up it's bum!

Glad to hear both @eggyg and @rebrascora are feeling a little tiny bit better today.

@Grannylorraine your pie looks gorgeous and good for you leaving work on time to attend a long-arranged date with your mum to go to Bake Club! Congratulations on your HS!

Have a good day all...
I think @zippyjojo has Glucogel not Glycogen. It’s basically a little tube full of pure glucose gel. I’ve had it, it didn’t taste of anything much, just very sweet, but it’s very easy to have too much of it. I think @eggyg you are thinking of the kit that someone has to mix up and inject into you. I’ve never had any of that.

I personally prefer Dextro tablets rather than jelly babies. The glucose is quicker acting. I have a tendency to overdo jelly babies as they don’t act fast enough fir me. A Dextro tab followed by half a biscuit is enough, but that’s since I have caught hypos before they really happen since having Libre. I do recall some of the frightening early ones that I would over-treat. Better than the alternative though.
Oops! Shoulda went to Specsavers!
5.7 after a tea of a nice homemade daal that seemed to keep me up in the sixes for quite some time!